Classes | Public Member Functions

Interface Class Reference

This reference page is linked to from the following overview topics: Lesson 1: Sample utility plug-in, Lesson 2: The Scene Graph and Nodes, Lesson 3: the reference system, Incremental Improvements, User Interface Updates, Plug-in Upgrade Guide, Overview: Time and Intervals, General Best Practices, RTTI and GetInterface(), Creating Instances of Plug-ins, Scene Graph, Getting the Nodes that Reference an Object, Node Grouping, Named Selection Sets, Enumerating and Exposing Assets, Naming Scene Entities, Creating and Retrieving 3ds Max NURBS Objects, Material Libraries, Node Level Hit Testing, Classes Involved in the Action System, Keyboard Accelerators and Dialog Messages, Getting and Setting User Preferences, Available Custom Controls, Parameter Editing on the Command Panel, Command Modes and Mouse Procedures, Flushing the Undo Buffer, Accessing Core 3ds Max Functionality, Programmatic Object Creation, Dialog Based Creation of Objects, Implementing Sub-Object Selection, Named Sub-Object Selection Sets, Ring Array Creation Process, Writing Exporter Plug-ins, Responding to Parameter Edits, Plug-in Configuration System, Custom Plug-in Creation Processes.

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Detailed Description

See also:
Class FPStaticInterface, Class ViewExp, Class INode, Class INodeTab, Class CommandMode, Class Interval, Class Renderer, Class Modifier, Class Control, Class Atmospheric, Class Point3, Class Matrix3, Class ModContext, Class ReferenceTarget, Template Class Tab

This class provides an interface for calling functions that are exported from the 3ds Max executable. All the methods in this class are implemented by 3ds Max itself.

Methods are provided for putting up many standard 3ds Max dialogs, working with command modes, working with viewports, controlling the prompt, toolbar and status areas, and working with selection sets. There are also methods for creating objects and nodes in the scene, setting and getting the current time and animation ranges, working with the standard directories of MAX, and many more. See the Method Groups listed below for a breakdown of the various kinds of methods available. Note: When editing in the command panel, a developer gets passed an interface pointer during BeginEditParams(). This pointer is only valid before EndEditParams() is finished. A developer should not hang on to this pointer and call methods on it after EndEditParams() has returned.
Method Groups:
See Method Groups for Class Interface.

#include <maxapi.h>

Inheritance diagram for Interface:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.


class   SuspendSceneRedrawGuard
  Scene redraw guard class. More...

Public Member Functions

virtual HFONT  GetAppHFont ()=0
virtual void  RedrawViews (TimeValue t, DWORD vpFlags=REDRAW_NORMAL, ReferenceTarget *change=NULL)=0
virtual BOOL  SetActiveViewport (HWND hwnd)=0
virtual ViewExp GetActiveViewport ()=0
virtual IObjCreate GetIObjCreate ()=0
virtual IObjParam GetIObjParam ()=0
virtual HWND  GetMAXHWnd ()=0
virtual void  ForceCompleteRedraw (BOOL doDisabled=TRUE)=0
virtual BOOL  DisplayActiveCameraViewWithMultiPassEffect ()=0
virtual BOOL  SetActiveViewportTransparencyDisplay (int transType)=0
virtual void  DisableSceneRedraw ()=0
  Turns off scene redraws.
virtual void  EnableSceneRedraw ()=0
  Turns on scene redraws.
virtual int  IsSceneRedrawDisabled ()=0
  Tells whether the scene redraw is disabled.
virtual void  RegisterRedrawViewsCallback (RedrawViewsCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterRedrawViewsCallback (RedrawViewsCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  RegisterSelectFilterCallback (SelectFilterCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterSelectFilterCallback (SelectFilterCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  RegisterDisplayFilterCallback (DisplayFilterCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterDisplayFilterCallback (DisplayFilterCallback *cb)=0
virtual BOOL  SetSelectionType (BOOL autoWinCross, int winCrossOrAutoDir)=0
virtual void  MakeExtendedViewportActive (HWND hWnd)=0
virtual void  PutUpViewMenu (HWND hWnd, POINT pt)=0
virtual BOOL  TrackViewPickDlg (HWND hParent, TrackViewPick *res, TrackViewFilter *filter=NULL, DWORD flags=0)=0
virtual BOOL  TrackViewPickMultiDlg (HWND hParent, Tab< TrackViewPick > *res, TrackViewFilter *filter=NULL, DWORD flags=0)=0
virtual void  PushCommandMode (CommandMode *m)=0
virtual void  SetCommandMode (CommandMode *m)=0
virtual void  PopCommandMode ()=0
virtual CommandMode GetCommandMode ()=0
virtual void  SetStdCommandMode (int cid)=0
virtual void  PushStdCommandMode (int cid)=0
virtual void  RemoveMode (CommandMode *m)=0
virtual void  DeleteMode (CommandMode *m)=0
virtual void  SetPickMode (PickModeCallback *pc)=0
virtual void  ClearPickMode ()=0
virtual PickModeCallback GetCurPickMode ()=0
virtual BOOL  DoHitByNameDialog (HitByNameDlgCallback *hbncb=NULL)=0
virtual void  PushPrompt (MCHAR *s)=0
virtual void  PopPrompt ()=0
virtual void  ReplacePrompt (MCHAR *s)=0
virtual void  DisplayTempPrompt (MCHAR *s, int msec=1000)=0
virtual void  RemoveTempPrompt ()=0
virtual void  ChooseDirectory (HWND hWnd, MCHAR *title, MCHAR *dir, MCHAR *desc=NULL)=0
virtual float  GetAutoBackupTime ()=0
virtual void  SetAutoBackupTime (float minutes)=0
virtual BOOL  AutoBackupEnabled ()=0
virtual void  EnableAutoBackup (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  ProgressStart (MCHAR *title, BOOL dispBar, LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE fn, LPVOID arg)=0
virtual void  ProgressUpdate (int pct, BOOL showPct=TRUE, MCHAR *title=NULL)=0
virtual void  ProgressEnd ()=0
virtual BOOL  GetCancel ()=0
virtual void  SetCancel (BOOL sw)=0
virtual void  CreatePreview (PreviewParams *pvp=NULL)=0
virtual float  GetGridSpacing ()=0
virtual int  GetGridMajorLines ()=0
virtual void  DisableStatusXYZ ()=0
virtual void  EnableStatusXYZ ()=0
virtual void  SetStatusXYZ (Point3 xyz, int type)=0
virtual void  SetStatusXYZ (AngAxis aa)=0
virtual void  SetExtendedDisplayMode (int flags)=0
virtual int  GetExtendedDisplayMode ()=0
virtual void  SetFlyOffTime (int msecs)=0
virtual int  GetFlyOffTime ()=0
virtual HCURSOR  GetSysCursor (int id)=0
virtual void  SetCrossHairCur (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetCrossHairCur ()=0
virtual void  RealizeParamPanel ()=0
virtual float  SnapAngle (float angleIn, BOOL fastSnap=TRUE, BOOL forceSnap=FALSE)=0
virtual float  SnapPercent (float percentIn)=0
virtual BOOL  GetSnapState ()=0
virtual int  GetSnapMode ()=0
virtual BOOL  SetSnapMode (int mode)=0
virtual INode PickNode (HWND hWnd, IPoint2 pt, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0
virtual void  BoxPickNode (ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *pt, BOOL crossing, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0
virtual void  CirclePickNode (ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *pt, BOOL crossing, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0
virtual void  FencePickNode (ViewExp *vpt, IPoint2 *pt, BOOL crossing, PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL)=0
virtual void  RegisterSubObjectTypes (const MCHAR **types, int count, int startIndex=0)=0
virtual void  AppendSubObjectNamedSelSet (const MCHAR *set)=0
virtual void  ClearSubObjectNamedSelSets ()=0
virtual void  ClearCurNamedSelSet ()=0
virtual void  SetCurNamedSelSet (MCHAR *setName)=0
virtual void  NamedSelSetListChanged ()=0
virtual int  GetSubObjectLevel ()=0
virtual void  SetSubObjectLevel (int level, BOOL force=FALSE)=0
virtual int  GetNumSubObjectLevels ()=0
virtual void  EnableSubObjectSelection (BOOL enable)=0
virtual BOOL  IsSubObjectSelectionEnabled ()=0
virtual void  PipeSelLevelChanged ()=0
virtual void  GetPipelineSubObjLevel (DWORDTab &levels)=0
virtual void  GetModContexts (ModContextList &list, INodeTab &nodes)=0
virtual BaseObject GetCurEditObject ()=0
virtual int  SubObHitTest (TimeValue t, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt)=0
virtual BOOL  SelectionFrozen ()=0
virtual void  FreezeSelection ()=0
virtual void  ThawSelection ()=0
virtual INode GetSelNode (int i)=0
virtual int  GetSelNodeCount ()=0
virtual void  EnableShowEndResult (BOOL enabled)=0
virtual BOOL  GetShowEndResult ()=0
virtual void  SetShowEndResult (BOOL show)=0
virtual BOOL  GetCrossing ()=0
virtual void  SetToolButtonState (int button, BOOL state)=0
virtual BOOL  GetToolButtonState (int button)=0
virtual void  EnableToolButton (int button, BOOL enable=TRUE)=0
virtual void  EnableUndo (BOOL enable)=0
virtual int  GetCommandPanelTaskMode ()=0
virtual void  SetCommandPanelTaskMode (int mode)=0
virtual ViewExp GetViewport (HWND hwnd)=0
virtual void  ReleaseViewport (ViewExp *vpt)=0
virtual void  EnableAnimateButton (BOOL enable)=0
virtual BOOL  IsAnimateEnabled ()=0
virtual void  SetAnimateButtonState (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual bool  InProgressiveMode ()=0
virtual void  BeginProgressiveMode ()=0
virtual void  EndProgressiveMode ()=0
virtual void  RegisterAxisChangeCallback (AxisChangeCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterAxisChangeCallback (AxisChangeCallback *cb)=0
virtual int  GetAxisConstraints ()=0
virtual void  SetAxisConstraints (int c)=0
virtual void  EnableAxisConstraints (int c, BOOL enabled)=0
virtual void  PushAxisConstraints (int c)=0
virtual void  PopAxisConstraints ()=0
virtual int  GetCoordCenter ()=0
virtual void  SetCoordCenter (int c)=0
virtual void  EnableCoordCenter (BOOL enabled)=0
virtual int  GetRefCoordSys ()=0
virtual void  SetRefCoordSys (int c)=0
virtual void  EnableRefCoordSys (BOOL enabled)=0
virtual int  GetSelectFilter ()=0
virtual void  SetSelectFilter (int c)=0
virtual int  GetNumberSelectFilters ()=0
virtual MCHAR *  GetSelectFilterName (int index)=0
virtual BOOL  GetDisplayFilter (int index)=0
virtual void  SetDisplayFilter (int index, BOOL on)=0
virtual int  GetNumberDisplayFilters ()=0
virtual BOOL  DisplayFilterIsNodeVisible (int index, int sid, Class_ID cid, INode *node)=0
virtual MCHAR *  GetDisplayFilterName (int index)=0
virtual Matrix3  GetTransformAxis (INode *node, int subIndex, BOOL *local=NULL)=0
virtual int  GetNumAxis ()=0
virtual void  LockAxisTripods (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  AxisTripodLocked ()=0
virtual void  RegisterDlgWnd (HWND hDlg)=0
virtual int  UnRegisterDlgWnd (HWND hDlg)=0
virtual void  RegisterAccelTable (HWND hWnd, HACCEL hAccel)=0
virtual int  UnRegisterAccelTable (HWND hWnd, HACCEL hAccel)=0
virtual IActionManager GetActionManager ()=0
virtual IMenuManager GetMenuManager ()=0
virtual HWND  AddRollupPage (HINSTANCE hInst, MCHAR *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD flags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0
virtual HWND  AddRollupPage (HINSTANCE hInst, DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD flags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0
virtual void  DeleteRollupPage (HWND hRollup)=0
virtual HWND  ReplaceRollupPage (HWND hOldRollup, HINSTANCE hInst, MCHAR *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD flags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0
virtual HWND  ReplaceRollupPage (HWND hOldRollup, HINSTANCE hInst, DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate, DLGPROC dlgProc, MCHAR *title, LPARAM param=0, DWORD flags=0, int category=ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD)=0
virtual IRollupWindow GetCommandPanelRollup ()=0
virtual void  RollupMouseMessage (HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam)=0
virtual TimeValue  GetTime ()=0
virtual void  SetTime (TimeValue t, BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0
virtual Interval  GetAnimRange ()=0
virtual void  SetAnimRange (Interval range)=0
virtual void  RegisterTimeChangeCallback (TimeChangeCallback *tc)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterTimeChangeCallback (TimeChangeCallback *tc)=0
virtual void  RegisterCommandModeChangedCallback (CommandModeChangedCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterCommandModeChangedCallback (CommandModeChangedCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  RegisterViewportDisplayCallback (BOOL preScene, ViewportDisplayCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterViewportDisplayCallback (BOOL preScene, ViewportDisplayCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  NotifyViewportDisplayCallbackChanged (BOOL preScene, ViewportDisplayCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  RegisterExitMAXCallback (ExitMAXCallback *cb)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterExitMAXCallback (ExitMAXCallback *cb)=0
virtual RightClickMenuManager GetRightClickMenuManager ()=0
virtual void  RegisterDeleteUser (EventUser *user)=0
virtual void  UnRegisterDeleteUser (EventUser *user)=0
virtual void  MakeNameUnique (MSTR &name)=0
virtual INode CreateObjectNode (Object *obj)=0
virtual GenCamera CreateCameraObject (int type)=0
  Creates a new camera object of the given type.
virtual Object CreateTargetObject ()=0
virtual GenLight CreateLightObject (int type)=0
virtual void *  CreateInstance (SClass_ID superID, Class_ID classID)=0
virtual int  BindToTarget (INode *laNode, INode *targNode)=0
virtual int  IsCPEdgeOnInView ()=0
virtual unsigned int  DeleteNode (INode *node, BOOL redraw=TRUE, BOOL overrideSlaves=FALSE)=0
  Deletes the specified node from the scene.
virtual INode GetRootNode ()=0
MAX_DEPRECATED void  NodeInvalidateRect (INode *node)
virtual void  SelectNode (INode *node, int clearSel=1)=0
virtual void  DeSelectNode (INode *node)=0
virtual void  SelectNodeTab (INodeTab &nodes, BOOL sel, BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0
virtual void  ClearNodeSelection (BOOL redraw=TRUE)=0
virtual void  AddLightToScene (INode *node)=0
virtual void  AddGridToScene (INode *node)=0
virtual void  SetNodeTMRelConstPlane (INode *node, Matrix3 &mat)=0
virtual void  SetActiveGrid (INode *node)=0
virtual INode GetActiveGrid ()=0
virtual void  StopCreating ()=0
virtual Object NonMouseCreate (Matrix3 tm)=0
virtual void  NonMouseCreateFinish (Matrix3 tm)=0
virtual const MCHAR *  GetDir (int which)=0
virtual int  GetPlugInEntryCount ()=0
virtual const MCHAR *  GetPlugInDesc (int i)=0
virtual const MCHAR *  GetPlugInDir (int i)=0
virtual int  GetAssetDirCount (MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0
  Returns the number of permanent user paths associated with a particular type of asset.
virtual const MCHAR *  GetAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0
  Returns the "ith" permanent user path associated with a particular asset type.
virtual BOOL  AddAssetDir (const MCHAR *dir, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0
  Adds a permanent user path associated to a particular asset type.
virtual BOOL  AddSessionAssetDir (const MCHAR *dir, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType, int update=TRUE)=0
  Adds a session user path associated to a particular asset type.
virtual int  GetSessionAssetDirCount (MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0
  Returns the number of session user paths associated with a particular type of asset.
virtual const MCHAR *  GetSessionAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0
  Returns the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type.
virtual BOOL  DeleteSessionAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType, int update=TRUE)=0
  Deletes the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type.
virtual int  GetCurAssetDirCount (MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0
  Returns the number of session (temporary) and permanent user paths associated with a particular type of asset.
virtual const MCHAR *  GetCurAssetDir (int i, MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType assetType)=0
  Returns the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type.
virtual float  GetLightConeConstraint ()=0
virtual int  DoExclusionListDialog (ExclList *nl, BOOL doShadows=TRUE)=0
virtual void  ConvertNameTabToExclList (const NameTab *nt, ExclList *excList)=0
virtual MtlBase DoMaterialBrowseDlg (HWND hParent, DWORD flags, BOOL &newMat, BOOL &cancel)=0
virtual void  PutMtlToMtlEditor (MtlBase *mb, int slot=-1)=0
virtual MtlBase GetMtlSlot (int slot)=0
virtual MtlBaseLib GetSceneMtls ()=0
virtual BOOL  OkMtlForScene (MtlBase *m)=0
virtual MSTR GetCurFileName ()=0
virtual MSTR GetCurFilePath ()=0
virtual MCHAR *  GetMatLibFileName ()=0
virtual void  FileOpen ()=0
virtual BOOL  FileSave ()=0
virtual BOOL  FileSaveAs ()=0
virtual void  FileSaveSelected ()=0
virtual void  FileReset (BOOL noPrompt=FALSE)=0
virtual void  FileMerge ()=0
virtual void  FileHold ()=0
virtual void  FileFetch ()=0
virtual void  FileOpenMatLib (HWND hWnd)=0
virtual void  FileSaveMatLib (HWND hWnd)=0
virtual void  FileSaveAsMatLib (HWND hWnd)=0
virtual BOOL  FileImport ()=0
virtual BOOL  FileExport ()=0
virtual void  LoadDefaultMatLib ()=0
virtual int  LoadFromFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL refresh=TRUE)=0
virtual int  SaveToFile (const MCHAR *fname, BOOL clearNeedSaveFlag=TRUE, BOOL useNewFile=TRUE)=0
virtual void  FileSaveSelected (MCHAR *fname)=0
virtual void  FileSaveNodes (INodeTab *nodes, MCHAR *fname)=0
virtual int  LoadMaterialLib (const MCHAR *name, MtlBaseLib *lib=NULL)=0
virtual int  SaveMaterialLib (const MCHAR *name, MtlBaseLib *lib=NULL)=0
virtual int  MergeFromFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL mergeAll=FALSE, BOOL selMerged=FALSE, BOOL refresh=TRUE, int dupAction=MERGE_DUPS_PROMPT, NameTab *mrgList=NULL, int dupMtlAction=MERGE_DUP_MTL_PROMPT, int reparentAction=MERGE_REPARENT_PROMPT)=0
virtual BOOL  ImportFromFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL suppressPrompts=FALSE, Class_ID *importerID=NULL)=0
virtual BOOL  ExportToFile (const MCHAR *name, BOOL suppressPrompts=FALSE, DWORD options=0, Class_ID *exporterID=NULL)=0
virtual BOOL  InSlaveMode ()=0
virtual BOOL  NodeColorPicker (HWND hWnd, DWORD &col)=0
virtual INode GroupNodes (INodeTab *nodes=NULL, MSTR *name=NULL, BOOL selGroup=TRUE)=0
virtual void  UngroupNodes (INodeTab *nodes=NULL)=0
virtual void  ExplodeNodes (INodeTab *nodes=NULL)=0
virtual void  OpenGroup (INodeTab *nodes=NULL, BOOL clearSel=TRUE)=0
virtual void  CloseGroup (INodeTab *nodes=NULL, BOOL selGroup=TRUE)=0
virtual bool  AttachNodesToGroup (INodeTab &nodes, INode &pTargetNode)=0
virtual bool  DetachNodesFromGroup (INodeTab &nodes)=0
virtual void  FlashNodes (INodeTab *nodes)=0
virtual void  TranslateAndDispatchMAXMessage (MSG &msg)=0
virtual BOOL  CheckMAXMessages ()=0
virtual BOOL  setBkgImageAsset (const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser &asset)=0
virtual const
getBkgImageAsset (void)=0
virtual void  setBkgImageAspect (int t)=0
virtual int  getBkgImageAspect ()=0
virtual void  setBkgImageAnimate (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual int  getBkgImageAnimate (void)=0
virtual void  setBkgFrameRange (int start, int end, int step=1)=0
virtual int  getBkgFrameRangeVal (int which)=0
virtual void  setBkgORType (int which, int type)=0
virtual int  getBkgORType (int which)=0
virtual void  setBkgStartTime (TimeValue t)=0
virtual TimeValue  getBkgStartTime ()=0
virtual void  setBkgSyncFrame (int f)=0
virtual int  getBkgSyncFrame ()=0
virtual int  getBkgFrameNum (TimeValue t)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRealTimePlayback ()=0
virtual void  SetRealTimePlayback (BOOL realTime)=0
virtual BOOL  GetPlayActiveOnly ()=0
virtual void  SetPlayActiveOnly (BOOL playActive)=0
virtual void  StartAnimPlayback (int selOnly=FALSE)=0
virtual void  EndAnimPlayback ()=0
virtual BOOL  IsAnimPlaying ()=0
virtual int  GetPlaybackSpeed ()=0
virtual void  SetPlaybackSpeed (int s)=0
virtual BOOL  GetPlaybackLoop ()=0
virtual void  SetPlaybackLoop (BOOL loop)=0
virtual void  IncrementValidityToken ()=0
virtual unsigned int  CurrentValidityToken ()=0
virtual int  OpenCurRenderer (INode *camNode, ViewExp *view, RendType t=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0
virtual int  OpenCurRenderer (ViewParams *vpar, RendType t=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0
virtual void  CloseCurRenderer ()=0
virtual int  CurRendererRenderFrame (TimeValue t, Bitmap *bm, RendProgressCallback *prog=NULL, float frameDur=1.0f, ViewParams *vp=NULL, RECT *regionRect=NULL)=0
virtual IScanRenderer CreateDefaultScanlineRenderer ()=0
virtual Renderer CreateDefaultRenderer (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0
  Creates an instance of the default renderer for the given render setting.
virtual Class_ID  GetDefaultRendererClassID (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0
  Gets the class ID of the default renderer for the given render setting.
virtual void  SetDefaultRendererClassID (RenderSettingID renderSettingID, Class_ID classID)=0
  Gets the class ID of the default renderer for the given render setting.
virtual int  OpenRenderer (Renderer *pRenderer, INode *camNode, ViewExp *view, RendType type=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0
virtual int  OpenRenderer (Renderer *pRenderer, ViewParams *vpar, RendType type=RENDTYPE_NORMAL, int w=0, int h=0)=0
virtual int  RendererRenderFrame (Renderer *pRenderer, TimeValue t, Bitmap *bm, RendProgressCallback *prog=NULL, float frameDur=1.0f, ViewParams *vp=NULL, RECT *regionRect=NULL)=0
virtual void  CloseRenderer (Renderer *pRenderer)=0
virtual Renderer GetCurrentRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0
virtual Renderer GetProductionRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0
virtual Renderer GetDraftRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0
virtual Renderer GetRenderer (RenderSettingID renderSettingID, bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0
virtual void  AssignCurRenderer (Renderer *rend)=0
virtual void  AssignProductionRenderer (Renderer *rend)=0
virtual void  AssignDraftRenderer (Renderer *rend)=0
virtual void  AssignRenderer (RenderSettingID renderSettingID, Renderer *rend)=0
virtual void  SetUseDraftRenderer (BOOL b)=0
virtual BOOL  GetUseDraftRenderer ()=0
virtual void  ChangeRenderSetting (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0
virtual RenderSettingID  GetCurrentRenderSetting ()=0
virtual Renderer GetMEditRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0
  Gets the renderer assigned to the MEdit slot.

