object Class Reference

Inherited by bool, float, int, list, long, FBBatchOptions, FBCharacterPoseOptions, FBColor, FBColorAndAlpha, FBConfigFile, FBConstraintInfo, FBDeviceNotifyInfo, FBEvaluateInfo, FBEvent, FBFCurveKey, FBFilterManager, FBMatrix, FBMultiLangManager, FBObjectPoseMirrorOptions, FBObjectPoseOptions, FBPlotOptions, FBPlug, FBPropertyAction, FBPropertyListAnimationNode, FBPropertyListBox, FBPropertyListComponent, FBPropertyListDeviceInstrument, FBPropertyListFCurveKey, FBPropertyListModel, FBPropertyListModelTemplate, FBPropertyListModelTemplateBinding, FBPropertyListMotionClip, FBPropertyListPivot, FBPropertyListStoryClip, FBPropertyListStoryDetails, FBPropertyListStoryFolder, FBPropertyListStorySubTrack, FBPropertyListStoryTrack, FBPropertyManager, FBRenderOptions, FBShaderManager, FBShaderModelInfo, FBSkeletonState, FBStringList, FBTime, FBTimeSpan, FBUndoManager, FBVideoCodecManager, FBViewingOptions, str, and tuple.
object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object object

Detailed Description

Python built-in object class.

The object class is the base class of all the objects in Python. For further information on this class, please consult http://docs.python.org/lib/builtin.html

Generated on Tue Feb 9 19:33:57 2010 for Python Reference Guide by  doxygen 1.5.3