ProBoolean/ProCutter Compound Objects

The ProBoolean and ProCutter compound objects provide you with modeling tools for combining 2D and 3D shapes in ways that would be difficult or impossible otherwise.

The ProBoolean compound object takes a 3ds Max mesh and adds extra intelligence to it prior to performing Boolean operations. First it combines the topologies, then it determines coplanar triangles and removes incident edges. The Booleans are then performed not on triangles but N-sided polygons. Once the Boolean operations are completed, the result is retriangulated and sent back into 3ds Max with coplanar edges hidden. The result of this extra work is twofold: The reliability of the Boolean object is extremely high, and the resulting output is much cleaner in terms of having fewer small edges and triangles.

Objects combined by using ProBoolean

Advantages of ProBoolean over the legacy 3ds Max Boolean compound object include:

In addition, ProCutter is an excellent tool for exploding, breaking apart, assembling, sectioning, or fitting together objects such as a 3D puzzle. See the following illustration for an example of a goblet shattering.

Shattering a glass by use of the ProCutter object

  • ProBoolean Compound Object

    A Boolean object combines two or more other objects by performing a Boolean operation or operations on them. ProBoolean adds a range of functionality to the traditional 3ds Max Boolean object, such as the ability to combine multiple objects at once, each using a different Boolean operation.

  • ProCutter Compound Object

    The ProCutter Compound object lets you perform specialized Boolean operations, primarily for the purpose of breaking apart or subdividing volumes.

  • Quad Meshing and Smoothing

    ProBoolean, ProCutter, and the Quadify Mesh modifier can re-mesh planar surfaces using a quadrilateral meshing algorithm. This capability, in combination with the subdivision surface tools in MeshSmooth, TurboSmooth, and Editable Poly, can produce dramatic results.