virtual void  AssignMEditRenderer (Renderer *renderer)=0
  Sets the renderer assigned to the MEdit slot.

virtual Renderer GetActualMEditRenderer (bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist=true)=0
  Returns the renderer to be used for MEdit.

virtual bool  GetMEditRendererLocked ()=0
  Gets the status of the MEdit renderer lock.
virtual void  SetMEditRendererLocked (bool locked)=0
  Sets the status of the MEdit renderer lock.
virtual bool  GetMEditRendererLocked_DefaultValue ()=0
virtual void  SetMEditRendererLocked_DefaultValue (bool locked)=0
virtual IRenderElementMgr GetCurRenderElementMgr ()=0
virtual IRenderElementMgr GetRenderElementMgr (RenderSettingID renderSettingID)=0
virtual void  SetupRendParams (RendParams &rp, ViewExp *vpt, RendType t=RENDTYPE_NORMAL)=0
virtual void  GetViewParamsFromNode (INode *vnode, ViewParams &vp, TimeValue t)=0
virtual BOOL  CheckForRenderAbort ()=0
  This method may be called during a rendering to check if user has cancelled the render.
virtual void  AbortRender ()=0
  Calling this method during a render will set the flag that indicates that the render is to be aborted.
virtual int  GetRendTimeType ()=0
virtual void  SetRendTimeType (int type)=0
virtual TimeValue  GetRendStart ()=0
virtual void  SetRendStart (TimeValue start)=0
virtual TimeValue  GetRendEnd ()=0
virtual void  SetRendEnd (TimeValue end)=0
virtual int  GetRendNThFrame ()=0
virtual void  SetRendNThFrame (int n)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendShowVFB ()=0
virtual void  SetRendShowVFB (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendSaveFile ()=0
virtual void  SetRendSaveFile (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendUseDevice ()=0
virtual void  SetRendUseDevice (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendUseNet ()=0
virtual void  SetRendUseNet (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BitmapInfo GetRendFileBI ()=0
virtual BitmapInfo GetRendDeviceBI ()=0
virtual int  GetRendWidth ()=0
virtual void  SetRendWidth (int w)=0
virtual int  GetRendHeight ()=0
virtual void  SetRendHeight (int h)=0
virtual float  GetRendApect ()=0
virtual void  SetRendAspect (float a)=0
virtual float  GetRendImageAspect ()=0
virtual float  GetRendApertureWidth ()=0
virtual void  SetRendApertureWidth (float aw)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendFieldRender ()=0
virtual void  SetRendFieldRender (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendColorCheck ()=0
virtual void  SetRendColorCheck (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendSuperBlack ()=0
virtual void  SetRendSuperBlack (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendHidden ()=0
virtual void  SetRendHidden (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendForce2Side ()=0
virtual void  SetRendForce2Side (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendAtmosphere ()=0
virtual void  SetRendAtmosphere (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendEffects ()=0
virtual void  SetRendEffects (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendDisplacement ()=0
virtual void  SetRendDisplacement (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual MSTR GetRendPickFramesString ()=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendDitherTrue ()=0
virtual void  SetRendDitherTrue (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendDither256 ()=0
virtual void  SetRendDither256 (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendMultiThread ()=0
virtual void  SetRendMultiThread (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendNThSerial ()=0
virtual void  SetRendNThSerial (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual int  GetRendVidCorrectMethod ()=0
virtual void  SetRendVidCorrectMethod (int m)=0
virtual int  GetRendFieldOrder ()=0
virtual void  SetRendFieldOrder (int fo)=0
virtual int  GetRendNTSC_PAL ()=0
virtual void  SetRendNTSC_PAL (int np)=0
virtual int  GetRendSuperBlackThresh ()=0
virtual void  SetRendSuperBlackThresh (int sb)=0
virtual int  GetRendFileNumberBase ()=0
virtual void  SetRendFileNumberBase (int n)=0
virtual BOOL  GetSkipRenderedFrames ()=0
virtual void  SetSkipRenderedFrames (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetRendSimplifyAreaLights ()=0
  returns the state of the toggle in the render dialog, "Area Lights/Shadows as Points".
virtual void  SetRendSimplifyAreaLights (BOOL onOff)=0
  Sets the toggle in the render dialog, "Area Lights/Shadows as Points".
virtual DWORD  GetHideByCategoryFlags ()=0
virtual void  SetHideByCategoryFlags (DWORD f)=0
virtual int  GetViewportLayout ()=0
virtual void  SetViewportLayout (int layout)=0
virtual BOOL  IsViewportMaxed ()=0
virtual void  SetViewportMax (BOOL max)=0
virtual void  ViewportZoomExtents (BOOL doAll, BOOL skipPersp=FALSE)=0
virtual void  ZoomToBounds (BOOL doAll, Box3 box)=0
virtual void  GetSelectionWorldBox (TimeValue t, Box3 &box)=0
virtual INode GetINodeByName (const MCHAR *name)=0
virtual INode GetINodeByHandle (ULONG handle)=0
virtual INode GetINodeFromRenderID (UWORD id)=0
virtual void  ExecuteMAXCommand (int id)=0
virtual NameMaker NewNameMaker (BOOL initFromScene=TRUE)=0
virtual void  SetViewportBGColor (const Point3 &color)=0
virtual Point3  GetViewportBGColor ()=0
virtual Texmap GetEnvironmentMap ()=0
virtual void  SetEnvironmentMap (Texmap *map)=0
virtual BOOL  GetUseEnvironmentMap ()=0
virtual void  SetUseEnvironmentMap (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual Point3  GetAmbient (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0
virtual void  SetAmbient (TimeValue t, Point3 col)=0
virtual Control GetAmbientController ()=0
virtual void  SetAmbientController (Control *c)=0
virtual Point3  GetLightTint (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0
virtual void  SetLightTint (TimeValue t, Point3 col)=0
virtual Control GetLightTintController ()=0
virtual void  SetLightTintController (Control *c)=0
virtual float  GetLightLevel (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0
virtual void  SetLightLevel (TimeValue t, float lev)=0
virtual Control GetLightLevelController ()=0
virtual void  SetLightLevelController (Control *c)=0
virtual int  NumAtmospheric ()=0
virtual Atmospheric GetAtmospheric (int i)=0
virtual void  SetAtmospheric (int i, Atmospheric *a)=0
virtual void  AddAtmosphere (Atmospheric *atmos)=0
virtual void  DeleteAtmosphere (int i)=0
virtual void  EditAtmosphere (Atmospheric *a, INode *gizmo=NULL)=0
virtual int  NumEffects ()=0
virtual Effect GetEffect (int i)=0
virtual void  SetEffect (int i, Effect *e)=0
virtual void  AddEffect (Effect *eff)=0
virtual void  DeleteEffect (int i)=0
virtual void  EditEffect (Effect *e, INode *gizmo=NULL)=0
virtual Point3  GetBackGround (TimeValue t, Interval &valid)=0
virtual void  SetBackGround (TimeValue t, Point3 col)=0
virtual Control GetBackGroundController ()=0
virtual void  SetBackGroundController (Control *c)=0
virtual SoundObj GetSoundObject ()=0
virtual void  SetSoundObject (SoundObj *snd)=0
virtual MtlBaseLib GetMaterialLibrary ()=0
virtual BOOL  IsNetServer ()=0
virtual void  SetNetServer ()=0
virtual LogSys Log ()=0
virtual DllDir GetDllDir ()=0
virtual INT_PTR  Execute (int cmd, ULONG_PTR arg1=0, ULONG_PTR arg2=0, ULONG_PTR arg3=0, ULONG_PTR arg4=0, ULONG_PTR arg5=0, ULONG_PTR arg6=0)=0
virtual void *  GetInterface (DWORD id)=0
virtual BaseInterface GetInterface (Interface_ID id)=0
virtual ReferenceTarget GetScenePointer ()=0
virtual ITrackViewNode GetTrackViewRootNode ()=0
virtual void  FreeSceneBitmaps ()=0
virtual DllDir GetDllDirectory ()=0
virtual void  EnumAuxFiles (AssetEnumCallback &assetEnum, DWORD flags)=0
virtual void  RenderTexmap (Texmap *tex, Bitmap *bm, float scale3d=1.0f, BOOL filter=FALSE, BOOL display=FALSE, float z=0.0f, TimeValue t=GetCOREInterface()->GetTime())=0
CoreExport void  DeActivateTexture (MtlBase *tx, Mtl *mtl, int subNum=-1)
CoreExport void  ActivateTexture (MtlBase *tx, Mtl *mtl, int subNum=-1)
virtual void  AssignNewName (Mtl *m)=0
virtual void  AssignNewName (Texmap *m)=0
virtual void  RescaleWorldUnits (float f, BOOL selected)=0
virtual int  InitSnapInfo (SnapInfo *info)=0
virtual BOOL  GetKeyStepsSelOnly ()=0
virtual void  SetKeyStepsSelOnly (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetKeyStepsUseTrans ()=0
virtual void  SetKeyStepsUseTrans (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetKeyStepsPos ()=0
virtual void  SetKeyStepsPos (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetKeyStepsRot ()=0
virtual void  SetKeyStepsRot (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetKeyStepsScale ()=0
virtual void  SetKeyStepsScale (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetKeyStepsUseTrackBar ()=0
virtual void  SetKeyStepsUseTrackBar (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetUseTransformGizmo ()=0
virtual void  SetUseTransformGizmo (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual void  SetTransformGizmoRestoreAxis (BOOL bOnOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetTransformGizmoRestoreAxis ()=0
virtual BOOL  GetConstantAxisRestriction ()=0
virtual void  SetConstantAxisRestriction (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual int  HitTestTransformGizmo (IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt, int axisFlags)=0
virtual void  DeactivateTransformGizmo ()=0
virtual int  ConfigureBitmapPaths ()=0
virtual BOOL  DoSpaceArrayDialog (SpaceArrayCallback *sacb=NULL)=0
virtual int  AddClass (ClassDesc *cd)=0
virtual int  DeleteClass (ClassDesc *cd)=0
virtual int  GetCommandStackSize ()=0
virtual CommandMode GetCommandStackEntry (int entry)=0
virtual void  AddSFXRollupPage (ULONG flags=0)=0
virtual void  DeleteSFXRollupPage ()=0
virtual void  RefreshSFXRollupPage ()=0
virtual int  GetNumProperties (int PropertySet)=0
virtual int  FindProperty (int PropertySet, const PROPSPEC *propspec)=0
virtual const PROPVARIANT *  GetPropertyVariant (int PropertySet, int idx)=0
virtual const PROPSPEC *  GetPropertySpec (int PropertySet, int idx)=0
virtual void  AddProperty (int PropertySet, const PROPSPEC *propspec, const PROPVARIANT *propvar)=0
virtual void  DeleteProperty (int PropertySet, const PROPSPEC *propspec)=0
virtual BOOL  RegisterViewWindow (ViewWindow *vw)=0
virtual BOOL  UnRegisterViewWindow (ViewWindow *vw)=0
virtual ShadowType GetGlobalShadowGenerator ()=0
virtual void  SetGlobalShadowGenerator (ShadowType *st)=0
virtual BOOL  GetImportZoomExtents ()=0
virtual void  SetImportZoomExtents (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  CheckForSave ()=0
virtual ITrackBar GetTrackBar ()=0
virtual void  SetIncludeXRefsInHierarchy (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  GetIncludeXRefsInHierarchy ()=0
virtual BOOL  IsXRefAutoUpdateSuspended ()=0
virtual void  SetXRefAutoUpdateSuspended (BOOL onOff)=0
virtual MacroRecorder GetMacroRecorder ()=0
virtual void  UpdateMtlEditorBrackets ()=0
virtual bool  IsTrialLicense ()=0
virtual bool  IsNetworkLicense ()=0
  Returns true if the application is running under a network license.
virtual void  SetMAXFileOpenDlg (MAXFileOpenDialog *dlg)=0
virtual void  SetMAXFileSaveDlg (MAXFileSaveDialog *dlg)=0
virtual void  RAMPlayer (HWND hWndParent, MCHAR *szChanA=NULL, MCHAR *szChanB=NULL)=0
virtual void  FlushUndoBuffer ()=0
virtual bool  DeferredPluginLoadingEnabled ()=0
virtual void  EnableDeferredPluginLoading (bool onOff)=0
virtual BOOL  IsSceneXRefNode (INode *node)=0
virtual bool  CanImportFile (const MCHAR *filename)=0
virtual bool  IsMaxFile (const MCHAR *filename)=0
virtual bool  IsInternetCachedFile (const MCHAR *filename)=0
virtual bool  CanImportBitmap (const MCHAR *filename)=0
virtual bool  CaptureSubObjectRegistration (bool OnOff, Class_ID cid)=0
virtual bool  DownloadUrl (HWND hwnd, const MCHAR *url, const MCHAR *filename, DWORD flags=0)=0
virtual INode GetImportCtxNode (void)=0
virtual ITreeView CreateTreeViewChild (ReferenceTarget *root, HWND hParent, DWORD style=0, ULONG id=0, int open=OPENTV_SPECIAL)=0
virtual void  ConvertMtl (TimeValue t, Material &gm, Mtl *mtl, BOOL doTex, int subNum, float vis, BOOL &needDecal, INode *node, BitArray *needTex, GraphicsWindow *gw)=0
virtual int  GetProductVersion ()=0
virtual int  GetLicenseBehavior ()=0
virtual bool  IsFeatureLicensed (int subNum)=0
virtual int  GetLicenseDaysLeft ()=0
virtual bool  CloneNodes (INodeTab &nodes, Point3 &offset, bool expandHierarchies=true, CloneType cloneType=NODE_COPY, INodeTab *resultSource=NULL, INodeTab *resultTarget=NULL)=0
virtual void  CollapseNode (INode *node, BOOL noWarning=FALSE)=0
virtual BOOL  CollapseNodeTo (INode *node, int modIndex, BOOL noWarning=FALSE)=0
virtual BOOL  ConvertNode (INode *node, Class_ID &cid)=0
virtual IRenderPresetsManager GetRenderPresetsManager ()=0
virtual DefaultActionSys DefaultActions ()=0
virtual BOOL  SetQuietMode (BOOL onOff)=0
  Sets internal flag, returns old value.
virtual BOOL  GetQuietMode (BOOL checkNetSlave=TRUE)=0
  The return value from this method should be called before displaying any dialogs.

Member Function Documentation

virtual HFONT GetAppHFont ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the handle of the font used by MAX. The default font is the same one returned from GetAppHFont(). So if a developer makes a dialog in the rollup page the correct font will be used automatically.
virtual void RedrawViews ( TimeValue  t,
ReferenceTarget change = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method may be called to cause the viewports to be redrawn.
TimeValue t

The time at which to redraw the viewports.


You may specify one of the following:


Call this before you redraw.


This allows the view quality to degrade to maintain interactively.


If during interactive redraw the state degraded, this will redraw the views in the undegraded state.


This redraws the views in the undegraded state.

ReferenceTarget *change=NULL

This parameter is not used - always let it default to NULL.

// More code ...


// More code ...

virtual BOOL SetActiveViewport ( HWND  hwnd ) [pure virtual]
This allows you to specify the active viewport.
HWND hwnd

The handle of the window to activate.
TRUE if the viewport was not previously active; otherwise FALSE.
virtual ViewExp* GetActiveViewport ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the ViewExp pointer of the active MAX viewport. Remember to release the ViewExp pointer with Interface::ReleaseViewport().
virtual IObjCreate* GetIObjCreate ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns this interface pointer cast as a IObjCreate pointer.
virtual IObjParam* GetIObjParam ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns this interface pointer cast as a IObjParam pointer.
virtual HWND GetMAXHWnd ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the window handle of MAX.
virtual void ForceCompleteRedraw ( BOOL  doDisabled = TRUE ) [pure virtual]
Calling this method will cause all the viewports to be completely redrawn. Note: This method literally forces everything (every object, every screen rectangle, every view) to be marked invalid and then the whole scene is regenerated. (The individual object pipeline caches are not flushed, however.) So this routine is guaranteed to be slow.
BOOL doDisabled=TRUE

If TRUE disabled viewports are redrawn; otherwise they are not.
virtual BOOL DisplayActiveCameraViewWithMultiPassEffect ( ) [pure virtual]
This method will draw the active view (if it is a camera view with a multi-pass effect enabled) with that effect active.
TRUE if the active view is a camera view with a multi-pass effect enabled, FALSE otherwise.
virtual BOOL SetActiveViewportTransparencyDisplay ( int  transType ) [pure virtual]
virtual void DisableSceneRedraw ( ) [pure virtual]

Turns off scene redraws.

