Crowd Helper Object
Command entry: Create panel (Helpers) Object Type rollout Crowd

The Crowd helper object acts as the command center for controlling crowd simulations in character studio. In most cases, you won't need more than one Crowd object per scene.

Crowd Behaviors

The Crowd object also lets you add behaviors to the scene, choose the current behavior from a list, and provides a rollout for modifying that behavior. Behaviors provided with character studio include:

Avoid Behavior

Orientation Behavior

Path Follow Behavior

Repel Behavior

Scripted Behavior

Seek Behavior

Space Warp Behavior

Speed Vary Behavior

Surface Arrive Behavior

Surface Follow Behavior

Wall Repel Behavior

Wall Seek Behavior

Wander Behavior

See Also
  • Setup Rollout

    The Setup rollout of the Crowd helper object contains controls for setting up crowd functions.

  • Behavior Rollouts

    The Behavior rollout appears on the Crowd object command panel after you first add a behavior to the scene using the Setup rollout.

  • Solve Rollout

    Once you've set up the crowd simulation, use this rollout to set solution parameters and to solve the simulation. You can solve continuously or a frame at a time, starting at any frame.

  • Priority Rollout

    The Crowd system uses the Priority rollout settings when solving a simulation involving bipeds associated with delegates.

  • Smoothing Rollout

    Smoothing works on existing animation keys (that is, a solved simulation) to create more natural-looking animation. Use these controls if solving a crowd simulation results in abrupt position or rotation changes of animated objects.

  • Collisions Rollout

    During a crowd simulation, you can use this rollout to keep track of collisions defined by Avoid behaviors. A delegate whose hard radius as defined by the Avoid behavior intersects with the hard radius of anything it is avoiding is marked as having collided at that frame. If too many collisions occur, the simulation might not provide satisfactory results; in such cases, you might want to alter the simulation setup.

  • Geometry Rollout

    Use this parameter to modify the crowd object's size.

  • Global Clip Controllers Rollout

    Use global clip controllers when assigning a non-biped animated object (such as a bird flapping its wings) to a delegate in a crowd simulation. Applications include synthesis of animation activity based on a variety of criteria, such as an object's speed, acceleration, and pitch.