Working with Track View

Track View is the tool that you use to see a data-driven view of your scene and animation.

The standard views, such as Top, Front, User, and Camera, are geometry-driven views. These views display the surfaces of your objects and show them changing over time.

Track View displays the values and timing that produce the geometry and motion you see in standard views. Using Track View, you have very precise control over every aspect of your scene.

Track View has two modes: Curve Editor and Dope Sheet. The Curve Editor displays your animation as keys on function curves; editing the tangency of the keys allows control of the in-betweens. Dope Sheet displays your animation as keys and ranges on a box grid and allows you to adjust the timing of your motions.

Track View keys and curves can also be displayed in the track bar. The same Key properties dialogs available on Track View can also be found on the Motion panel as well.

For details about using Track View and editing animation, see the following:

Understanding Track View Concepts

The left side of Track View, called the Controller Window, presents a Hierarchy list of everything in your scene. Every object and environment effect appears in the list, along with its associated animatable parameters. Choose items from this list to apply changes to the animation values. Expand or collapse the list using manual navigation, or allow the Auto expand to determine the display in this window.

The right side of Track View, called the Key window, charts the changes applied to parameters over time. Any change you make to one of these parameters when the Auto Key button is on, appears as a key in the right side of Track View. Select keys to apply changes to one or more specific keys.

This section covers some of the editing functions you can use with Track View:

Copying and Pasting Items

Copying and Pasting Objects

Making Instance and Reference Controllers and Objects Unique