In order to increase the speed of certain operations, scene redraw should be turned off temporarily, then once the operation completed, should be turned back on. Scene redraw should be disabled in implementations of the Renderer::Open() method and re-enabled in implementations of Renderer::Close() method.

Calls to DisableSceneRedraw() and EnableSceneRedraw() should be paired up since the system counts the requests for disabling the scene redraw. If several scene disable requests are issued, it takes an equal number of scene enable requests to re-enable the redrawing of the scene.
See also:
EnableSceneRedraw, IsSceneRedrawDisabled, class SuspendSceneRedrawGuard
virtual void EnableSceneRedraw ( ) [pure virtual]

Turns on scene redraws.

In order to increase the speed of certain operations, scene redraw should be turned off temporarily, then once the operation completed, should be turned back on. Scene redraw should be disabled in implementations of the Renderer::Open() method and re-enabled in implementations of Renderer::Close() method.

Calls to DisableSceneRedraw() and EnableSceneRedraw() should be paired up since the system counts the requests for disabling the scene redraw. If several scene disable requests are issued, it takes an equal number of scene enable requests to re-enable the redrawing of the scene.
See also:
DisableSceneRedraw, IsSceneRedrawDisabled, class SuspendSceneRedrawGuard
virtual int IsSceneRedrawDisabled ( ) [pure virtual]

Tells whether the scene redraw is disabled.

Call this method to find out whether the scene redraw is disabled.

The count of scene redraw disable requests. This will be positive, if the scene redraw is turned off, and zero or negative if it is turned on.
See also:
EnableSceneRedraw, DisableSceneredraw, class SuspendSceneRedrawGuard
virtual void RegisterRedrawViewsCallback ( RedrawViewsCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Registers a call back object that gets called every time the viewports are redrawn. The proc() method is called after the views are finished redrawing.
RedrawViewsCallback *cb

Points to the callback object whose proc() method is called when the viewports are redrawn. See Class RedrawViewsCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterRedrawViewsCallback ( RedrawViewsCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers the viewport redraw callback.
RedrawViewsCallback *cb

Points to the callback object to un-register. See Class RedrawViewsCallback.
virtual void RegisterSelectFilterCallback ( SelectFilterCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Registers a call back object that gets called to filter the selection of nodes.
SelectFilterCallback *cb

Points to the callback object to register. See Class SelectFilterCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterSelectFilterCallback ( SelectFilterCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers the select filter callback.
SelectFilterCallback *cb

Points to the callback object to un-register. See Class SelectFilterCallback.
virtual void RegisterDisplayFilterCallback ( DisplayFilterCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Registers a call back object that gets called to filter the display of nodes.

DisplayFilterCallback *cb

Points to the callback object to register. See Class DisplayFilterCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterDisplayFilterCallback ( DisplayFilterCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers the display filter callback.
DisplayFilterCallback *cb

Points to the callback object to un-register. See Class DisplayFilterCallback.
virtual BOOL SetSelectionType ( BOOL  autoWinCross,
int  winCrossOrAutoDir 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void MakeExtendedViewportActive ( HWND  hWnd ) [pure virtual]
This method is used with Extended Viewports (see Class ViewWindow). It is called when the extended viewport needs to become active. It should be called whenever the user clicks in the non-3D window (so as to deactivate the current 3D window, and redirect commands like the Min/Max toggle to the non-3D viewport window).

The handle of the window which to made active.
virtual void PutUpViewMenu ( HWND  hWnd,
POINT  pt 
) [pure virtual]
This method is used with Extended Viewports (see Class ViewWindow). It is called to put up the view type popup menu (for example the right-click menu). It should be called when the user right-clicks in a dead region of the non-3D window. This brings up the view selection menu so that the user can choose to replace the current window with a 3D or other non-3D window without having to go to the Views | Viewport Config dialog directly.

The handle of the window the menu is to appear in.


The point at which the menu is put up.
Sample Code:
        case WM_RBUTTONDOWN:
            pt.x = LOWORD(l);
            pt.y = HIWORD(l);
            GetCOREInterface()->PutUpViewMenu(h, pt);
virtual BOOL TrackViewPickDlg ( HWND  hParent,
TrackViewPick res,
TrackViewFilter filter = NULL,
DWORD  flags = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This method brings up the track view pick dialog.

HWND hParent

The handle of the parent window.

TrackViewPick *res

The item chosen by the user. See Class TrackViewPick

TrackViewFilter *filter=NULL

The call back object to filter selection in the track view. See Class TrackViewFilter.

DWORD flags=0

See Track View Picking Flags IDs for a list of possible flags.
TRUE if the user selected OK to exit the dialog; otherwise FALSE.
Sample Code:
This code brings up the Track View Pick Dialog and filters the input to MAX's controllers. After the controller is selected GetValue() is called on it.

        class MyTVFilter : public TrackViewFilter
            BOOL proc(Animatable *anim, Animatable *client,int subNum) {
                Control *c = (Control*)anim->GetInterface(I_CONTROL);
                return (c) ? TRUE : FALSE;
        void DoTest()
            TrackViewPick res;
            MyTVFilter tvf;
            BOOL okay = IP->TrackViewPickDlg(IP->GetMAXHWnd(), &res, &tvf);
            if (!okay) return;
            Control *c = (Control *)res.anim;
            SClass_ID sid = c->SuperClassID();
            GetSetMethod method = CTRL_ABSOLUTE;
            switch(sid) {
                case CTRL_FLOAT_CLASS_ID:
                    float r;
                    Interval ivalid;
                    c->GetValue(IP->GetTime(), &r, ivalid, method);
virtual BOOL TrackViewPickMultiDlg ( HWND  hParent,
Tab< TrackViewPick > *  res,
TrackViewFilter filter = NULL,
DWORD  flags = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This methods brings up a dialog that allows one to select multiple tracks. This method works much like the TrackViewPickDlg method above except it is passed a pointer to a table of a TrackViewPick items instead.

HWND hParent

The handle of the parent window.

Tab<TrackViewPick> *res

This is a table (See Template Class Tab) of items chosen by the user. See Class TrackViewPick.

TrackViewFilter *filter=NULL

The call back object to filter selection in the track view. See Class TrackViewFilter.

DWORD flags=0

See Track View Picking Flags IDs for a list of possible flags.
virtual void PushCommandMode ( CommandMode m ) [pure virtual]
This method pushes the specified command mode on the stack. Typically this is used by developers handling their own creation using ClassDesc::BeginCreate(). See Class ClassDesc for more details.

Note: This method works as documented but a developer may not want to use it. The problem is that other modes can be pushed on the stack (such as viewport transformation modes) and it becomes complicated to track when it is OK to pop your mode. See the methods below for alternatives (such as SetCommandMode).
CommandMode *m

A pointer to the command mode to push.
virtual void SetCommandMode ( CommandMode m ) [pure virtual]
This method sets the top of the stack to the specified command mode. A developer should call DeleteMode() to delete their command mode when done using it.
CommandMode *m

The command mode to set.
virtual void PopCommandMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Pops the command mode off the top of the stack.
virtual CommandMode* GetCommandMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the current mode on the top of the stack.
virtual void SetStdCommandMode ( int  cid ) [pure virtual]
This is the typical method called by the developer to handle mouse interaction. It allows the developer to set the command mode to one of the standard command modes. For example: CID_OBJMOVE, CID_OBJROTATE, CID_OBJSCALE, CID_OBJUSCALE, CID_OBJSQUASH, CID_OBJSELECT, etc.
int cid

The index of the command mode to set. See Standard Command Modes to review the full list.
virtual void PushStdCommandMode ( int  cid ) [pure virtual]
Allows the developer to push one of the standard command modes on the command stack. For example: CID_OBJMOVE, CID_OBJROTATE, CID_OBJSCALE, CID_OBJUSCALE, CID_OBJSQUASH, CID_OBJSELECT, etc.
int cid

The index of the command mode to set. See Standard Command Modes to review the full list.
virtual void RemoveMode ( CommandMode m ) [pure virtual]
Removes the specified command mode from the stack. This method pops items off the command mode stack up to and including the specified mode. The top item in the stack is then set as the active command mode. As usual, ExitMode() is called on the specified mode before it is popped and EnterMode() is called on the newly active mode.
CommandMode *m

Points to the command mode to remove.
virtual void DeleteMode ( CommandMode m ) [pure virtual]
If the developer sets or pushes a command mode, this method should be called when the developer is done with the mode to ensure that it is no longer anywhere in the stack. If the mode is already deleted this method does nothing.

Note: It is normal for a developer to set the 'Select and Move' command mode to be the active one if their mode was at the top of the stack and is being deleted. For instance:


CommandMode *m

The command mode to delete.
virtual void SetPickMode ( PickModeCallback pc ) [pure virtual]
This will set the command mode to a standard pick mode. The callback implements hit testing and a method that is called when the user actually picks an item. Note that this method, if called a second time, will cancel the pick mode and put the user into 'Select and Move' mode. This can be used to handle the case where a user clicks on a user interface control a second time to cancel to picking.

Sample code using this API is available in /MAXSDK/SAMPLES/OBJECTS/MORPHOBJ.CPP. A utility plug-in that uses this API is /MAXSDK/SAMPLES/UTILITIES/ASCIIOUT.CPP.
PickModeCallback *pc

A pointer to an instance of the class PickModeCallback.
virtual void ClearPickMode ( ) [pure virtual]
This method is called to make sure there are no pick modes in the command stack.
virtual PickModeCallback* GetCurPickMode ( ) [pure virtual]
If a Pick Mode is on top of the command stack, then this function will return the PickModeCallback. If the Pick Mode is not on top of the command stack the it returns NULL.
virtual BOOL DoHitByNameDialog ( HitByNameDlgCallback hbncb = NULL ) [pure virtual]
This method is called to put up the standard MAX Hit By Name dialog.

If the callback is NULL this method does a standard select by name. The nodes choosen by the user are selected if the user selects 'Select' from the dialog to exit. Use Interface::GetSelNodeCount() and GetSelNode(i) to retrieve the results.

HitByNameDlgCallback *hbncb=NULL

Points to the callback object. See Class HitByNameDlgCallback. Developers should delete this callback when done.
TRUE if the user selects 'Select' from the dialog; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void PushPrompt ( MCHAR *  s ) [pure virtual]
Pushes a prompt to display on the prompt stack.

The string to display.
virtual void PopPrompt ( ) [pure virtual]
Pops a displayed string off the prompt stack. The previous prompt will be restored.
virtual void ReplacePrompt ( MCHAR *  s ) [pure virtual]
Replaces the string on the top of the prompt stack.

The string to display.
virtual void DisplayTempPrompt ( MCHAR *  s,
int  msec = 1000 
) [pure virtual]
Displays the string passed for the duration passed. After the time elapses, the string is popped from the stack. This may be used to put up a temporary error message for example.

The string to display temporarily.

int msec=1000

The duration in milliseconds to display the string.
virtual void RemoveTempPrompt ( ) [pure virtual]
Removes the temporary prompt immediately.
virtual void ChooseDirectory ( HWND  hWnd,
MCHAR *  title,
MCHAR *  dir,
MCHAR *  desc = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This methods puts up the Choose Directory dialog box to allow the user to select a directory. The choosen directory including the drive and path is stored in dir.


The parent window handle.

MCHAR *title

The title in the dialog box.

MCHAR *dir

The choosen directory is stored here. This points to an empty string on cancel.


The string to go into the Label field of the dialog. This string may be changed by the user and is returned here.
virtual float GetAutoBackupTime ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the auto backup interval in minutes.
virtual void SetAutoBackupTime ( float  minutes ) [pure virtual]
Sets the auto backup time interval.
float minutes

The time to set in minutes.
virtual BOOL AutoBackupEnabled ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if auto backup mode is enabled; FALSE if it's disabled.
virtual void EnableAutoBackup ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Enables or Disables the auto backup system.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to turn it on; FALSE to turn it off.
virtual BOOL ProgressStart ( MCHAR *  title,
BOOL  dispBar,
LPVOID  arg 
) [pure virtual]
This method puts up a progress bar in the status panel. The function fn is then called and is passed the argument arg. This function fn does the processing work of the plug-in. See the sample code below.

Note: It is not possible to use the progress bar APIs in the create or modify branches of the command panel. In the create or modify branch of the command panel, EndEditParams() gets called from this method. This is because most of MAX is "shut down" during a progress operation. For example, it is not appropriate for users to be moving objects during an IK calculation, or changing the camera lens while a preview is being created (all these operations use the ProgressStart() API). It is for this same reason that the Transform Type-in, Medit, Track View and Video Post windows are hidden during a progress operation. Since EndEditParams() is called, the Interface pointer a plug-in maintains is no longer valid after the operation is started. This method is useful for Utility plug-ins, and Import/Export plug-ins however.
MCHAR *title

The title string for the progress bar to let the user know what is happening.

BOOL dispBar

If FALSE the progress bar is not displayed; if TRUE the progress bar is displayed.


This is a pointer to a function that returns a DWORD and takes a single argument. When ProgressStart() is called, this function is called with the argument arg passed. This function should be declared as follows:



This is the argument to the function fn.
TRUE means the progress mode was entered successfully. FALSE means that there was a problem. Currently the return value is always TRUE. When compiled for multi-threading (which is turned off in the 1.0 build), FALSE is returned if the new thread could not be created.
Sample Code:
This code demonstrates the use of the ProgressStart(), ProgressEnd() GetCancel() and SetCancel() APIs. There are two ways to use the APIs. One is to use a dummy function for fn in ProgressStart(). Then just call ProgressUpdate() from whatever function you want to do the processing. The other way is to use fn to do the processing.

In this version, the fn function passed to ProgressStart() performs the work.

        DWORD WINAPI fn(LPVOID arg)
            int i, percent;
            Interface *ip = theUtility.ip;
            for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                percent = i/10;
                if (ip->GetCancel()) {
                    switch(MessageBox(ip->GetMAXHWnd(), _M("Really Cancel"), _M("Question"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO)) {
                        case IDYES:
                            case IDNO:
        void Utility::Test1()
            Interface *ip = theUtility.ip;
                LPVOID arg;
                ip->ProgressStart(_M("Title String"), TRUE, fn, arg);
        In this version, the fn function passed to ProgressStart() is a dummy function, and the processing is done outside it.
        DWORD WINAPI fn(LPVOID arg)
        void Utility::Test1()
            int i, percent, retval;
                Interface *ip = theUtility.ip;
                LPVOID arg;
                ip->ProgressStart(_M("Title String"), TRUE, fn, arg);
            for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
                percent = i/10;
                if (ip->GetCancel()) {
                    retval = MessageBox(ip->GetMAXHWnd(), _M("Really Cancel"), _M("Question"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO);
                    if (retval == IDYES)
                    else if (retval == IDNO)
virtual void ProgressUpdate ( int  pct,
BOOL  showPct = TRUE,
MCHAR *  title = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method updates the progress bar. As the function fn passed in ProcessStart() above is working it should periodically call this method to report its progress.
int pct

The percentage complete (0 to 99). This is what causes the progress bar to move.

BOOL showPct = TRUE

If TRUE, then the title parameter is ignored, and a percent is displayed to the right of the progress bar. If FALSE, then the title parameter is displayed next to the progress bar. This is for operations that are discrete -- the title might change from "extruding" to "capping" to "welding" for example. Note that currently the Cancel button is not shown if showPct is set to FALSE, however the ESC key may be used to cancel.

MCHAR *title = NULL

If showPct is FALSE, this string is displayed next to the progress bar.
virtual void ProgressEnd ( ) [pure virtual]
This method removes the progress bar and frees the memory that was allocated internally to handle the processing.
virtual BOOL GetCancel ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the progress bar cancel button status. Also see SetCancel() below.
TRUE if the user pressed the cancel button; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetCancel ( BOOL  sw ) [pure virtual]
Sets the canceled status returned from GetCancel(). This may be used if you want to give the user a confirmation dialog box asking if they really want to cancel. For example, when a MAX user creates an preview animation this API is used. If the user presses cancel, the preview code reads this via GetCancel(). Then a confirmation dialog is displayed asking the user if they indeed want to cancel. If the user selects that they don't want to cancel, this method is called passing FALSE. This sets the class variable that is returned by GetCancel(). The cancel request is ignored and processing continues.

Note that this will not cancel unless you implement code to process GetCancel(). It merely sets the state returned from GetCancel().

TRUE to set the cancel flag; FALSE to clear the cancel flag.
virtual void CreatePreview ( PreviewParams pvp = NULL ) [pure virtual]
This method is used to render a preview image (or animation) from the currently active viewport using the real-time (viewport) renderer.

PreviewParams *pvp=NULL

This class defines the way the preview is generated (via its data members). If this is passed as NULL the parameters from the preview rendering dialog box are used. See Class PreviewParams.
virtual float GetGridSpacing ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the grid spacing value that the user specifies in the Views / Grid and Snap Settings dialog in the Home Grid tab under Grid Spacing.

Implemented in Interface7.

virtual int GetGridMajorLines ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the value that the user specifies in the Views / Grid and Snap Settings dialog in the Home Grid tab under Major Lines every Nth.

Implemented in Interface7.

virtual void DisableStatusXYZ ( ) [pure virtual]
Disables mouse tracking and display of coordinates to the X, Y, Z status boxes. Typically a plug-in would disable mouse tracking on mouse down and enable it on mouse up.
virtual void EnableStatusXYZ ( ) [pure virtual]
Enables mouse tracking and display of coordinates to the X, Y, Z status boxes. Typically a plug-in would disable mouse tracking on mouse down and enable it on mouse up.
virtual void SetStatusXYZ ( Point3  xyz,
int  type 
) [pure virtual]
Displays the point passed using the format passed in the X, Y, Z status boxes.
Point3 xyz

The point to be displayed.

int type

The format of the point:


Current system units.


0=0%, 1=100%.




Straight floating point value.
virtual void SetStatusXYZ ( AngAxis  aa ) [pure virtual]
This method will convert the specified angle axis for status display.
AngAxis aa

The angle axis to convert and display.
virtual void SetExtendedDisplayMode ( int  flags ) [pure virtual]
This method is used internally to set the extended display mode.
int flags

See Extended Display Modes.
virtual int GetExtendedDisplayMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the extended display mode flags. This method provides a mechanism to retrieve some additional information about an object that is more dependent on MAX than on the particular object. For example, when a spotlight is selected, it can use this method to detect that it is the only item selected, and display its cone. It checks this using and extended display mode EXT_DISP_ONLY_SELECTED. See Extended Display Modes.
virtual void SetFlyOffTime ( int  msecs ) [pure virtual]
This sets the custom control flyoff time to the value passed. This is the number of milliseconds the user must hold down on a flyoff button before the flyoff is activated.
int msecs

The number of milliseconds the user must hold down on the button before the flyoff is activated.
virtual int GetFlyOffTime ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the number of milliseconds the user must hold down on a flyoff button before the flyoff is activated.
virtual HCURSOR GetSysCursor ( int  id ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the cursor handle for the standard MAX cursors. Use SetCursor() from the Windows API to set the cursor.
int id

One of the following values:


The handle of the cursor.
virtual void SetCrossHairCur ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
This method is reserved for future use.
virtual BOOL GetCrossHairCur ( ) [pure virtual]
This method is reserved for future use.
virtual void RealizeParamPanel ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual float SnapAngle ( float  angleIn,
BOOL  fastSnap = TRUE,
BOOL  forceSnap = FALSE 
) [pure virtual]
Normally, with angle snap off, interactive rotation of a node uses a rate of 1/2 degree per pixel. With angle snap on, the angles are snapped to the nearest MAX angle snap value.

