




Returns an SIObjectCollection of objects which are nested under this object. The nested objects returned by the function are scene objects such as Property, Parameter, X3DObject, etc... The collection is empty if there are no nested objects.

C# Syntax

// get accessor
SIObjectCollection rtn = SIObject.NestedObjects;


1. VBScript Example

' This example traverses the hierarchy of a selected object and logs 
' recursively all its nested objects.
' Note: Although this example sets up its own selection, you 
' could remove the SETUP section and run this example with
' your own selection instead.
NewScene , false
set arc = CreatePrim( "Arc", "NurbsCurve" )
set disc = CreatePrim( "Disc", "MeshSurface" )
CreatePrim "Cylinder", "MeshSurface"
set oSelection = Application.Selection
oSelection.Add arc
oSelection.Add disc
set obj = Application.Selection(0)
VisitNestedObjects obj, 0 
'INFO : X3DObject:arc
'INFO :  Parameter:Name:arc
'INFO :  Parameter:Primitive:
'INFO :   Primitive:Arc
'INFO :    Parameter:Radius:4
'INFO :    Parameter:Start Angle:0
'INFO :    Parameter:End Angle:90
'INFO :   Primitive:NURBS Curve List
'INFO :    SIObject:Clusters
'INFO :     Parameter:Point
'INFO :      Parameter:Cluster List
'       etc.
sub VisitNestedObjects( obj, indent )
        dim strMsg, nestees, nestedobj
        strMsg = String( indent, " " ) & TypeName(obj) & ":" & obj.Name
        ' Turn on error trapping (in some cases parameter values 
        ' are not accessible using the Value property)
        on error resume next
        if obj.IsClassOf( siParameterID ) then
                ' Log the parameter value if any
                strMsg = strMsg & ":" & obj.Value
        end if
        ' Turn off error trapping 
        on error goto 0
        Application.LogMessage strMsg
        ' Traverse recursively all nested objects
        set nestees = obj.NestedObjects
        for each nestedobj in nestees
                VisitNestedObjects nestedobj, indent+1
end sub

2. JScript Example

        Use NestedObjects to do a Brute Force Recursion
        through the entire scene to find all custom properties
        This will be slow because it goes through entire scene
        but this basic approach can be modified to do many 
        types of searches.  (For a fast approach see the CustomProperty
        example located at the FindObjects command reference)
SetupDemoScene() ;
// Results are accumulated into these 
// global variables 
var g_cntTestedElements = 0 ;
var g_oCol = new ActiveXObject( "XSI.Collection" ) ;
// Doing a recursive search may visit
// the same object more than once
g_oCol.Unique = true ;
FindCustomProperties( ActiveSceneRoot ) ;
ShowResults() ;
function ShowResults()
        Application.LogMessage( "Searched " + g_cntTestedElements + " objects to find Custom Properties" ) ;
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < g_oCol.Count ; i++ )
                // Our search was very general, so we
                // found every single Custom Property
                // We can do further tests at this stage,
                // for example based on the object
                if ( g_oCol(i).Type == "CustomColor" )
                        LogMessage( "Found CustomColor " + g_oCol(i).FullName ) ;
                        LogMessage( "Found CustomProperty " + g_oCol(i).FullName ) ;            
function FindCustomProperties( oParent )
        var oChildren = oParent.NestedObjects ;
        for ( var i = 0 ; i < oChildren.Count ; i++ )
                var oChild = oChildren.Item( i ) ;              
                TestObject( oChild ) ;                          
                // Note: If you have some ideas about
                // where the object is you can make the
                // search faster by skipping this call
                // for some types of objects.  For example
                // you could avoid shader trees by
                // stopping at any material objects,
                FindCustomProperties( oChild ) ;        
// This function is called for every single
// object in the scene
function TestObject( oObj )
        g_cntTestedElements++ ;
        if ( oObj.IsClassOf( siCustomPropertyID ))
                g_oCol.Add( oObj ) ;
// Build an example scene with Custom Properties
// tucked into various locations.
function SetupDemoScene()
        newscene( null, false ) ;
        // CustomColor is a self-installed Custom Property
        ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomColor", false, "MyColor" ) ;
        ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomColor", false, "MyColor2" ) ;
        ActiveSceneRoot.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "MyEmptyCustomProp" ) ;
        oSphere = ActiveSceneRoot.AddGeometry( "Sphere", "MeshSurface" ) ;
        oCls = oSphere.ActivePrimitive.Geometry.AddCluster( "edge", "MyCluster" ) ;
        oCls.AddProperty( "CustomColor", false, "MyColor" ) ;
        oSphere.AddMaterial( "Phong" ) ;
        var oPhongShader = oSphere.Material.Shaders(0)
        oPhongShader.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "EmptyNestedProp" ) ;
        oPhongShader.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "MyColor" ) ;        
        var oModel = ActiveSceneRoot.AddModel(null, "MyModel" ) ;
        oModel.AddProperty( "CustomColor", false, "MyColor3" ) ;
        oModel.AddProperty( "CustomProperty", false, "EmptyProperty" ) ;
        oModel.AddNull().AddProperty( "CustomColor", false, "MyColor4" ) ;                              
//Expected results (number of objects searched may vary)
//INFO : Searched 2922 objects to find Custom Properties
//INFO : Found CustomColor MyColor
//INFO : Found CustomColor MyColor2
//INFO : Found CustomProperty MyEmptyCustomProp
//INFO : Found CustomColor sphere.polymsh.cls.MyCluster.MyColor
//INFO : Found CustomProperty sphere.Material.Phong.EmptyNestedProp
//INFO : Found CustomProperty sphere.Material.Phong.MyColor
//INFO : Found CustomColor MyModel.MyColor3
//INFO : Found CustomProperty MyModel.EmptyProperty
//INFO : Found CustomColor MyModel.null.MyColor4

See Also

EnumElements FindObjects SIObject.Parent SceneItem.Properties ProjectItem.Owners X3DObject.Models X3DObject.Children