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Paint Layers window menu

Items available from the Paint Layers window () menu.

New Layer

Creates a new layer directly above the selected layer.

Delete Selected

Deletes the selected layer.

Duplicate Selected

Makes an identical copy of the selected layer. The duplicate layer is inserted directly above the selected layer.

Refresh Selected

Updates the information on the selected paint layer to take into account edits/updates that have occurred to the texture image outside of Mudbox. For example, if an image is edited using Photoshop, then saved while that image is referenced in the current Mudbox working session, the paint layer associated with the edited image can be refreshed to bring those edits back. Whenever a paint layer is modified within Mudbox since the last file save, a warning message is displayed prior to executing the layer refresh to notify/prevent overwriting the unsaved paint edits.

Import Layer

Imports a bitmap image from disk and applies it to a paint layer.

Export Selected

Saves the selected layer as a bitmap image to disk. File formats include: png, bmp, tif, gif, jpg, tga, and OpenEXR.

Related topics

Create a new paint layer

Rename a paint layer

Duplicate a paint layer

Import a paint layer

Export a paint layer

Delete a sculpt layer