This method may be used when interactive rotation is taking place with the mouse to snap the angle passed to the nearest MAX angle snap value. In this method, the input value/output value snap correspondence is accelerated as the angle grows. This prevents the user from having to move the mouse too much with larger angle values. This is why this method does not return a linear relationship between the input angle and the snapped output angle.

Note that when angle snap is off, this method just returns the input value unaltered.

Note for R3: This method formerly was set up with a single parameter, the angle to be snapped. If the angle snap toggle was on, snapping occurred. If not, it did nothing. There were two problems with this:

1) A multiplier was applied to the angle input, giving faster interactive results in object rotations, etc. This had a negative effect if you just wanted your input angle snapped to the nearest snap angle.

2) It only snapped if the angle snap toggle was on. Sometimes, you might want to snap something to the angle snap value even if the master toggle was off.

To remedy these shortcomings, the method has had two parameters added (fastSnap and forceSnap).
float angleIn

Angle to snap in radians.

BOOL fastSnap=TRUE

If TRUE the snapping multiplier is used; if FALSE it is not.

BOOL forceSnap=FALSE

If TRUE snapping is used even if the master angle snap toggle is off.
Angle snapped to the nearest angle snap setting (considering acceleration if specified), in radians, to be used for interactive rotation.
virtual float SnapPercent ( float  percentIn ) [pure virtual]
Given a value in the range 0.0 (0%) to 1.0 (100%) this method snaps the value using the current percentage snap.
float percentIn

The value to snap.
The snapped value where 0.0 = 0% and 1.0 = 100%.
virtual BOOL GetSnapState ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the snap toggle state.
TRUE if snap is on; FALSE if snap is off.
virtual int GetSnapMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the current snap type.
One of the following values:


virtual BOOL SetSnapMode ( int  mode ) [pure virtual]
Set the current snap mode. Note that setting the mode to SNAPMODE_ABSOLUTE will fail if the reference coordinate system is not in set to Screen.
int mode

One of the following values:


Returns TRUE if succeeded; otherwise FALSE.
virtual INode* PickNode ( HWND  hWnd,
IPoint2  pt,
PickNodeCallback filt = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method hit tests the screen position for nodes and returns an INode pointer if one is hit, NULL otherwise.

Handle of the window to check.

IPoint2 pt

Point to check in screen coordinates.

PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL

This callback may be used to filter nodes from being picked. See Class PickNodeCallback.
INode pointer of node that was hit; NULL if no node was found.
virtual void BoxPickNode ( ViewExp vpt,
IPoint2 pt,
BOOL  crossing,
PickNodeCallback filt = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method performs a node level hit test on the specified rectangular region. Use either the ViewExp::GetClosestHit() or ViewExp::GetHit() method to access the result.
ViewExp *vpt

The viewport to perform the hit testing.

IPoint2 *pt

These points specify the box region to hit test. The first point in the array is the lower left. The second point is the upper right.

BOOL crossing

If TRUE Crossing selection is used; otherwise Window seleciton is used.

PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL

This callback may be used to filter nodes from being picked. See Class PickNodeCallback.
virtual void CirclePickNode ( ViewExp vpt,
IPoint2 pt,
BOOL  crossing,
PickNodeCallback filt = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method performs a node level hit test on the specified circular region. Use either the ViewExp::GetClosestHit() or ViewExp::GetHit(int i) method to access the result.
ViewExp *vpt

The viewport to perform the hit testing.

IPoint2 *pt

These points specify the circular region to hit test. The first point in the array is the center. The second point is a point on the radius.

BOOL crossing

If TRUE Crossing selection is used; otherwise Window seleciton is used.

PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL

This callback may be used to filter nodes from being picked. See Class PickNodeCallback.
virtual void FencePickNode ( ViewExp vpt,
IPoint2 pt,
BOOL  crossing,
PickNodeCallback filt = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method performs a node level hit test on the specified arbitrary polygonal region. Use either the ViewExp::GetClosestHit() or ViewExp::GetHit() method to access the result.
ViewExp *vpt

The viewport to perform the hit testing.

IPoint2 *pt

These points specify the fence region to hit test. It is assumed the last point is connected to the first point to close the region. The fence knows when it's out of points when it hits a point that has negative x and y values. So, the initializer IPoint2(-1, -1) added to the bottom of this IPoint2 list signals the end.

BOOL crossing

If TRUE Crossing selection is used; otherwise Window seleciton is used.

PickNodeCallback *filt=NULL

This callback may be used to filter nodes from being picked. See Class PickNodeCallback.
virtual void RegisterSubObjectTypes ( const MCHAR **  types,
int  count,
int  startIndex = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This method registers the sub-object types for a given plug-in object type. See the Advanced Topics section on sub-object selection for more details.
const MCHAR **types

Array of strings listing the sub object levels. The order the strings appear in the array sets the indices used for the sub-object levels. Level 0 is always object level, the first string corresponds to level 1, and the second string corresponds to level 2, etc. In the sample code below, "Center" is level 1 and "Gizmo" is level 2.

int count

The number of strings in the array.

int startIndex=0

Specifies which string to display initially in the sub-object type combo box. This is needed because the NURBS object computes its sub-object list dynamically, and sometimes it add a new sub-object level while already in a sub-object level. The default value of zero replicates the original behavior.
Sample Code:
const MCHAR *ptype[] = { _M("Center"), _M("Gizmo") };

ip->RegisterSubObjectTypes(ptype, 2);
virtual void AppendSubObjectNamedSelSet ( const MCHAR *  set ) [pure virtual]
A modifier may call this method to add sub-object named selection sets to the named selection set drop down list in the MAX toolbar. This should be done whenever the selection level changes (in the Modifiers BaseObject::ActivateSubobjSel() method). See Class BaseObject for additional methods associated with sub-object named selection sets.
const MCHAR *set

The named selection set to add to the list.
virtual void ClearSubObjectNamedSelSets ( ) [pure virtual]
This method clears the named sub-object selection sets from the drop down.
virtual void ClearCurNamedSelSet ( ) [pure virtual]
This method clears the current edit field of the named selection set drop down.
virtual void SetCurNamedSelSet ( MCHAR *  setName ) [pure virtual]
Sets the edit field of the named selection set drop down to the set whose name is passed.
MCHAR *setName

The name of the selection set to make current.
virtual void NamedSelSetListChanged ( ) [pure virtual]
Calling this method tells the system that the named sub-object selection sets have changed and that the drop down needs to be rebuilt. This will cause BaseObject::SetupNamedSelDropDown() to be called on the current item being edited. This is often called inside restore objects that undo changes to the selection set. This causes the system to check if the current item being edited is in sub-object selection mode, and if so, will cause SetupNamedSelDropDown() to be called. Note that restore objects can be invoked at any time and the user may not be in sub-object selection mode (for instance they might be in the Display panel). Restore objects however can simply call this method and the system will figure out if the drop down needs to be updated.
virtual int GetSubObjectLevel ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the state of the sub object drop-down.
0 is object level and >= 1 refers to the levels registered by the object using RegisterSubObjectTypes(). The value refers to the order the item appeared in the list. 1 is the first item, 2 is the second, etc.
virtual void SetSubObjectLevel ( int  level,
BOOL  force = FALSE 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the sub-object drop down. This will cause the object being edited to receive a notification that the current sub-object level has changed (via BaseObject::ActivateSubobjSel()).
int level

The level registered by the object using RegisterSubObjectTypes(). 0 indicates object level. Values greater than 1 refer to the order the items appeared in the list.

BOOL force = FALSE

If this parameter is TRUE, this method will set the level even if the current level is the same as the level requested. This is to support objects that change sub-object levels on the fly, for instance NURBS.
virtual int GetNumSubObjectLevels ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the number of sub object levels that the currently edited object (or modifier) has. Like the other sub-object related methods in this class, this method will only return a valid answer if the modifier panel is displayed.
virtual void EnableSubObjectSelection ( BOOL  enable ) [pure virtual]
This method enables or disables sub-object selection. Note that it will already be disabled if there are no subobject levels registered. In this case, this method has no effect.
BOOL enable

TRUE to enable sub-object selection; FALSE to disable.
virtual BOOL IsSubObjectSelectionEnabled ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the state that is modified by EnableSubObjectSelection(). That is, it does not actually return the state of the button, but indicates the disabled state as set by EnableSubObjectSelection().
TRUE if the sub-object button has been disabled by EnableSubObjectSelection(); otherwise FALSE.
virtual void PipeSelLevelChanged ( ) [pure virtual]
Plug-ins call this method to notify the system that the selection level in the pipeline has changed. The selection level flows up the pipeline so if you change the selection level you affect things later in the pipeline. For example an edit modifier that changes the sub-object level from vertex to object level must call this method after making the change to notify the system. Note that it is only called for modifiers whose sub-object levels propagate up the pipeline. For example, when entering a sub-object level within the Bend modifier, PipeSelLevelChanged() is not called.

This method should be called from within ActivateSubobjSel() to notify the system that a selection level has changed in the pipeline. Note that calling this method from within ModifyObject() is no good since it involves re-evaluating the pipeline, which will call ModifyObject(), which will the call PipeSelLevelChanged() again, etc.
virtual void GetPipelineSubObjLevel ( DWORDTab levels ) [pure virtual]
Gets the sub-object selection level at the point in the pipeline just before the current place in the history.
DWORDTab &levels

The sub-object level. This value depends on the object. The only level defined is level 0, which means 'object' level selection.
virtual void GetModContexts ( ModContextList list,
INodeTab nodes 
) [pure virtual]
A modifier may be applied to several objects in the scene. This method retrieves a list of all the ModContexts for the modifier at the current place in the modifier stack. It also gets a list of the nodes the modifier is applied to. For example a modifier may store data into the local data portion of the ModContext for each object affected by the modifier. In order to get at this data it needs to get each ModContext.

Note: this method returns only the ModContext of the currently selected objects, even if the modifier is applied to several objects.
ModContextList& list

A reference to the list of ModContexts. See Class ModContextList.

INodeTab& nodes

A reference to the table of each of the nodes. See Class INodeTab.
virtual BaseObject* GetCurEditObject ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the object (or modifier) that is currently being edited in the modifier panel. See Class BaseObject.

Implemented in Interface7.

virtual int SubObHitTest ( TimeValue  t,
int  type,
int  crossing,
int  flags,
IPoint2 p,
ViewExp vpt 
) [pure virtual]
This method may be called to perform a sub-object hit test. You may access the number of hits using: vpt->NumSubObjHits(); See Class ViewExp for a list of the other methods that may be used to examine the results.
TimeValue t

The time of the hit testing.

int type

The hit test type. See Scene and Node Hit Test Types..

int crossing

Nonzero for crossing selection; 0 for normal (window).

int flags

The flags for hit testing. See Scene and Node Hit Testing Flags.

IPoint2 *p

Point to check in screen coordinates.

ViewExp *vpt

An interface pointer that may be used to call methods associated with the viewports.
Nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0.
virtual BOOL SelectionFrozen ( ) [pure virtual]
In MAX the space bar freezes the selection set. This keeps the selection set from being inadvertently changed. This method access the status of the selection set frozen state.
TRUE if the selection set is frozen; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void FreezeSelection ( ) [pure virtual]
Toggles the selection set to the frozen state.
virtual void ThawSelection ( ) [pure virtual]
Toggles the selection set to the thawed state.
virtual INode* GetSelNode ( int  i ) [pure virtual]
Selection sets are handled as a virtual array and accessed using an index starting at 0. This method returns a pointer to the 'i-th' node in the current selection set.
See also:
int i

Index of the node in the selection set.
Pointer to the 'i-th' node in the selection set.
virtual int GetSelNodeCount ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the number of nodes in the selection set.
virtual void EnableShowEndResult ( BOOL  enabled ) [pure virtual]
This method is called if a modifier wants to temporarily disable any modifiers following it. For example the edit mesh modifier does not let you edit a mesh while other modifiers later in the pipeline are affecting the result so it calls this method to disable the others temporarily.
BOOL enabled

TRUE is enabled; FALSE is disabled.
virtual BOOL GetShowEndResult ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the Show End Result button is on (pressed); otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetShowEndResult ( BOOL  show ) [pure virtual]
Sets the on/off (pressed/unpressed) state of the Show End Result button. Note that calling this method generates a redraw.
BOOL show

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetCrossing ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the state of the 'crossing' preference for hit testing.
TRUE if crossing selection is on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetToolButtonState ( int  button,
BOOL  state 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of one of the transform tool buttons.
int button

The transform tool buttons:







BOOL state

TRUE indicates pressed, FALSE is not pressed.
virtual BOOL GetToolButtonState ( int  button ) [pure virtual]
virtual void EnableToolButton ( int  button,
BOOL  enable = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
virtual void EnableUndo ( BOOL  enable ) [pure virtual]
virtual int GetCommandPanelTaskMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a value to indicate which brach of the command panel is currently active.
One of the following values:






virtual void SetCommandPanelTaskMode ( int  mode ) [pure virtual]
This method sets the brach of the command panel that is currently active.
int mode

One of the following values:






virtual ViewExp* GetViewport ( HWND  hwnd ) [pure virtual]
This method gets a viewport interface given a window handle.
HWND hwnd

The window handle of the viewport.
virtual void ReleaseViewport ( ViewExp vpt ) [pure virtual]
When the developer is done with the viewport interface acquired via GetViewport() or GetActiveViewport() they should call this method to release it.
ViewExp *vpt

The viewport interface to release.
virtual void EnableAnimateButton ( BOOL  enable ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the Animate button to enabled or disabled. When disabled the user cannot turn on Animate mode.

Note: Developers have additional functions available for controlling the state of the animate button. These functions are defined in /MAXSDK/INCLUDE/CONTROL.H. These functions can be used to determine if animating is on or off, or toggle it on and off without affecting the appearance of the Animate button in the user interface. In this way, a user will not be aware anything is happening. See List of Additional Controller Related Functions for documentation.
BOOL enable

Pass TRUE to enable the button; FALSE to disable it.
virtual BOOL IsAnimateEnabled ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the Animate button is enabled; otherwise FALSE. See the note in the method above as well.
virtual void SetAnimateButtonState ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Turns the animate button (and animate mode) on or off.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to turn on; FALSE to turn off.
virtual bool InProgressiveMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE is 3ds Max is in progressive mode. See BeginProgressiveMode().
virtual void BeginProgressiveMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Turns on progressive mode for SetNodeTM().

In certain situations, a time sequence of matrices is computed and sent to the node via INode::SetNodeTM(TimeValue t, Matrix3& tm). If the node employs the standard PRS controller and the rotation is the standard Euler XYZ controller, 3ds Max can achieve better animation results if it computes euler angles at the current frame based on those from the previous frame. Progressive mode tells the Euler controller to derive angles based on the previous frame. It is assumed that in this mode, SetNodeTM() is called in a strictly forward time order.

for (t = start_time, t < end_time; t += time_per_frame) {

node.SetNodeTM(t, tm_at_t);



To test whether 3ds Max is currently in progressive mode, use:

if ( GetCOREInterface()->InProgressiveMode() )...
virtual void EndProgressiveMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Turns off progressive mode. See BeginProgressiveMode().
virtual void RegisterAxisChangeCallback ( AxisChangeCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Registers a callback object that will get called any time the user changes the reference coordinate system by:

Changing the transform coordinate system drop-down menu.

Changing the state of the transform center fly-off.

Changing X, Y, Z, XY, YZ, ZX constraint buttons/fly-off.

Using an accelerator or anything else that changes the above.
AxisChangeCallback *cb

Points to the callback to register. See AxisChangeCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterAxisChangeCallback ( AxisChangeCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers the axis change callback.
AxisChangeCallback *cb

Points to the callback to un-register. See AxisChangeCallback.
virtual int GetAxisConstraints ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the state of the axis constraints flyoff.
One of the following axis constraints:






virtual void SetAxisConstraints ( int  c ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the axis constraints flyoff.
int c

The axis constraint to set. You may pass one of the following:






virtual void EnableAxisConstraints ( int  c,
BOOL  enabled 
) [pure virtual]
Enables or disables the specified axis constraint.
int c

The axis constraint. You may pass one of the following:







BOOL enabled

TRUE to enable; FALSE to disable.
virtual void PushAxisConstraints ( int  c ) [pure virtual]
Pushes the specified axis constraint. This push/pop mechanism is used so that the appropriate axis mode can be restored after the Transform Gizmo has been used. The Gizmo itself calls this Push method is response to the HitTest with certain flags.
int c

The axis constraint. You may pass one of the following:






virtual void PopAxisConstraints ( ) [pure virtual]
Pops the active constraint. After the Transform Gizmo pushes a constraint a selection processor pops it back again after the manipulators are deactivated.
virtual int GetCoordCenter ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the state of the coordinate system center.
One of the following values:


Object's pivot.


Center of selection set (or center of individual object for local or parent space).


Center of the reference coordinate system.
virtual void SetCoordCenter ( int  c ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the coordinate system center.
int c

One of the following values (from MAXAPI.H).


Object's pivot.


Center of selection set (or center of individual object for local or parent space).


Center of the reference coordinate system.
virtual void EnableCoordCenter ( BOOL  enabled ) [pure virtual]
Enables or disables the coordinates system center.
BOOL enabled

TRUE to enable; FALSE to disable.
virtual int GetRefCoordSys ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the reference coordinate system setting.
One of the following reference coordinate systems:








virtual void SetRefCoordSys ( int  c ) [pure virtual]
Sets the reference coordinate system used.
int c

Reference coordinate system:








virtual void EnableRefCoordSys ( BOOL  enabled ) [pure virtual]
Enables or disables the reference coordinates system.
BOOL enabled

TRUE to enable; FALSE to disable.
virtual int GetSelectFilter ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns your current selected select filter in the toolbar.
virtual void SetSelectFilter ( int  c ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to set the current selected select filter in the toolbar.
int c

The index of the filter you wish to set.
virtual int GetNumberSelectFilters ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the number of select filters in the drop down list.
virtual MCHAR* GetSelectFilterName ( int  index ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the name that appears in the interface for the specified filter.
int index

The index of the filter.
virtual BOOL GetDisplayFilter ( int  index ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the state of a display filter.
int index

The index of the display filter that you want to check.
virtual void SetDisplayFilter ( int  index,
BOOL  on 
) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to set the state of a display filter.
int index

The index of the display filter you wish to set.


TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual int GetNumberDisplayFilters ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the number of display filters in the display panel.
virtual BOOL DisplayFilterIsNodeVisible ( int  index,
int  sid,
Class_ID  cid,
INode node 
) [pure virtual]
This method checks the display filter at index, and sees if the node, class id, and super class id fail the filter check or not.
int index

The index of the filter

int sid

The super class id

Class_ID cid

The class ID

INode *node

The node to check.
TRUE if visible, otherwise FALSE.
virtual MCHAR* GetDisplayFilterName ( int  index ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the name of the specified filter.
int index

The index of the filter.
virtual Matrix3 GetTransformAxis ( INode node,
int  subIndex,
BOOL *  local = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
An item that is doing sub-object hit testing gets to specify what their sub-object axes systems are. For example a mesh may have separate coordinate systems for every face or group of selected faces, while, for instance, a bend modifier has its own axes system for the gizmo. This method gets the axes system for a particular node. Each node may have several axes systems identified by an index.

See EDITMESH.CPP for an example of use.
INode *node

The node to get the axis coordinates system of.

int subIndex

The index of the axis system of the node.

