Set fluid output mesh properties

You can set your output mesh properties, such as generating per vertex data or mesh resolution before or after you convert your fluid object to a mesh.

To set fluid output mesh properties

  1. Select the fluid container.
  2. In the Attribute Editor, click the fluidShape tab.
  3. In the Output Mesh section, do the following:
    • To set the size of the polygons in the fluid output mesh, set Mesh Resolution. See Mesh Resolution.
    • To generate per-vertex shading data, turn on one of more of the following attributes: Color Per Vertex, Opacity Per Vertex, and Incandescence Per Vertex. See Color Per Vertex, Opacity Per Vertex, and Incandescence Per Vertex.
    • To generate per-vertex velocity data for motion blur, turn on Velocity Per Vertex. See Velocity Per Vertex.
    • To make the normals on a fluid output mesh smoother, turn on Use Gradient Normals. See Use Gradient Normals.
    • To generate a UVs for texture mapping, turn on Uvw Per Vertex. This creates a UV set and the UVW color set.
      NoteIf the Coordinate Method is set to Grid (Textures section of the FluidShape node), the UVW values move with the flow of the fluid. Otherwise, they are like a fixed project based on the fluid bounds.
      See Uvw Per Vertex.