Part 4: Creating the connecting cable

In this section, you will create part of the cable that connects the joystick to the computer.

Opening the tutorial file (optional)

If you successfully completed Part 3, you can proceed directly to the next step, Create the cable path curve.

If you were not successful in part 3, open the file called joystick_part4.wire, located in the wire directory of the CourseWare project. This file contains the completed model from Part 3.

Watch Part 4 of the tutorial.

Create the cable path curve

  1. Choose Layouts > Left or F5 to maximize the Top view.

    You will create the cable on the left of the joystick, so you will modify the view to give you more space.

  2. Hold the and (Windows) or and (Mac) keys down and use the to zoom out of the view. With the and (Windows) or and (Mac) keys still held down, use the to pan the view, so there is some free space to the left of the joystick.

  3. Choose Curves > New Curves > New Edit Point Curve .
  4. Hold the (Windows) or (Mac) key down to turn grid snapping on, and click on the grid intersection at the left side of the base.

    The first CV of the curve is created.

  5. Click and drag the to position the second CV to the left of the first.

    Release the mouse button. The second CV is placed horizontally away from the first.

  6. Continue to place CVs, creating a wavy path for the cable.

Create the cable profile curve

Next, you will create a small circle for the cross-section profile of the cable.

  1. Choose Layouts > Left or F7 to maximize the Back view.

  2. Choose Curves > Primitives > Circle .
  3. Double-click the icon to open the option box.

    The current options have 9 sections which was set previously for the triangular shape. The default number of sections is 8 which creates a good general purpose circular shape.

    Click the Reset button at the bottom of the Circle Options box to reset the options to the default values. Press Go to create the circle.

  4. Hold down the (Windows) or (Mac) key to turn grid snapping on. Click near the origin in the Back window to place the circle at the center of the base.

    A small circle is placed at the origin. The CVs are highlighted in yellow and the manipulator is showing, but it won’t be used.

  5. Choose Layouts > Left or F6 to switch to the Left view.

    The circle is at the origin. Next, you will move the circle to the left edge of the joystick base, where the path curve begins.

  6. With the circle still selected, choose Transform > Move .
  7. Hold down the (Windows) or (Mac) key to turn on grid snapping. Click near the grid point where the path curve starts, being careful not to select any other geometry.

    The circle moves to the start of the path.

  8. Choose Pick > Nothing to deselect the circle.
  9. The circle and the start of the path curve need to move upwards, so the cable emerges from the middle of the base side wall.

  10. Choose Pick > Point Types > CV and drag a box around the circle CVs and the first two CVs on the path curve.

  11. Choose Transform > Move .
  12. Click and drag the to move the selected CVs upwards, so the circle sits in the middle of the sidewall of the base.

  13. Choose Pick > Nothing to deselect the CVs.
  14. Choose Layouts > Perspective or the F8 hotkey to switch to the perspective view.

    The small circle is at the start of the path curve, centered on the side wall of the base.

Create the cable surface

Next, you will create the extruded surface for the cable.

  1. Tumble the perspective view and zoom in to the area at the start of the cable. Hold down the and (Windows) or and (Mac) keys and use the to tumble the view, and the to zoom in.

    To create the cable surface, you will extrude the small circle along the path curve.

  2. Choose the Surfaces > Swept Surfaces > Extrude tool.
  3. You are prompted to select the curves to extrude. Click the circle to select it to be extruded.

    Select the Go button to choose the circle as the generation curve.

  4. You are prompted to select the extrude path. Click on the long wavy curve to select it as the path curve.

    The extruded surface is created.

  5. Choose Pick > Nothing to deselect the surface.
  6. Tumble and zoom out to view the cable surface.

Save your work

  1. Choose File > Save As to save the current scene.
  2. Save your work in the wire directory of the Lessons project.
  3. Name your file myjoystick4.wire.