BOOL* local = NULL

If 'local' is not NULL, it will be set to TRUE if the center of the axis is the pivot point of the node, FALSE otherwise.
The axis system of the node.
Returns the axis which defines the space in which transforms should take place.
INode *node

The object the axis system should be based on.

int subIndex

The sub object which the axis system should be based on (the thing the user clicked on).

BOOL* local = NULL

If 'local' is not NULL, it will be set to TRUE if the center of the axis is the pivot point of the node, FALSE otherwise.
A matrix representing the axis system that transforms take place in.
virtual int GetNumAxis ( ) [pure virtual]
This returns the number of axis tripods in the scene. When transforming multiple sub-objects, in some cases each sub-object is transformed in a different space.
One of the following values:


Nothing to transform.


Use only one axis.


Do all, one at a time.
virtual void LockAxisTripods ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
This method locks axis tripods so that they will not be updated.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to lock; FALSE to unlock.
virtual BOOL AxisTripodLocked ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns TRUE if axis tripods are locked.
virtual void RegisterDlgWnd ( HWND  hDlg ) [pure virtual]
Registers a dialog window so IsDialogMessage() gets called for it. This is not required if you add rollup pages to the command panel as this is done automatically, however if you create a floating, modeless dialog you must call this method.

Important Note: ALL modeless dialogs in MAX must be registered to the application window with this method so that it, and any sub dialogs, will behave as they should.

The window handle of the dialog.
virtual int UnRegisterDlgWnd ( HWND  hDlg ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers a dialog window so IsDialogMessage() is no longer called for it.

The window handle of the dialog.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
virtual void RegisterAccelTable ( HWND  hWnd,
HACCEL  hAccel 
) [pure virtual]
Registers a keyboard accelerator table.

The window handle.


The handle of the accelerator table (from the Windows API). See the Windows API for more details on accelerator tables.
virtual int UnRegisterAccelTable ( HWND  hWnd,
HACCEL  hAccel 
) [pure virtual]
Un-registers a keyboard accelerator table.

The window handle.


The handle of the accelerator table (from the Windows API). See the Windows API for more details on accelerator tables.
Nonzero if successful; otherwise 0.
virtual IActionManager* GetActionManager ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the Action Manager interface class. The action manager is used to manage ActionTables which plug-ins can use to export operations that can be tied to UI elements like keyboard shortcuts, menus and toolbars. See Class IActionManager.
virtual IMenuManager* GetMenuManager ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the manager for cusomizable menus. See Class IMenuManager.
virtual HWND AddRollupPage ( HINSTANCE  hInst,
MCHAR *  dlgTemplate,
DLGPROC  dlgProc,
MCHAR *  title,
LPARAM  param = 0,
DWORD  flags = 0,
int  category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD 
) [pure virtual]
This method is used to add a rollup page to the command panel. It returns the window handle of the rollup page.

The DLL instance handle of the plug-in.

MCHAR *dlgTemplate

The dialog template for the rollup page.


The dialog proc to handle the messages sent to the rollup page.

MCHAR *title

The title displayed in the title bar of the rollup page.

LPARAM param=0

Any specific data to pass along may be stored here. This may be later retrieved using the GetWindowLong() call from the Windows API if it was set in the window using SetWindowLong().

For example, at the beginning of the dialog proc do something like:


HWND hWnd, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam) {

MyUtil *u = (MyUtil *)GetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA);

if (!u && message != WM_INITDIALOG ) return FALSE;

. . .

Then inside the code block handling the WM_INITDIALOG message do something like:

        switch (message)
            case WM_INITDIALOG:
                u = (MyUtil *)lParam;
                SetWindowLong(hWnd, GWL_USERDATA, (LONG)u);
                . . .
Then later in the dialog you can access the object passed in -- in the case above an instance of MyUtil (using u->).

DWORD flags=0

The following flag value may be used:


Starts the page in the rolled up (closed) state.

int category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD

The category parameter provides flexibility with regard to where a particular rollup should be displayed in the UI. RollupPanels with lower category fields will be displayed before RollupPanels with higher category fields. For RollupPanels with equal category value the one that was added first will be displayed first. Allthough it is possible to pass any int value as category there exist currently 5 different category defines: ROLLUP_CAT_SYSTEM, ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD, and ROLLUP_CAT_CUSTATTRIB.

When using ROLLUP_SAVECAT, the rollup page will make the provided category sticky, meaning it will not read the category from the RollupOrder.cfg file, but rather save the category field that was passed as argument in the CatRegistry and in the RollupOrder.cfg file.

The method will take the category of the replaced rollup in case the flags argument contains ROLLUP_USEREPLACEDCAT. This is mainly done, so that this system works with param maps as well.
Sample Code:
        hBendParams = ip->AddRollupPage(hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_BEND_ROLLUP), BendParamDialogProc,_M("Parameters"), (LPARAM)this );
The window handle of the rollup page.
virtual HWND AddRollupPage ( HINSTANCE  hInst,
DLGTEMPLATE *  dlgTemplate,
DLGPROC  dlgProc,
MCHAR *  title,
LPARAM  param = 0,
DWORD  flags = 0,
int  category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD 
) [pure virtual]
This method is used to add a rollup page to the command panel. It returns the window handle of the rollup page. This method is currently not being used.

The DLL instance handle of the plug-in.

DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate

The dialog template for the rollup page.


The dialog proc to handle the messages sent to the rollup page.

MCHAR *title

The title displayed in the title bar of the rollup page.

LPARAM param=0

Any specific data to pass along may be stored here. This may be later retrieved using the GetWindowLong() call from the Windows API if it was set in the window using SetWindowLong().

DWORD flags=0

The following flag value may be used:


Starts the page in the rolled up (closed) state.

int category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD

The category parameter provides flexibility with regard to where a particular rollup should be displayed in the UI. RollupPanels with lower category fields will be displayed before RollupPanels with higher category fields. For RollupPanels with equal category value the one that was added first will be displayed first. Allthough it is possible to pass any int value as category there exist currently 5 different category defines: ROLLUP_CAT_SYSTEM, ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD, and ROLLUP_CAT_CUSTATTRIB.

When using ROLLUP_SAVECAT, the rollup page will make the provided category sticky, meaning it will not read the category from the RollupOrder.cfg file, but rather save the category field that was passed as argument in the CatRegistry and in the RollupOrder.cfg file.

The method will take the category of the replaced rollup in case the flags argument contains ROLLUP_USEREPLACEDCAT. This is mainly done, so that this system works with param maps as well.
The window handle of the rollup page.
virtual void DeleteRollupPage ( HWND  hRollup ) [pure virtual]
Removes a rollup page and destroys it.
HWND hRollup

The window handle of the rollup window. This is the handle returned from AddRollupPage().
virtual HWND ReplaceRollupPage ( HWND  hOldRollup,
MCHAR *  dlgTemplate,
DLGPROC  dlgProc,
MCHAR *  title,
LPARAM  param = 0,
DWORD  flags = 0,
int  category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD 
) [pure virtual]
This replaces an existing rollup with another one and (deletes the original).
HWND hOldRollup

The window handle of the old rollup.


The DLL instance handle of the plug-in.

MCHAR *dlgTemplate

The dialog template for the rollup page.


The dialog proc to handle the messages sent to the rollup page.

MCHAR *title

The title displayed in the title bar of the rollup page.

LPARAM param=0

Any specific data to pass along may be stored here.

DWORD flags=0

The following flag value may be used:


Starts the page in the rolled up (closed) state.

int category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD

The category parameter provides flexibility with regard to where a particular rollup should be displayed in the UI. RollupPanels with lower category fields will be displayed before RollupPanels with higher category fields. For RollupPanels with equal category value the one that was added first will be displayed first. Allthough it is possible to pass any int value as category there exist currently 5 different category defines: ROLLUP_CAT_SYSTEM, ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD, and ROLLUP_CAT_CUSTATTRIB.

When using ROLLUP_SAVECAT, the rollup page will make the provided category sticky, meaning it will not read the category from the RollupOrder.cfg file, but rather save the category field that was passed as argument in the CatRegistry and in the RollupOrder.cfg file.

The method will take the category of the replaced rollup in case the flags argument contains ROLLUP_USEREPLACEDCAT. This is mainly done, so that this system works with param maps as well.
The window handle of the rollup.
This replaces an existing rollup with another one and (deletes the original). This method is currently not being used.
HWND hOldRollup

The window handle of the old rollup.


The DLL instance handle of the plug-in.

DLGTEMPLATE *dlgTemplate

The dialog template for the rollup page.


The dialog proc to handle the messages sent to the rollup page.

MCHAR *title

The title displayed in the title bar of the rollup page.

LPARAM param=0

Any specific data to pass along may be stored here.

DWORD flags=0

The following flag value may be used:


Starts the page in the rolled up (closed) state.

int category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD

The category parameter provides flexibility with regard to where a particular rollup should be displayed in the UI. RollupPanels with lower category fields will be displayed before RollupPanels with higher category fields. For RollupPanels with equal category value the one that was added first will be displayed first. Allthough it is possible to pass any int value as category there exist currently 5 different category defines: ROLLUP_CAT_SYSTEM, ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD, and ROLLUP_CAT_CUSTATTRIB.

When using ROLLUP_SAVECAT, the rollup page will make the provided category sticky, meaning it will not read the category from the RollupOrder.cfg file, but rather save the category field that was passed as argument in the CatRegistry and in the RollupOrder.cfg file.

The method will take the category of the replaced rollup in case the flags argument contains ROLLUP_USEREPLACEDCAT. This is mainly done, so that this system works with param maps as well.
The window handle of the rollup.
virtual HWND ReplaceRollupPage ( HWND  hOldRollup,
DLGTEMPLATE *  dlgTemplate,
DLGPROC  dlgProc,
MCHAR *  title,
LPARAM  param = 0,
DWORD  flags = 0,
int  category = ROLLUP_CAT_STANDARD 
) [pure virtual]
virtual IRollupWindow* GetCommandPanelRollup ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns a rollup window interface to the command panel rollup. This interface provides methods for showing and hiding rollups, adding and removing rollup pages, etc. Note: This interface does not need to be released with ReleaseIRollup() as MAX takes care of this when it shuts down.

See Class IRollupWindow.
virtual void RollupMouseMessage ( HWND  hDlg,
UINT  message,
WPARAM  wParam,
LPARAM  lParam 
) [pure virtual]
This method allows hand cursor scrolling in the command panel when the user clicks and drags the mouse in an unused area of the dialog. When the user mouse-es down in dead area of the command panel, the plug-in should pass mouse messages to this function which will pass them on to the rollup.

Note: This method is obsolete in MAX 2.0 and later. These messages no longer need to be passed along as this is handled internally.

The window handle of the dialog.

UINT message

The message sent to the dialog proc.


Passed in to the dialog proc. Pass along to this method.


Passed in to the dialog proc. Pass along to this method.
Sample Code:
virtual TimeValue GetTime ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the current time, i.e. the frame slider position. See the Advanced Topics section on Time for an overview of time in MAX.
virtual void SetTime ( TimeValue  t,
BOOL  redraw = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
Set the current time, updates the frame slider, and optionally redraws the viewports.
TimeValue t

The time to set as current.

BOOL redraw=TRUE

If set to FALSE, the current time will be set to the specified time but the viewports will not be redrawn.
virtual Interval GetAnimRange ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the current setting of the animation interval. This can be used to get the total number of frames in the animation. Note: The values stored in the interval returned represent ticks not frames.
virtual void SetAnimRange ( Interval  range ) [pure virtual]
Sets the animation interval. Note: The values passed in the interval are ticks not frames.
Interval range

Specifies the new animation range to set.
virtual void RegisterTimeChangeCallback ( TimeChangeCallback tc ) [pure virtual]
Registers a callback object that will get called every time the current animation time is changed.
TimeChangeCallback *tc

Points to the callback object to register. See Class TimeChangeCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterTimeChangeCallback ( TimeChangeCallback tc ) [pure virtual]
This method un-registers the time change callback.
TimeChangeCallback *tc

Points to the callback object to un-register. See Class TimeChangeCallback.
virtual void RegisterCommandModeChangedCallback ( CommandModeChangedCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Register a callback object that will get called when the user changes the command mode.
CommandModeChangedCallback *cb

Points to the callback object to register. See Class CommandModeChangedCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterCommandModeChangedCallback ( CommandModeChangedCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers the command mode change callback object.
CommandModeChangedCallback *cb

Points to the callback object to un-register. See Class CommandModeChangedCallback.
virtual void RegisterViewportDisplayCallback ( BOOL  preScene,
ViewportDisplayCallback cb 
) [pure virtual]
Registers a ViewportDisplayCallback whose Display() method will be called to allow a plug-in to draw in the MAX viewports.
BOOL preScene

If TRUE the callback will be called before objects are rendered (typically, but not always); if FALSE the callback is called after the objects are rendered.

In some cases redrawing the viewports may take two passes; once to re-render the background plane and once to rerender the foreground plane. In this case the order of events would be:

Call pre callbacks

Render scene

Call post callbacks

Call pre callbacks

Render scene

Call post callbacks

The two calls to callbacks in the middle are neither pre nor post callbacks. However you could also look at this as two separate redraws.

ViewportDisplayCallback *cb

Points to the callback object. See Class ViewportDisplayCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterViewportDisplayCallback ( BOOL  preScene,
ViewportDisplayCallback cb 
) [pure virtual]
Call this method to un-register the viewport display callback object.
BOOL preScene

If TRUE the callback will be called before object are rendered (typically, but not always); if FALSE the callback is called after the objects are rendered.

ViewportDisplayCallback *cb

Points to the callback object. See Class ViewportDisplayCallback.
virtual void NotifyViewportDisplayCallbackChanged ( BOOL  preScene,
ViewportDisplayCallback cb 
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to inform MAX that the viewport callback has changed. This is similar to when an object that is part of the reference hierarchy changes and it needs to call NotifyDependents() with the message REFMSG_CHANGE to inform the items that depend on it. In a sense a ViewportDisplayCallback is like an object in the scene in that it has a Display() method that is called. However, the callback is not actually an object that is part of the reference hierarchy so it cannot send a REFMSG_CHANGE message when it changes. So this method provides the equivalent functionality. If the callback changes this method needs to be called.

To understand why this is needed consider that if a plug-in called RedrawViews() five times in a row, the viewports may be redrawn the first time (if something has changed), but the next four calls won't do anything. This is because MAX maintains some flags that indicate if things have changed or not and these flags are reset on the first redraw to indicate that everything is up to date. Therefore, when a ViewportDisplayCallback changes, it needs to call this method to let MAX know that changes have been made and the viewports indeed need to be redrawn the next time RedrawViews() is called.
BOOL preScene

If TRUE the callback will be called before objects are rendered (typically, but not always); if FALSE the callback is called after the objects are rendered.

ViewportDisplayCallback *cb

Points to the callback object. See Class ViewportDisplayCallback.
virtual void RegisterExitMAXCallback ( ExitMAXCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Registers a ExitMAXCallback whose Exit() method will be called when MAX is about to exit. The return value from the callback allows the plug-in to decide if MAX exits or not.
ExitMAXCallback *cb

Points to the callback object. See Class ExitMAXCallback.
virtual void UnRegisterExitMAXCallback ( ExitMAXCallback cb ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers the exit callback so it's no longer called.
ExitMAXCallback *cb

Points to the callback object. See Class ExitMAXCallback.
virtual RightClickMenuManager* GetRightClickMenuManager ( ) [pure virtual]
Using this pointer a developer can add to the menu that pops ups when the user clicks the right mouse button. Example code is available in: /MAXSDK/SAMPLES/MODIFIERS/EDITSPL.CPP.
See also:
Class RightClickMenuManager.
A pointer to the RightClickMenuManager.
virtual void RegisterDeleteUser ( EventUser user ) [pure virtual]
Registers a callback invoked when the user presses the Delete Key. This allows the developer to override the default processing of the Delete Key.
EventUser *user

Pointer to an instance of the EventUser class.
Sample Code:
virtual void UnRegisterDeleteUser ( EventUser user ) [pure virtual]
Un-registers a Delete Key callback.
EventUser *user

Pointer to an instance of the EventUser class.
virtual void MakeNameUnique ( MSTR name ) [pure virtual]
Generates node names that are unique within the current scene. Given a name, this method will modify it to ensure it's unique. It does this by appending a unique numeric suffix to the end of the name. Notes:
  • Calling this method repeatedly with the same original name that is not used by any node in the scene, it will return each time the same name. So, for a node name to be considered by this method as being in use, the node needs to be in the current scene.
  • Names of scene xrefed nodes are not considered as being part of the current scene.
  • Calling this method after Interface::CreateObjectNode(Object*) can result in the name suffix to be greater than the value expected by the client code. For example, if Box001 already exists in the scene, calling Interface::CreateObjectNode(Object*) to create a new Box object, then calling Interface::MakeNameUnique() to create a unique name for it, will yield Box003 as new unique name, while Box002 should be the correct new name. The solution is to either call Interface::CreateObjectNode(Object*) only, which will create a new name, or first call Interface::MakeNameUnique() with a root name and then call Interface::CreateObjectNode(Object*, const MCHAR*) to create the object with the desired new name. See also class NameMaker for ways to create unique names for other scene entities than nodes, such as layers, materials, etc.
MSTR &name

The name to make unique. Any existent numeric suffix is stripped before the name is made unique.
virtual INode* CreateObjectNode ( Object obj ) [pure virtual]
Creates a new node in the scene with the given object. Normally a developer will use the standard creation methods for procedural objects and this method is not used. However if the developer wants to handle the creation process on their own they may need to use this method.
See also:
Object Creation Methods.
Object *obj

Pointer to the Object to create.
Pointer to the node created. See also Interface::CreateObjectNode(Object*, const MCHAR*)
virtual GenCamera* CreateCameraObject ( int  type ) [pure virtual]

Creates a new camera object of the given type.

Creates a new camera object of the given type.

type. Camera type (FREE_CAMERA, TARGETED_CAMERA or PARALLEL_CAMERA as defined in gencam.h).
Pointer to the camera object created.
virtual Object* CreateTargetObject ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual GenLight* CreateLightObject ( int  type ) [pure virtual]
virtual void* CreateInstance ( SClass_ID  superID,
Class_ID  classID 
) [pure virtual]
Creates an instance of a registered class. This will call Create() on the class descriptor.
SClass_ID superID

The super class ID of the item to create an instance of.

Class_ID classID

The class ID of the item to create an instance of. See Class Class_ID.
Pointer to the created instance.
There is a global method that duplicates the functionality of this class method to let you create an instance of any registered class wherever you are (without the interface pointer):

void *CreateInstance(SClass_ID superID, Class_ID classID);
virtual int BindToTarget ( INode laNode,
INode targNode 
) [pure virtual]
This method binds a node to a target using a lookat controller.
INode *laNode

Pointer to the node to assign the lookat controller to.

INode *targNode

Pointer to the target node.
Returns TRUE if the node was bound; otherwise FALSE.
Sample Code:
virtual int IsCPEdgeOnInView ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns nonzero if the construction plane is 'head on' in the current viewport. For example if the construction plane was XY and you were looking from the Front view, this method would return nonzero. This is used for example during object creation because this process doesn't work very well when the view is 'head on'.
Nonzero if the construction plane is 'head on' in the current viewport; otherwise 0.

For use with extended views: - make the extended viewport active (set on mouse click, for example) -put up the view type popup menu (put up on right-click, for example)
virtual unsigned int DeleteNode ( INode node,
BOOL  redraw = TRUE,
BOOL  overrideSlaves = FALSE 
) [pure virtual]

Deletes the specified node from the scene.

Call this method to delete a specific node from the scene.

  • The children of the deleted node will maintain their positon.
  • Empty group heads resulting from the deletion of the node will also be deleted.
  • System nodes are not deleted by this method. Use the system's methods to modify its node structure. Use Interface9::DeleteNodes to delete all nodes of a system object.
  • The selection state and deletion of the node will be undo-able after calling this method, provided that the undo system was engaged. For example, to delete the first node in the current selection set, one could use the following code:
            Interface* ip = GetCOREInterface()
    The string used in the Accept() method appears in the undo list.

