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Reverses the last action. Mudbox stores an unlimited undo queue without consuming memory (RAM).


The Undo history is not saved when switching between subdivision levels.


Reverses the last Undo.


Duplicates the selected object. See also Duplicate a model.

Duplicating a mesh also duplicates subdivision levels and any sculpt layers, and any UV values are preserved. If the duplicated mesh is set up for PTEX painting, the new mesh is also set up for PTEX.

Delete Selected

Deletes the selected item, removing it from the scene.

Select All

Selects all objects in the scene.

Invert Selection

Selects all objects not currently selected and deselects all selected objects.

Deselect All

Clears the current selection so that nothing is selected.

Grow Selection

Expands the selection of faces across the surface.

Select Border

Selects the border edges of an open mesh.

Lock Selected

Locks selected meshes. Locked meshes cannot be edited with the sculpting tools.

Invert Locked

Locks all unlocked meshes and unlocks all locked meshes.

Unlock All

Unlocks all locked meshes.

Freeze Selected

Freezes the vertices of all selected faces. Frozen vertices cannot be edited with the sculpting tools. Freeze maps can be painted with the Freeze brush.

Invert Freeze

Freezes any vertices not frozen and unfreezes all frozen vertices.

Unfreeze All

Unfreezes all frozen vertices.

Edit Stencil

Related topics

Select components on a model

Mask or freeze regions on a model

Edit menu hotkeys