

Object Hierarchy | Related C++ Class: ProxyParameter








A Proxy parameter acts as a clone of another parameter that is elsewhere in the scene. If you look in the Scene Explorer, you can identify the proxy parameters because they appear in italics. You can create a proxy parameter by calling CustomProperty.AddProxyParameter. The proxy parameter has the same range and UI range as the original parameter. It is possible to specify a new UI range by calling EditParameterDefinition but the actual range must not be changed.


AddCustomOp AddExpression AddFCurve AddFCurve2
AddScriptedOp AddScriptedOpFromFile AnimatedParameters Connect
ConnectFromFile ConnectFromFile2 ConnectFromPreset ConnectFromPreset2
ConnectFromProgID ConnectFromProgID2 Disconnect Enable operator
GetInstanceValue GetValue2 operator IsAnimated IsClassOf operator
IsEqualTo operator IsLocked operator IsSupportedInstanceValue PutValue2 operator
SetCapabilityFlag operator SetInstanceValue SetLock Show operator


Animatable operator Application Capabilities operator Categories
Default operator Description operator FullName operator HasInstanceValue
Help Keyable operator LockLevel operator LockType operator
Marked MasterParameter operator Max operator Min operator
Model Name operator NestedObjects Origin
OriginPath OriginalValue operator OverridenObject OverridingObject
Parameters operator Parent Parent3DObject ReadOnly operator
ScriptName operator Source Sources SuggestedMax operator
SuggestedMin operator Tags operator Type operator Value operator
ValueType operator      


VBScript Example

' Proxy Parameters are a useful way to centralize parameters from
' different objects on the same property, or even to build a simplified
' version of a property page.
' This example demonstrates creation of a custom property set
' that only shows a few items of the Shader that it controls,
' but maintains a pleasing layout.
g_Logic = _
"sub Enable_OnChanged()" & vbCrLf & _
"   bEnable = PPG.Enable.Value" & vbCrLf & _
"       'To disable the color control we just disable the proxy" & vbCrLf & _
"       ' parameter representing the ""red"" component" & vbCrLf & _
"       PPG.Ambient.Enable bEnable " & vbCrLf & _
"       PPG.Diffuse.Enable bEnable " & vbCrLf & _
"end sub" & vbCrLf
NewScene , false 
set oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" )
oSphere.AddMaterial "Phong"  
set oPhongShader = oSphere.Material.Shaders(0)
' This is a Boolean for enabling diffuse
set oDiffuseEnable = oPhongShader.Parameters( "diffuse_inuse" )
' These are CompoundParameters, each with R,G,B sub-parameters
set oAmbientParam = oPhongShader.Parameters( "ambient" )
set oDiffuseParam = oPhongShader.Parameters( "diffuse" )
set oCustomProperty = oSphere.AddProperty("CustomProperty",false,"Proxies") 
' We specify a name to avoid having a long one like "sphere_Material_Phong_diffuse_inuse"
oCustomProperty.AddProxyParameter oDiffuseEnable, "Enable", "Enable" 
oCustomProperty.AddProxyParameter oDiffuseParam.Parameters("red"), "Diffuse", "Diffuse" 
oCustomProperty.AddProxyParameter oDiffuseParam.Parameters("green")
oCustomProperty.AddProxyParameter oDiffuseParam.Parameters("blue")
oCustomProperty.AddProxyParameter oAmbientParam.Parameters("red"), "Ambient", "Ambient" 
oCustomProperty.AddProxyParameter oAmbientParam.Parameters("green")
oCustomProperty.AddProxyParameter oAmbientParam.Parameters("blue")
' If we inspect the object now we would see 6 separate sliders,
' each controlling a different component of the colors
' We can create a custom layout to clean up the display
set oLayout = oCustomProperty.PPGLayout
oLayout.AddGroup "Phong Diffuse" 
        oLayout.AddItem "Enable" 
        ' Just for fun, show the ambient before the diffuse, which
        ' is the opposite of the normal Phong Property Page
        oLayout.AddColor "Ambient", "Ambient", false 
        oLayout.AddColor "Diffuse", "Diffuse", false 
oLayout.Logic = g_Logic 
oLayout.Language = "VBScript"
' Show both dialogs.  You will see that both items
' are identical.
InspectObj oCustomProperty, , , siLock 
InspectObj oPhongShader, , , siLock

See Also