Note that the bject reference of the node is deleted as well if the only item referencing that object is the node. This is because when the node is deleted, it first deletes all its references. Whenever a reference is deleted, if the item is the last reference, then the system deletes the item as well. If the node deletion occurs while the undo system was engaged, RestoreObjs will hold references to the items removed from the node, preventing their immediate deletion.

[in] node The node to be deleted
[in] redraw If FALSE the viewports will not be redrawn after the node is deleted. This allows several nodes to be deleted at once without the viewports having to be redrawn after each one.
[in] overrideSlaves If TRUE, this method will delete nodes whose TM controllers implement Control::PreventNodeDeletion() to return TRUE. Control::PreventNodeDeletion() controls whether the node can be deleted from the scene. This parameter allows a master controller to easily delete slaves nodes if it needs to.
The number of nodes that were deleted.
virtual INode* GetRootNode ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the root node. From the root node one can retrieve the children (using INode::NumberOfChildren(), and INode::GetChildNode(i)). This allows a developer enumerated the scene by enumerating the node tree.
MAX_DEPRECATED void NodeInvalidateRect ( INode node )
Deprecated in 3ds Max 2012. Use INode::InvalidateRect instead.
virtual void SelectNode ( INode node,
int  clearSel = 1 
) [pure virtual]
This selects the specified node, either adding it to the current selection set, or creating a new selection set with the node.

Note: A developer should call theHold.Begin() before this method and theHold.Accept() after this call. Otherwise, MAX may crash if the user selects undo after this call has been issued. See the sample code below. Also see Undo / Redo for more details on this system.
INode *node

The node to select.

int clearSel = 1

If zero, the node is added to the current selection set. If nonzero, the node replaces the selection set.
Sample Code:
        MSTR undostr; undostr.printf("Select");
virtual void DeSelectNode ( INode node ) [pure virtual]
This method unselects the specified node.
INode *node

The node to deselect.
virtual void SelectNodeTab ( INodeTab nodes,
BOOL  sel,
BOOL  redraw = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
This method may be used to select or deselect a group of nodes all at once and optionally redraw the viewports when done.
INodeTab &nodes

The Table of nodes to select or deselect.

BOOL sel

If TRUE the nodes are selected; otherwise they are deselected.

BOOL redraw=TRUE

If TRUE the viewports are redrawn when done; otherwise they are not.
virtual void ClearNodeSelection ( BOOL  redraw = TRUE ) [pure virtual]
This method may be used to clear the current selection set and optionally redraw the viewports.
BOOL redraw=TRUE

If TRUE the viewports are redrawn when done; otherwise they are not.
virtual void AddLightToScene ( INode node ) [pure virtual]
Adds a light to the scene and registers the light with the viewports.
INode *node

The light to add.
virtual void AddGridToScene ( INode node ) [pure virtual]
This method is not operative in MAX (only in 3D Studio VIZ).
virtual void SetNodeTMRelConstPlane ( INode node,
Matrix3 mat 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the nodes transform relative to the current construction plane. This may be used during creating so you can set the position of the node in terms of the construction plane and not in world units.
INode *node

The node whose transform will be set.

Matrix3& mat

The transformation matrix.
virtual void SetActiveGrid ( INode node ) [pure virtual]
Sets the given node as the active grid object. This is used with grid helper objects to allow them to take effect. This method may also be used to activate the home grid.

Note: This API is not working in the SDK prior to version 2.5.
INode *node

The node to set as the active grid object. To activate the home grid pass NULL.
virtual INode* GetActiveGrid ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the active grid node or NULL if the home grid is in use.
virtual void StopCreating ( ) [pure virtual]
Calling this method will result in ending the currently active object creation mode. The plugin's ClassDesc::EndCreate() method will also be called as a result of calling StopCreating(). Most often this method is called either from custom creation command modes in response to a change in the current object selection, or from functions that need to change the current object selection and could be invoked virtually anytime, such as via a hot-key or maxscript. Note that this method should not be called from within an object's creation callback in order to stop creating the current object. Rather, CREATE_STOP should be returned from the creation callback procedure. For more information, see Object Creation Methods.
virtual Object* NonMouseCreate ( Matrix3  tm ) [pure virtual]
This creates a new object/node without going through the usual create mouse proc sequence. The matrix is relative to the construction plane. This must be called during the creation phase of an object. For example, the procedural sphere uses it when the user clicks on the 'Create' button after they type in the parameters for the sphere. See Object Creation Methods.
Matrix3 tm

The transformation matrix relative to the construction plane.
virtual void NonMouseCreateFinish ( Matrix3  tm ) [pure virtual]
This method is presently only used in the Line object. It's used for repositioning the pivot point of the object at the end of the creation process. You simply pass it the new matrix, and the creation manager sets the TM for the node being created to the given TM * the construction plane TM.
Matrix3 tm

The transformation matrix relative to the construction plane for the node.
virtual const MCHAR* GetDir ( int  which ) [pure virtual]
Returns the pathname of a directory used by 3ds Max.
int which

One of the following directories. See List of Directory Names.
The pathname of the directory.

Implemented in Interface8.

virtual int GetPlugInEntryCount ( ) [pure virtual]
This is the number of entries in PLUGIN.INI. PLUGIN.INI contains a list of descriptions and directories used by plug-in DLLs.
See also:
Plug-In Directory Search Mechanism.
The number of entries in PLUGIN.INI.

Implemented in Interface8.

virtual const MCHAR* GetPlugInDesc ( int  i ) [pure virtual]
Returns the 'i-th' description string from PLUGIN.INI.
See also:
Plug-In Directory Search Mechanism.
int i

Specifies which description to return.
The 'i-th' description string from PLUGIN.INI.

Implemented in Interface8.

virtual const MCHAR* GetPlugInDir ( int  i ) [pure virtual]
Returns the pathname string for the 'i-th' plug-in directory from PLUGIN.INI.
See also:
Plug-In Directory Search Mechanism.
int i

Specifies which directory to return.
The 'i-th' pathname string from PLUGIN.INI.

Implemented in Interface8.

virtual int GetAssetDirCount ( MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType ) [pure virtual]

Returns the number of permanent user paths associated with a particular type of asset.

[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
A non-negative integer denoting the number of paths
Remember that this function gives you the count of permanent user paths, not session user paths. Session user paths are temporary.
virtual const MCHAR* GetAssetDir ( int  i,
MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType 
) [pure virtual]

Returns the "ith" permanent user path associated with a particular asset type.

[in] i The index of the directory you want
[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
A c-string with an absolute path to the ith asset directory
Remember that this function returns a permanent user path, not a session user path. A session user path is temporary.
virtual BOOL AddAssetDir ( const MCHAR *  dir,
MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType 
) [pure virtual]

Adds a permanent user path associated to a particular asset type.

[in] dir An absolute path
[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
TRUE if the path was added, FALSE if not
Remember that this function is for adding permanent user paths, not session user paths. Session user paths are temporary.
virtual BOOL AddSessionAssetDir ( const MCHAR *  dir,
MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType,
int  update = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]

Adds a session user path associated to a particular asset type.

[in] dir An absolute path
[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
[in] Update system configuration files with the new data
TRUE if the path was added, FALSE if not
Remember that this function is for adding permanent user paths, not session user paths
virtual int GetSessionAssetDirCount ( MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType ) [pure virtual]

Returns the number of session user paths associated with a particular type of asset.

[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
A non-negative integer denoting the number of paths
Remember that this function gives you the count of session user paths, not permanent user paths. Session user paths are temporary.
virtual const MCHAR* GetSessionAssetDir ( int  i,
MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType 
) [pure virtual]

Returns the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type.

[in] i The index of the directory you want
[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
a c-string with an absolute path to the ith asset directory
Remember that this function returns a session user path, not a permanent user path.
virtual BOOL DeleteSessionAssetDir ( int  i,
MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType,
int  update = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]

Deletes the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type.

[in] i The index of the directory you want to delete
[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
[in] update system configuration files with the new data
a c-string with an absolute path to the ith asset directory
Remember that this function returns a session user path, not a permanent user path.
virtual int GetCurAssetDirCount ( MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType ) [pure virtual]

Returns the number of session (temporary) and permanent user paths associated with a particular type of asset.

[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
A non-negative integer denoting the number of paths
Remember that this function gives you the total count of both session(temporary) and permanent user paths.
virtual const MCHAR* GetCurAssetDir ( int  i,
MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetType  assetType 
) [pure virtual]

Returns the "ith" session user path associated with a particular asset type.

Session user paths come first in the list

[in] i The index of the directory you want
[in] assetType An enumeration constant representing the asset's type
a c-string with an absolute path to the ith asset directory
Remember that session user paths come before permanent user paths.
virtual float GetLightConeConstraint ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the light cone constraint angle (in radians). This is the hotspot / falloff separation angle.
virtual int DoExclusionListDialog ( ExclList nl,
BOOL  doShadows = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
This brings up the standard Exclude / Include dialog box used for light exclusion / inclusion lists.

ExclList *nl

If the user selects OK, this is the list of names chosen by the user. See Class ExclList.

BOOL doShadows=TRUE

The shadows switch.
Nonzero if the user selected OK to exit the dialog; otherwise 0.
virtual void ConvertNameTabToExclList ( const NameTab nt,
ExclList excList 
) [pure virtual]
This method will convert a NameTab to an ExclList (the new format for Exclusion lists).
const NameTab *nt

A pointer to the name table.

ExclList *excList

A pointer to the resulting exclusion list.
virtual MtlBase* DoMaterialBrowseDlg ( HWND  hParent,
DWORD  flags,
BOOL &  newMat,
BOOL &  cancel 
) [pure virtual]
This method brings up the Material / Map Browser dialog box.
HWND hParent

The parent window handle.

DWORD flags

See List of Material Browser Flags.

BOOL &newMat

TRUE if the user has selected a new item; otherwise FALSE. If TRUE it is safe to modify this item. If FALSE the item may be an instance and a developer should not modify this as other materials may be using this same item.

BOOL &cancel

TRUE if the user canceled the dialog; otherwise FALSE.
If cancel is FALSE, the item chosen by the user is returned. See Class MtlBase.
virtual void PutMtlToMtlEditor ( MtlBase mb,
int  slot = -1 
) [pure virtual]
Puts the specified material into the material editor. The material is put to the specified slot, or if -1 is passed, a dialog is presented which allows the user to choose a sample slot for the material.

MtlBase *mb

The material to put to the material editor.

int slot=-1

The Materials Editor slot number (a value in the range 0 to 23). If a slot number is specified, then this method will replace that material in the Materials Editor without user interaction. If -1 is passed (the default) then the function brings up the put dialog.
virtual MtlBase* GetMtlSlot ( int  slot ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the material in the specified slot in the Materials Editor.
int slot

The number of the slot in the Materials Editor (a value in the range 0 to 23).
virtual MtlBaseLib* GetSceneMtls ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a list of all the materials used in the scene.
See Class MtlBaseLib.
virtual BOOL OkMtlForScene ( MtlBase m ) [pure virtual]
Before assigning material to scene, call this to avoid duplicate names.
TRUE if it is okay to assign the material; FALSE if not.
virtual MSTR& GetCurFileName ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the name of the current MAX file (but not the path). For example, if the currently loaded file is "<b>D:\3DSMAX\SCENES\Expgears.max</b>" this method returns " <b>Expgears.max</b>".
virtual MSTR& GetCurFilePath ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the file and path of the current MAX file. For example, if the currently loaded file is "<b>D:\3DSMAX\SCENES\Expgears.max</b>" this method returns "<b>D:\3DSMAX\SCENES\Expgears.max</b> ".
virtual MCHAR* GetMatLibFileName ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the current material library file name.
virtual void FileOpen ( ) [pure virtual]
This brings up the standard MAX file open dialog and allows the user to load a new scene.
virtual BOOL FileSave ( ) [pure virtual]
This saves the current file. If the file has not been saved yet (and is thus unnamed) this brings up the standard MAX file Save As dialog box and allows the user to choose a name.
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL FileSaveAs ( ) [pure virtual]
This brings up the standard MAX file saveas dialog box and allows the user to save the current scene to a new file.
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual void FileSaveSelected ( ) [pure virtual]
This brings up the standard MAX file save selected dialog box and allows the user to save the selected items from the current scene.
virtual void FileReset ( BOOL  noPrompt = FALSE ) [pure virtual]
This resets MAX to its startup condition after a confirmation prompt. This performs the same operation as choosing File / Reset from the MAX menus.

If TRUE the confirmation prompt is not presented.
virtual void FileMerge ( ) [pure virtual]
This allows the user to merge another MAX file with the current scene. This performs the same operation as choosing File / Merge from the MAX menus.
virtual void FileHold ( ) [pure virtual]
This saves the current state of the scene to a temporary hold buffer (same as Edit / Hold). This state may later be restored using FileFetch() or (Edit / Fetch from MAX).
virtual void FileFetch ( ) [pure virtual]
This restores the current state of the scene from the temporary hold buffer created using FileHold() (or from the MAX menu command Edit / Hold).
virtual void FileOpenMatLib ( HWND  hWnd ) [pure virtual]
This method brings up the File Open dialog box and allows the user to select a material library to load.

The parent window handle.
virtual void FileSaveMatLib ( HWND  hWnd ) [pure virtual]
If the current material library has been saved previously (has been named) this method saves the material library to the same file. Otherwise it brings up the standard Save File As dialog box to allow the user to save the current material library.

The parent window handle.
virtual void FileSaveAsMatLib ( HWND  hWnd ) [pure virtual]
Brings up the standard Save File As dialog box to allow the user to save the current material library.

The parent window handle.
virtual BOOL FileImport ( ) [pure virtual]
This method simply brings up the 'Select File to Import' dialog just as if the user picked this option from the File / Import... pulldown menu.
TRUE if the file was imported successfully; otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL FileExport ( ) [pure virtual]
This method simply brings up the 'Select File to Export' dialog just as if the user picked this option from the File / Export... pulldown menu.
TRUE if the export file was written successfully; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void LoadDefaultMatLib ( ) [pure virtual]
This method loads the default material library 3DSMAX.MAT (if this file exists).
virtual int LoadFromFile ( const MCHAR *  name,
BOOL  refresh = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
Loads the specified MAX file. A developer should normally specify a complete path name. This method does not bring up a file dialog.
const MCHAR *name

The MAX file to load.

BOOL refresh=TRUE

Set this to FALSE to prevent the viewports from automatically being refreshed.
Nonzero if the file was loaded; otherwise 0.
virtual int SaveToFile ( const MCHAR *  fname,
BOOL  clearNeedSaveFlag = TRUE,
BOOL  useNewFile = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
Saves the current scene to the specified MAX file. This method does not bring up a file dialog.
const MCHAR *name

The MAX file to save.

BOOL clearNeedSaveFlag = TRUE

if clearNeedSaveFlag is false, the scene 'dirty' flag is not cleared.

BOOL useNewFile = TRUE

if it's true, the saved file will become the current scene and the file is added to the MRU list,
Nonzero if the library was saved; otherwise 0.
virtual void FileSaveSelected ( MCHAR *  fname ) [pure virtual]
Saves the selected nodes to the specified file.
MCHAR *fname

The MAX file to save.
virtual void FileSaveNodes ( INodeTab nodes,
MCHAR *  fname 
) [pure virtual]
Saves the specified nodes to the specified file.
INodeTab* nodes

Points to the table of nodes to save. See Class INodeTab.

MCHAR *fname

The MAX file to save.
virtual int LoadMaterialLib ( const MCHAR *  name,
MtlBaseLib lib = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
Loads the specified material library. This method does not bring up a file dialog.
const MCHAR *name

The material library to load.

MtlBaseLib *lib=NULL

Points to the material library to load into. If NULL the library is loaded into the current material library. See Class MtlBaseLib.

Note: You need to call MtlBaseLib::DeleteAll() on the library during a MAX reset operation. This will remove all its references to the materials and set its count to zero.
Nonzero if the library was loaded; otherwise 0.
virtual int SaveMaterialLib ( const MCHAR *  name,
MtlBaseLib lib = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
Saves the specified material library to the specified file. This method does not bring up a file dialog.
const MCHAR *name

The material library to save.

Points to the material library to save from. If NULL the library is saved from the current material library. See Class MtlBaseLib.
Nonzero if the library was saved; otherwise 0.
virtual int MergeFromFile ( const MCHAR *  name,
BOOL  mergeAll = FALSE,
BOOL  selMerged = FALSE,
BOOL  refresh = TRUE,
int  dupAction = MERGE_DUPS_PROMPT,
NameTab mrgList = NULL,
int  dupMtlAction = MERGE_DUP_MTL_PROMPT,
int  reparentAction = MERGE_REPARENT_PROMPT 
) [pure virtual]
Merges the specified MAX file into the current scene. In MAX 2.0 and later additional parameters allow automatic viewport updates to be optionally be turned off, cases of duplicate objects being merged may be handled, a table of names of the merged objects may be generated, and only specific named objects from the file may be merged.
const MCHAR *name

The MAX file to merge.


If TRUE all the items in the file are merged; otherwise the selector dialog appears allowing the user to choose.


If TRUE the nodes are selected when they are merged.

BOOL refresh=TRUE

Set this to FALSE to prevent the viewports from automatically being refreshed.

int dupAction = MERGE_DUPS_PROMPT

Determines what to do when duplicate named objects are encountered during the merge. See Duplicate Node Name Actions
NameTab* mrgList=NULL

When you specify a pointer to a NameTab for this parameter, and don't set dupAction to MERGE_LIST_NAMES, then this method will merge the nodes whose names are listed in the mrgList.

If dupAction==MERGE_LIST_NAMES, (and mergeAll==TRUE, and mrgList != NULL) then this method puts a list of the nodes in the file into mrgList, and simply returns (no merging is done).

See Class NameTab.


Determinse what to do when duplicate material names are encountered during the merge. Must be one of the Duplicate Material Name Actions

Determines how to reparent nodes during a merge operation. Must be one of the Node Reparent Actions
Nonzero if the file was merged; otherwise 0.
virtual BOOL ImportFromFile ( const MCHAR *  name,
BOOL  suppressPrompts = FALSE,
Class_ID importerID = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method allows the import of the specified file by any of the supported import formats. This is done by specifying a full filename thus bypassing the file browser. If suppressPrompts is set to TRUE, the import mechanism will not display any prompts requiring user action.

Note: Developers of Import plug-ins need to support the suppressPrompts mechanism for this to work properly. Developers of such plug-ins should see the Class SceneImport for details.
const MCHAR *name

The full file name (including extension -- which identifies the importer used) of the input file.

BOOL suppressPrompts=FALSE

If TRUE the default choices in the import plug-in are used and no options dialogs are presented. If FALSE any options dialogs provided by the importer are presented to the user.

Class_ID *importerID=NULL

The parameter specifies the Class_ID of the import module to use. This is for those cases where more than one import module uses the same file extension. Omitting this class ID operates in the pre-R3 mode, i.e. the first importer found is used.
TRUE if the export file was written successfully; otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL ExportToFile ( const MCHAR *  name,
BOOL  suppressPrompts = FALSE,
DWORD  options = 0,
Class_ID exporterID = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method allows the export of the current MAX file to any of the supported export formats. This is done by specifying a full filename thus bypassing the file browser. If suppressPrompts is set to TRUE, the export mechanism will not display any prompts requiring user action.

Note: Developers of Export plug-ins need to support the suppressPrompts mechanism for this to work properly. Developers of such plug-ins should see the Class SceneExport for details.
const MCHAR *name

The full file name (including extension -- which identifies the exporter used) of the output file.

BOOL suppressPrompts=FALSE

If TRUE the default choices in the export plug-in are used and no options dialogs are presented. If FALSE any options dialogs provided by the exporter are presented to the user.

DWORD options

There is currently one option; SCENE_EXPORT_SELECTED which allows you to export only selected nodes.

Class_ID *exporterID=NULL

The parameter specifies the Class_ID of the export module to use. This is for those cases where more than one export module uses the same file extension. Omitting this class ID operates in the pre-R3 mode, i.e. the first exporter found is used.
TRUE if the export file was written successfully; otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL InSlaveMode ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if MAX is operating in network rendering mode and FALSE if operating in normal interactive mode. This method returns the same value as Interface::IsNetServer().
virtual BOOL NodeColorPicker ( HWND  hWnd,
DWORD &  col 
) [pure virtual]
This method brings up the standard MAX object color picker dialog.


The parent window handle.

DWORD &col

If the user picks a color then this will be set to the chosen color. This is stored in a 32 bit format, with the high order 8 bits as 0's, the next 8 bits as the Blue amount, the next 8 bits as the Green amount, and the low order 8 bits as the Red amount (0x00BBGGRR). See COLORREF - DWORD Color Format.
TRUE if the user picks a color and FALSE if the user cancels the dialog.
virtual INode* GroupNodes ( INodeTab nodes = NULL,
MSTR name = NULL,
BOOL  selGroup = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
Combines the specified nodes into a MAX group.
INodeTab *nodes=NULL

The table of nodes to combine into a MAX group. If NULL is passed, the current selection set is used.


The name of the group to create. If the name is NULL, a dialog box will prompt the user to select a name.

BOOL selGroup=TRUE

If TRUE, the group of nodes will be selected after the operation is completed.
A pointer to the group of nodes created.
virtual void UngroupNodes ( INodeTab nodes = NULL ) [pure virtual]
Un-groups the specified nodes.
INodeTab *nodes=NULL

The table of nodes to un-group. If NULL is passed, the current selection set is used.
virtual void ExplodeNodes ( INodeTab nodes = NULL ) [pure virtual]
Explodes the grouped nodes. This completely un-groups nested groups.
INodeTab *nodes=NULL

The table of nodes to explode. If NULL is passed, the current selection set is used.
virtual void OpenGroup ( INodeTab nodes = NULL,
BOOL  clearSel = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
Opens the grouped nodes. Items in an opened group may be edited individually.
INodeTab *nodes=NULL

The table of nodes comprising a group that will be opened. If NULL is passed, the current selection set is used.

BOOL selGroup=TRUE

If TRUE, the group of nodes will be selected after the operation is completed.
virtual void CloseGroup ( INodeTab nodes = NULL,
BOOL  selGroup = TRUE 
) [pure virtual]
Closes the specified group of nodes. Items in a closed group cannot be edited individually.
INodeTab *nodes=NULL

The table of nodes to close. If NULL is passed, the current selection set is used.

BOOL selGroup=TRUE

If TRUE, the group of nodes will be selected after the operation is completed.
virtual bool AttachNodesToGroup ( INodeTab nodes,
INode pTargetNode 
) [pure virtual]
Attach nodes to a group.It behaves just like the attach menu command in 3ds Max's main menu. You can't attach nodes which are already a group member to other groups.
INodeTab& nodes

The table of nodes that you want to attach to a group.

INode& pTargetNode

The target node you want attach the table of nodes to. The node should be a group head node or a group member node. The node can't be a member of nodes.

true if successful; false otherwise.
virtual bool DetachNodesFromGroup ( INodeTab nodes ) [pure virtual]
Detach nodes from the group to the scene root node. The nodes may belong to different groups. It behaves just like the detach menu command in 3ds Max's main menu.
INodeTab& nodes

The table of nodes that you want to detach from the group they belong to. The nodes must belong to open groups.

true if successful; false otherwise.
virtual void FlashNodes ( INodeTab nodes ) [pure virtual]
This method is used to 'flash' a group of nodes. This is usually used as a confirmation of some operation (for example as an indication of the completion of a pick node operation.) The nodes are briefly erased and then redrawn in the viewport to flash them.
INodeTab *nodes

Pointer to the table of nodes to 'flash'.
Sample Code:
        INodeTab flash;
        INode *node;
        for (int i=0; i<ip->GetSelNodeCount(); i++)
            node = ip->GetSelNode(i);
virtual void TranslateAndDispatchMAXMessage ( MSG &  msg ) [pure virtual]
If a plug-in needs to do a PeekMessage() and wants to actually remove the message from the queue, it can use this method to have the message translated and dispatched.
MSG &msg

The message from PeekMessage().
virtual BOOL CheckMAXMessages ( ) [pure virtual]
This will go into a PeekMessage() loop until there are no more messages left. This is a way a plug-in can relieve control to the system.

There may be certain circumstances where a plug-in wants to give control back to MAX. For example a plug-in may put up a progress bar with a cancel button during a lengthy operation. However the cancel button would not receive any messages if the user was clicking on it because no messages are being dispatched.

This method will relieve control and let any messages that are in the queue get processed. If there are no messages it will return right away. This provides a way for a plug-in to yield control.

Note: A developer must be prepared to handle a lot of different conditions if this is done. For example the user could click on the delete key and delete the object that was being processed. EndEditParams() could be called on the plug-in. So in EndEditParams() there must be some logic to signal the other lengthy process that EndEditParams() was called.
If this method returns FALSE then the user is attempting to quit MAX and the caller should return.
virtual BOOL setBkgImageAsset ( const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser asset ) [pure virtual]
This method is used to specify the background asset used.
AssetUser& asset

The background asset representing the background image.
TRUE if the asset was set; otherwise FALSE.
virtual const MaxSDK::AssetManagement::AssetUser& getBkgImageAsset ( void  ) [pure virtual]
This method is used to retrieve the asset of the background image used.
virtual void setBkgImageAspect ( int  t ) [pure virtual]
Sets the background image aspect ratio. This may match the viewport, the bitmap, or the rendering output aspect ratio.
int t

One of the following values:



virtual int getBkgImageAspect ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the background image aspect ratio. This will be the viewport, the bitmap, or the rendering output aspect ratio.
One of the following values:



virtual void setBkgImageAnimate ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
This method sets if the background image is animated in the viewports. If TRUE the image updates to reflect the current frame. If FALSE the image remains static regardless of time.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to enable viewport background image animation; FALSE to disable it.
virtual int getBkgImageAnimate ( void  ) [pure virtual]
This method determines if the background image is set to update with the current frame in the viewports.
virtual void setBkgFrameRange ( int  start,
int  end,
int  step = 1 
) [pure virtual]
This method establishes the range of frames used for an animated background.
int start

The start frame number.

int end

The end frame number.

int step=1

The frame increment.
virtual int getBkgFrameRangeVal ( int  which ) [pure virtual]
This method retrieves either the start or end frame number.
int which

One of the following values:


virtual void setBkgORType ( int  which,
int  type 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the background Out of Range Type. This may be the start or end ORT.
int which

One of the following values:

0 : Sets the Start Processing ORT.

1 : Sets the End Processing ORT.

int type

One of the following values:



virtual int getBkgORType ( int  which ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the background Out of Range Type. This may be the start or end ORT.
int which

One of the following values:

0 : Gets the Start Processing ORT.

1 : Gets the End Processing ORT.
One of the following values:



virtual void setBkgStartTime ( TimeValue  t ) [pure virtual]
This sets the "Start at" parameter from the Views / Background Image... dialog.
TimeValue t

The time to start.
virtual TimeValue getBkgStartTime ( ) [pure virtual]
This returns the "Start at" parameter from the Views / Background Image... dialog.
virtual void setBkgSyncFrame ( int  f ) [pure virtual]
Sets the background "Sync Start to Frame" setting.
int f

The frame number.
virtual int getBkgSyncFrame ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the background "Sync Start to Frame" setting.
virtual int getBkgFrameNum ( TimeValue  t ) [pure virtual]
This method will convert the TimeValue passed to a frame number based on the background image settings (ORTs, start/end times, sync frame, etc.).
TimeValue t

The time to convert.
The frame number corresponding to the time passed.
virtual BOOL GetRealTimePlayback ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the state of the real-time animation playback toggle.
virtual void SetRealTimePlayback ( BOOL  realTime ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the real-time animation playback toggle.
BOOL realTime

TRUE if frames should be dropped if necessary for the animation to play back in real time. FALSE specifies that every frame should be played.
virtual BOOL GetPlayActiveOnly ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the flag controlling which viewports are updated when the animation is played.
TRUE if all the viewports are updated during play; FALSE if only the active viewport is updated.
virtual void SetPlayActiveOnly ( BOOL  playActive ) [pure virtual]
This method sets the flag controlling which viewports are updated when the animation is played. This may be all the viewports, or just the active one.
BOOL playActive

If TRUE, only the active viewport is updated as the animation is played; otherwise all the viewports are updated.
virtual void StartAnimPlayback ( int  selOnly = FALSE ) [pure virtual]
Begins animation playback. The animation may be played for all objects, or just the selected ones.
int selOnly=FALSE

If TRUE only the selected objects are updated as the animation is played; otherwise all objects are.
virtual void EndAnimPlayback ( ) [pure virtual]
Terminates the animation playback.
virtual BOOL IsAnimPlaying ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the animation is currently playing; otherwise FALSE.
virtual int GetPlaybackSpeed ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual void SetPlaybackSpeed ( int  s ) [pure virtual]
virtual BOOL GetPlaybackLoop ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the state of the "loop" checkbox in the time configuration panel. Note that the loop control is only active when "real time" is selected.
TRUE if loop is on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetPlaybackLoop ( BOOL  loop ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to set the state of the "loop" checkbox in the time configuration panel. Note that the loop control is only active when "real time" is selected.
BOOL loop

TRUE to set the loop to on; FALSE to set it off.
virtual void IncrementValidityToken ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual unsigned int CurrentValidityToken ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual int OpenCurRenderer ( INode camNode,
ViewExp view,
int  w = 0,
int  h = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to open the current renderer. It must be opened before frames can be rendered. Either camNode or view must be non-NULL, but not both. Remember to close the renderer when you are done (using CloseCurRenderer()).
INode *camNode

A pointer to the camera node to render, or NULL if a viewport should be rendered.

ViewExp *view

A pointer to the view to render, or NULL if the camera should be rendered.


This provides an optional way to specify the view when opening the renderer. This specifies the type of render.

int w=0

This specifies the width of the rendering.

int h=0

This specifies the height of the rendering.
Nonzero indicates success; failure is zero.
See also:
virtual int OpenCurRenderer ( ViewParams vpar,
int  w = 0,
int  h = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to open the current renderer. It provides an optional way to specify the view when opening.
ViewParams *vpar

This class describes the properties of a view that is being rendered. See Class ViewParams.


This provides an optional way to specify the view when opening the renderer. This specifies the type of render.

int w=0

This specifies the width of the rendering.

int h=0

This specifies the height of the rendering.
Nonzero indicates success; failure is 0.
See also:
virtual void CloseCurRenderer ( ) [pure virtual]
This method is called to close the renderer. The renderer must be closed when you are finished with it.
virtual int CurRendererRenderFrame ( TimeValue  t,
Bitmap bm,
RendProgressCallback prog = NULL,
float  frameDur = 1.0f,
ViewParams vp = NULL,
RECT *  regionRect = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to render a frame to the given bitmap. The renderer uses the width, height, and aspect ratio of the specified bitmap to control the size of the rendered image.
TimeValue t

The time to render the image.

Bitmap *bm

The bitmap to render to. This bitmap defines the size and aspect ratio of the render. See Class Bitmap.

RendProgressCallback *prog=NULL

The RendProgressCallback is an optional callback. See Class RendProgressCallback.

float frameDur = 1.0f

This parameter should always be set to 1.0.

ViewParams *vp=NULL

This parameter allows you to specify a different view transformation on each render call. For instance, you can render a given scene at a given time from many different viewpoints, without calling Render::Open() for each one.

RECT *regionRect = NULL

This value, if passed, defines the region to be rendererd. This only works for RENDTYPE_REGION and RENDTYPE_REGIONCROP.
The result of the render - Nonzero if success; otherwise 0.
virtual IScanRenderer* CreateDefaultScanlineRenderer ( ) [pure virtual]
This method creates a default scanline renderer. This renderer must be deleted by calling IScanRenderer::DeleteThis().
A pointer to a new IScanRenderer object.
virtual Renderer* CreateDefaultRenderer ( RenderSettingID  renderSettingID ) [pure virtual]

Creates an instance of the default renderer for the given render setting.

If the class ID of the default renderer (see SetDefaultRendererClassID()) does not exist, then an instance of the MAX scanline renderer is created. The instance returned must be deleted with Renderer::DeleteThis().
renderSettingID The render type to create a default renderer of
The new renderer
virtual Class_ID GetDefaultRendererClassID ( RenderSettingID  renderSettingID ) [pure virtual]

Gets the class ID of the default renderer for the given render setting.

An instance of the default renderer can be created by using CreateDefaultRenderer()
renderSettingID The render setting to get the default renderer of.
The Class ID of the current default Renderer for renderSettingID
virtual void SetDefaultRendererClassID ( RenderSettingID  renderSettingID,
Class_ID  classID 
) [pure virtual]

Gets the class ID of the default renderer for the given render setting.

An instance of the default renderer can be created by using CreateDefaultRenderer()
renderSettingID The render setting to get the default renderer of.
classID The Class ID of a Renderer to set as the new default for renderSettingID
virtual int OpenRenderer ( Renderer pRenderer,
INode camNode,
ViewExp view,
RendType  type = RENDTYPE_NORMAL,
int  w = 0,
int  h = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to open the specified renderer. It must be opened before frames can be rendered. Either camNode or view must be non-NULL, but not both. Remember to close the renderer when you are done (using CloseRenderer()).
Renderer *pRenderer

Points to the renderer to open.

INode *camNode

A pointer to the camera node to render, or NULL if a viewport should be rendered.

ViewExp *view

A pointer to the view to render, or NULL if the camera should be rendered.


This provides an optional way to specify the view when opening the renderer. This specifies the type of render.

int w=0

This specifies the width of the rendering.

int h=0

This specifies the height of the rendering.
Nonzero indicates success; failure is zero.
See also:
virtual int OpenRenderer ( Renderer pRenderer,
ViewParams vpar,
RendType  type = RENDTYPE_NORMAL,
int  w = 0,
int  h = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to open the specified renderer. It provides an optional way to specify the view when opening.
Renderer *pRenderer

Points to the renderer to do the rendering.

ViewParams *vpar

This class describes the properties of a view that is being rendered.


This provides an optional way to specify the view when opening the renderer. This specifies the type of render.

int w=0

This specifies the width of the rendering.

int h=0

This specifies the height of the rendering.
Nonzero indicates success; failure is 0.
See also:
RendType, Class ViewParams
virtual int RendererRenderFrame ( Renderer pRenderer,
TimeValue  t,
Bitmap bm,
RendProgressCallback prog = NULL,
float  frameDur = 1.0f,
ViewParams vp = NULL,
RECT *  regionRect = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to render a frame with the specified renderer to the given bitmap. The renderer uses the width, height, and aspect ratio of the specified bitmap to control the size of the rendered image.
Renderer *pRenderer

Points to the renderer which will do the rendering.

TimeValue t

The time to render the image.

Bitmap *bm

The bitmap to render to. This bitmap defines the size and aspect ratio of the render. See Class Bitmap.

RendProgressCallback *prog=NULL

The RendProgressCallback is an optional callback. See Class RendProgressCallback.

float frameDur = 1.0f

This parameter should always be set to 1.0.

ViewParams *vp=NULL

This parameter allows you to specify a different view transformation on each render call. For instance, you can render a given scene at a given time from many different viewpoints, without calling Render::Open() for each one.

RECT *regionRect = NULL

This value, if passed, defines the region to be rendererd. This only works for RENDTYPE_REGION and RENDTYPE_REGIONCROP.
The result of the render - Nonzero if success; otherwise 0.
virtual void CloseRenderer ( Renderer pRenderer ) [pure virtual]
Closes the specified renderer.
Renderer *pRenderer

Points to the renderer to close.

To get more control over the renderer, the renderer can be called directly. The following methods give access to the current renderer and the user's current rendering settings. Note: These methods drive the renderer and not video post.
virtual Renderer* GetCurrentRenderer ( bool  createRendererIfItDoesntExist = true ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves a pointer to the renderer currently set as the active renderer. This will be either the production renderer or the draft renderer depending upon which is active. A developer can determine which renderer this is by calling the ClassID() method of the renderer.
bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist

If true, creates an instance of the renderer if one does not currently exist. The core will hold a reference to this renderer instance.
A pointer to the renderer.
virtual Renderer* GetProductionRenderer ( bool  createRendererIfItDoesntExist = true ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves a pointer to the renderer currently set as the production renderer. A developer can determine which renderer this is by calling the ClassID() method of the renderer.
bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist

If true, creates an instance of the renderer if one does not currently exist. The core will hold a reference to this renderer instance.
A pointer to the renderer.
virtual Renderer* GetDraftRenderer ( bool  createRendererIfItDoesntExist = true ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves a pointer to the renderer currently set as the draft renderer. A developer can determine which renderer this is by calling the ClassID() method of the renderer.
bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist

If true, creates an instance of the renderer if one does not currently exist. The core will hold a reference to this renderer instance.
A pointer to the renderer.
virtual Renderer* GetRenderer ( RenderSettingID  renderSettingID,
bool  createRendererIfItDoesntExist = true 
) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the specified renderer.
RenderSettingID renderSettingID

One of these values: See Render Setting IDs. bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist

If true, creates an instance of the renderer if one does not currently exist. The core will hold a reference to this renderer instance.
A pointer to the renderer.
virtual void AssignCurRenderer ( Renderer rend ) [pure virtual]
Assigns the renderer passed for use as either the draft renderer or the production renderer depending upon which is active.
Renderer *rend

The renderer to assign.
virtual void AssignProductionRenderer ( Renderer rend ) [pure virtual]
Assigns the renderer passed as the production renderer.
Renderer *rend

The renderer to assign.
virtual void AssignDraftRenderer ( Renderer rend ) [pure virtual]
Assigns the renderer passed as the draft renderer.
Renderer *rend

The renderer to assign.
virtual void AssignRenderer ( RenderSettingID  renderSettingID,
Renderer rend 
) [pure virtual]
Assigns the renderer passed as one of the standard MAX rendering options (Production, Draft, etc).
RenderSettingID renderSettingID

One of these values: See Render Setting IDs.

Renderer *rend

Points to the renderer to assign.
virtual void SetUseDraftRenderer ( BOOL  b ) [pure virtual]
Specifies which renderer is active -- draft or production. Pass TRUE to use the draft renderer and FALSE to get the production renderer.
virtual BOOL GetUseDraftRenderer ( ) [pure virtual]
Determines which renderer is active -- draft or production.
TRUE for the draft renderer and FALSE for the production renderer.
virtual void ChangeRenderSetting ( RenderSettingID  renderSettingID ) [pure virtual]
Sets the specified renderer as active.
RenderSettingID renderSettingID

One of these values: See Render Setting IDs.
virtual RenderSettingID GetCurrentRenderSetting ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a value which indicates which renderer is current. See Render Setting IDs.
virtual Renderer* GetMEditRenderer ( bool  createRendererIfItDoesntExist = true ) [pure virtual]

Gets the renderer assigned to the MEdit slot.


This ignores the state of the MEdit renderer lock, and will not necessarily get the renderer that is actually used for MEdit.

See also:
bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist

If true, creates an instance of the renderer if one does not currently exist. The core will hold a reference to this renderer instance.
the Renderer used to create the display for the Material Editor slots
virtual void AssignMEditRenderer ( Renderer renderer ) [pure virtual]

Sets the renderer assigned to the MEdit slot.


This ignores the state of the MEdit renderer lock, and will not necessarily set the renderer that is actually used for the Material Editor.

renderer A renderer that will be used to generate the display for the Material Editor slots
virtual Renderer* GetActualMEditRenderer ( bool  createRendererIfItDoesntExist = true ) [pure virtual]

Returns the renderer to be used for MEdit.


This takes the lock into account

See also:
bool createRendererIfItDoesntExist

If true, creates an instance of the renderer if one does not currently exist. The core will hold a reference to this renderer instance.
this will return the Current renderer if the MEdit lock is ON. Otherwise, the renderer assigned with AssignMEditRenderer will be returned
virtual bool GetMEditRendererLocked ( ) [pure virtual]

Gets the status of the MEdit renderer lock.

true if the Current renderer should be used to render in MEdit, else false to use the assigned renderer
virtual void SetMEditRendererLocked ( bool  locked ) [pure virtual]

Sets the status of the MEdit renderer lock.

locked if true, the Current renderer should be used to render in MEdit. If false, the assigned renderer should be used.
virtual bool GetMEditRendererLocked_DefaultValue ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual void SetMEditRendererLocked_DefaultValue ( bool  locked ) [pure virtual]
virtual IRenderElementMgr* GetCurRenderElementMgr ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns a pointer to the current render elements manager interface.
virtual IRenderElementMgr* GetRenderElementMgr ( RenderSettingID  renderSettingID ) [pure virtual]
This method returns a pointer to the production or draft render element manager -- passing in renderSettingID = RS_IReshade will return NULL.
RenderSettingID renderSettingID

One of these values: See Render Setting IDs.
virtual void SetupRendParams ( RendParams rp,
ViewExp vpt,
) [pure virtual]
This method is called to fill in a RendParams structure that can be passed to the renderer with the user's current rendering settings. This is whatever was last used, or the default settings.

In MAX 1.x note the following (this needs not be done in MAX 2.0 or later): In order to open a renderer using this method to setup the RendParams class the following code should be used:

RendParams rp;

SetupRendParams(rp, ...);

rp.atmos = NULL;

rp.envMap = NULL;

As shown above, this method does not automatically set the values for envMap and atmos. You must do this manually if you are using the RendParams object to initialize the renderer. Then you can call Renderer::Open(..., rp, ...). In MAX 2.0 and later, atmos and envMap are properly initialized without the above code.
RendParams &rp

This is the class instance whose data is filled in. See Class RendParams.

ViewExp *vpt

This pointer only needs to be passed in if the RendType is RENDTYPE_REGION or RENDTYPE_BLOWUP. In these cases it will set up the RendParams regxmin, regxmax, regymin, regymax from values stored in the viewport.

RendType t = RendType::RENDTYPE_NORMAL

See also:
Class ViewExp, RendType
virtual void GetViewParamsFromNode ( INode vnode,
ViewParams vp,
TimeValue  t 
) [pure virtual]
This method fills in the specified ViewParams structure based on type of node passed (camera or light). It can be used when instantiating a renderer and calling Open(), Render(), and Close() directly on it.
INode* vnode

Points to the node to initialize from.

ViewParams& vp

The ViewParams structure to initalize.

TimeValue t

The time at which to initialize the structure.
virtual BOOL CheckForRenderAbort ( ) [pure virtual]

This method may be called during a rendering to check if user has cancelled the render.

TRUE if user has cancelled; otherwise FALSE. If not rendering the method returns FALSE.
virtual void AbortRender ( ) [pure virtual]

Calling this method during a render will set the flag that indicates that the render is to be aborted.

virtual int GetRendTimeType ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the type of time range to be rendered.
One of the following values:


A single frame.


The active time segment.


The user specified range.


The user specified frame pickup string (for example "1,3,5-12").
virtual void SetRendTimeType ( int  type ) [pure virtual]
Sets the type of time range rendered.
int type

One of the following values:


A single frame.


The active time segment.


The user specified range.


The user specified frame pickup string (for example "1,3,5-12").
virtual TimeValue GetRendStart ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's start time setting.
virtual void SetRendStart ( TimeValue  start ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's start time setting.
TimeValue start

The time to begin rendering.
virtual TimeValue GetRendEnd ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's end time setting.
virtual void SetRendEnd ( TimeValue  end ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's end time setting.
TimeValue end

The time to end rendering.
virtual int GetRendNThFrame ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the renderer's 'n-th' frame setting.
virtual void SetRendNThFrame ( int  n ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's 'n-th' frame setting.
int n

The n-th frame setting.
virtual BOOL GetRendShowVFB ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the state of the renderer's show virtual frame buffer flag. Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendShowVFB ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the renderer's show virtual frame buffer flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE is on; FALSE is off.
virtual BOOL GetRendSaveFile ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the state of the renderer's save file flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendSaveFile ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the renderer's save file flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE is on; FALSE is off.
virtual BOOL GetRendUseDevice ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the state of the renderer's use device flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendUseDevice ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the renderer's use device flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE is on; FALSE is off.
virtual BOOL GetRendUseNet ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the state of the renderer's use net flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendUseNet ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the renderer's use net flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE is on; FALSE is off.
virtual BitmapInfo& GetRendFileBI ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the rendering file BitmapInfo. This class describes the output file. See Class BitmapInfo.
virtual BitmapInfo& GetRendDeviceBI ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the rendering device BitmapInfo. This class describes the output device. See Class BitmapInfo.
virtual int GetRendWidth ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the rendering output width in pixels.
virtual void SetRendWidth ( int  w ) [pure virtual]
Sets the rendering output width.
int w

The width in pixels.
virtual int GetRendHeight ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the rendering output height in pixels.
virtual void SetRendHeight ( int  h ) [pure virtual]
Sets the rendering output height.
int h

The height in pixels.
virtual float GetRendApect ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's pixel aspect ratio setting. Note for MAX 1.2: To get the 'Image Aspect Ratio' setting use:

float aspectRatio =

((float) ip->GetRendWidth())/((float) ip->GetRendHeight());

In MAX 2.0 or later GetRendImageAspect() may be used:
virtual void SetRendAspect ( float  a ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's pixel aspect ratio setting.
float a

The pixel aspect ratio to set.
virtual float GetRendImageAspect ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the image aspect ratio.
virtual float GetRendApertureWidth ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the aperture width in millimeters (mm).
virtual void SetRendApertureWidth ( float  aw ) [pure virtual]
Sets the aperture width.
float aw

The width to set in millimeters (mm).
virtual BOOL GetRendFieldRender ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's field render flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendFieldRender ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's field render flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendColorCheck ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's color check flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendColorCheck ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's color check flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendSuperBlack ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's super black flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendSuperBlack ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's super black flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendHidden ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's render hidden objects flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendHidden ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's render hidden objects flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendForce2Side ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's force two-sided flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendForce2Side ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's force two-sided flag. TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendAtmosphere ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's uses atmospheric effects flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendAtmosphere ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets if the renderer uses atmospheric effects.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendEffects ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if Rendering Effects will be used; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetRendEffects ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets if Rendering Effects will be used.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to use (on); FALSE to not use (off).
virtual BOOL GetRendDisplacement ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if rendering displacements is enabled; otherwise FALSE.

Note: Developers should use the flags parameter of the View class which is passed into GetRenderMesh() to determine if Displacement Mapping is being used because the values may not the same (for instance when rendering in the Materials Editor). See Class View.
virtual void SetRendDisplacement ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets if rendering displacements are enabled.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual MSTR& GetRendPickFramesString ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the string holding the frames the user wants to render. For example "1,3,5-12".
virtual BOOL GetRendDitherTrue ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's dither true color flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendDitherTrue ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's dither true color flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendDither256 ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's dither 256 color flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendDither256 ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's dither 256 color flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendMultiThread ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the renderer's multi-threaded flag.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendMultiThread ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the renderer's multi-threaded flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendNThSerial ( ) [pure virtual]
This retrieves the output file sequencing nth serial numbering setting.
Returns TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetRendNThSerial ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
This sets the output file sequencing nth serial numbering setting.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual int GetRendVidCorrectMethod ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the video color check method.
One of the following values:

0 is FLAG


virtual void SetRendVidCorrectMethod ( int  m ) [pure virtual]
Sets the video color check method.
int m

One of the following values:

0 is FLAG


virtual int GetRendFieldOrder ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the rendering field order.
One of the following values:

0 is Even

1 is Odd
virtual void SetRendFieldOrder ( int  fo ) [pure virtual]
Sets the rendering field order to even or odd.
int fo

One of the following values:

0 sets Even

1 sets Odd
virtual int GetRendNTSC_PAL ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the video color check NTSC or PAL setting.
One of the following values:

0 is NTSC

1 is PAL
virtual void SetRendNTSC_PAL ( int  np ) [pure virtual]
Sets the video color check NTSC or PAL setting.
int np

One of the following values:

0 sets NTSC

1 sets PAL
virtual int GetRendSuperBlackThresh ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the super black threshold setting.
virtual void SetRendSuperBlackThresh ( int  sb ) [pure virtual]
Sets the super black threshold setting.
int sb

The super black threshold.
virtual int GetRendFileNumberBase ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the File Number Base in the 'Common Parameters' rollup of the Render Scene dialog.
virtual void SetRendFileNumberBase ( int  n ) [pure virtual]
Sets the File Number Base in the 'Common Parameters' rollup of the Render Scene dialog.
int n

The number to set.
virtual BOOL GetSkipRenderedFrames ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the skip existing rendered frames state is on; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetSkipRenderedFrames ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the skip existing rendered frames state to on or off.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetRendSimplifyAreaLights ( ) [pure virtual]

returns the state of the toggle in the render dialog, "Area Lights/Shadows as Points".

true if area lights should be rendered as point lights.
virtual void SetRendSimplifyAreaLights ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]

Sets the toggle in the render dialog, "Area Lights/Shadows as Points".

When set to true, the simplyAreaLights variable in class RenderGlobalContext will be set when rendering

[in] onOff - If true, set the toggle to cause area lights to be rendered as point lights.
virtual DWORD GetHideByCategoryFlags ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the state of the hide by category flags.
One or more of the following values:









virtual void SetHideByCategoryFlags ( DWORD  f ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the hide by category flags.

One or more of the following values:









virtual int GetViewportLayout ( ) [pure virtual]
This method may be called to retrieve a value that describes the configuration of the MAX viewports.
The viewport layout configuration. The list below uses the following syntax:

# is the total number of viewports.

V = vertical split

H = horizontal split

L/R = left/right placement

T/B = top/bottom placement

One of the following values. Note: The bottom nibble (4-bits) is the total number of views. You may use the constant VP_NUM_VIEWS_MASK to mask off the 4 bits that contains the total number of viewports.















virtual void SetViewportLayout ( int  layout ) [pure virtual]
Sets the viewport configuration layout.
int layout

The layout to use. See the return values of GetViewportLayout() above.
virtual BOOL IsViewportMaxed ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the current viewport is full screen; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetViewportMax ( BOOL  max ) [pure virtual]
This method will maximize (set to a single full screen view) or minimize the current viewport.
BOOL max

If TRUE the viewport is maximized; otherwise it is minimized.
virtual void ViewportZoomExtents ( BOOL  doAll,
BOOL  skipPersp = FALSE 
) [pure virtual]
This method performs a zoom extents on the viewport(s). This fills the viewport(s) with the objects of the scene.
BOOL doAll

If TRUE all the viewports are zoomed to their extents; otherwise just the current viewport is.

BOOL skipPersp=FALSE

If TRUE perspective viewports are not altered; otherwise these views are zoomed to their extents as well.
virtual void ZoomToBounds ( BOOL  doAll,
Box3  box 
) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to zoom the current or selected viewport to a bounding region.
BOOL doAll

This flag determines whether only the selected or all viewports get zoomed. TRUE for all, FALSE for selected only.

Box3 box

The bounding region to zoom to.
virtual void GetSelectionWorldBox ( TimeValue  t,
Box3 box 
) [pure virtual]
This method retrieves the world space bounding box of the current selection set.
TimeValue t

The time to retrieve the bounding box.

Box3 &box

The bounding box is returned here.
virtual INode* GetINodeByName ( const MCHAR *  name ) [pure virtual]
This method may be called to retrieve the INode pointer for the node with the given name.
const MCHAR *name

The name of the node to find.
virtual INode* GetINodeByHandle ( ULONG  handle ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the node whose handle is specified. In 3dsmax version 4.0 and later each node is assigned a unique handle.
ULONG handle

The handle of the node to find.
virtual INode* GetINodeFromRenderID ( UWORD  id ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the node pointer from the id in the BMM_CHAN_NODE_RENDER_ID G-Buffer channel. The renderer will set the RenderID of all rendered nodes, and will set all non-rendered nodes to 0xffff. See Image (G-Buffer) Channels.

The id from the G Buffer channel.
virtual void ExecuteMAXCommand ( int  id ) [pure virtual]
This method may be used to execute a MAX command. These are the same commands that may be assigned using the MAX Customize/Preferences.../Keyboard Tab key assignment system.

For MAX version 1.1 or later, this method may also be used to set various aspects of the preview display. The id to pass for these options is shown below:


This turns off the preview grid display.


This turns on the preview grid display.


This sets the preview rendering mode to "smooth".


This sets the preview rendering mode to "facet".


This sets the preview rendering mode to "wireframe".

Note: In MAX 2.0 and later there is an alternate (better) way to do this. See the method:

virtual void CreatePreview(PreviewParams *pvp=NULL)=0;
int id

The command to execute. See 3ds Max Commands.
virtual NameMaker* NewNameMaker ( BOOL  initFromScene = TRUE ) [pure virtual]
Returns a class used for efficiently creating unique names. To use it, do the following:

        NameMaker *nm = GetCOREInterface()->NewNameMaker();
        for(...) {
        delete nm;
initFromScene if FALSE then the name maker is not seeded with the names of the objects in the current scene; otherwise it is

An instance of class NameMaker initialized at a given time with root node names is best used right after initialization to create several nodes. If the same NameMaker instance is to be used several times, it's best to re-initialize it with the current root node names before it's used again.

Interface::MakeNameUnique is the recommended way for creating unique node names, while class NameMaker is best used to create unique names based on a set of root names used to initialize a NameMaker instance.

virtual void SetViewportBGColor ( const Point3 color ) [pure virtual]
Sets the viewport background color to the specified color.
const Point3 &color

The color to set.
virtual Point3 GetViewportBGColor ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the viewport background color.
virtual Texmap* GetEnvironmentMap ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the current environment map.
virtual void SetEnvironmentMap ( Texmap map ) [pure virtual]
Sets the current environment map to the specified map. See /MAXSDK/SAMPLES/UTILITIES/UTILTEST.CPP for sample code.
Texmap *map

The map to set.
virtual BOOL GetUseEnvironmentMap ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the 'Use Map' checkbox is checked in the Environment / Background dialog; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetUseEnvironmentMap ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the 'Use Map' checkbox in the Environment / Background dialog.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for checked; FALSE for unchecked.
virtual Point3 GetAmbient ( TimeValue  t,
Interval valid 
) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the color of the ambient light at the time passed and updates the validity interval passed to reflect the validity of the ambient light.
TimeValue t

The time to retrieve the ambient light color.

Interval &valid

The validity interval to update.
The color as a Point3.
virtual void SetAmbient ( TimeValue  t,
Point3  col 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the color of the ambient light in the scene to the color passed at the specified time.
TimeValue t

The time to set the color.

Point3 col

The new color for the ambient light.
virtual Control* GetAmbientController ( ) [pure virtual]
Retrieves a pointer to the controller use to animate the ambient light.
virtual void SetAmbientController ( Control c ) [pure virtual]
Sets the controller used for handling the animation of the ambient light.
Control *c

The controller to set.
virtual Point3 GetLightTint ( TimeValue  t,
Interval valid 
) [pure virtual]
Returns the rendering environment global lighting tint color at the specified time and updates the validity interval passed to reflect the validity of the tint color controller.
TimeValue t

The time at which to return the color.

Interval &valid

The validity interval that is updated.
virtual void SetLightTint ( TimeValue  t,
Point3  col 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the rendering environment global lighting tint color at the specified time to the color passed.
TimeValue t

The time at which to set the color.

Point3 col

The color to set.
virtual Control* GetLightTintController ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the controller use to animate the tint color.
virtual void SetLightTintController ( Control c ) [pure virtual]
Sets the controller use to animate the tint color.
Control *c

Points to the controller to set.
virtual float GetLightLevel ( TimeValue  t,
Interval valid 
) [pure virtual]
Returns the rendering environment global lighting level at the specified time and updates the validity interval passed to reflect the validity of the lighting level controller.
TimeValue t

The time at which to return the level.

Interval &valid

The validity interval that is updated.
virtual void SetLightLevel ( TimeValue  t,
float  lev 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the rendering environment global lighting level at the specified time.
TimeValue t

The time at which to set the lighting level.

float lev

The level to set.
virtual Control* GetLightLevelController ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the controller use to animate the lighting level.
virtual void SetLightLevelController ( Control c ) [pure virtual]
Sets the controller use to animate the lighting level.
Control *c

Points to the controller to set.
virtual int NumAtmospheric ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the number of atmospheric effects currently assigned.
virtual Atmospheric* GetAtmospheric ( int  i ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the 'i-th' atmospheric effect.
int i

Specifies which atmospheric effect to retrieve.
virtual void SetAtmospheric ( int  i,
Atmospheric a 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the 'i-th' atmospheric effect.
int i

Specifies which effect to set.

Atmospheric *a

A pointer to the atmospheric effect.
virtual void AddAtmosphere ( Atmospheric atmos ) [pure virtual]
Adds the specified atmospheric effect to the list of effects.
Atmospheric *a

A pointer to the atmospheric effect to add.
virtual void DeleteAtmosphere ( int  i ) [pure virtual]
Deletes the specified atmospheric effect.
int i

The index of the atmospheric effect to delete.
virtual void EditAtmosphere ( Atmospheric a,
INode gizmo = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method selects the specified atmosphere's gizmo and displays the parameters for it (if any).
Atmospheric *a

Points to the Atmospheric plug-in. See Class Atmospheric.

INode *gizmo=NULL

Points to the gizmo node associated with the plug-in.
virtual int NumEffects ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the number of Render Effects currently assigned.
virtual Effect* GetEffect ( int  i ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the 'i-th' Render Effect. See Class Effect.
int i

The zero based index of the effect to return.
virtual void SetEffect ( int  i,
Effect e 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the specified Render Effect to the one passed.
int i

The zero based index of the effect to set.

Effect *e

Points to the Renderer Effect to set.
virtual void AddEffect ( Effect eff ) [pure virtual]
Adds the specified Renderer Effect to the existing list of effects.
Effect *eff

Points to the render effect to add. See Class Effect.
virtual void DeleteEffect ( int  i ) [pure virtual]
Deletes the specified Renderer Effect.
int i

The zero based index of the effect to delete.
virtual void EditEffect ( Effect e,
INode gizmo = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method selects the specified gizmo and displays the parameters for it (if any).
Effect *e

Points to the Effect plug-in. See Class Effect.

INode *gizmo=NULL

Points to the gizmo node associated with the effect.
virtual Point3 GetBackGround ( TimeValue  t,
Interval valid 
) [pure virtual]
Retrieves the background color at the specified time and updates the validity interval passed to reflect the validity of the background color.
TimeValue t

The time to retrieve the color.

Interval &valid

The validity interval to update.
virtual void SetBackGround ( TimeValue  t,
Point3  col 
) [pure virtual]
Sets the background color to the specified color at the specified time.
TimeValue t

The time to set the color.

Point3 col

The color to set.
virtual Control* GetBackGroundController ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the controller animating the background color.
virtual void SetBackGroundController ( Control c ) [pure virtual]
Sets the controller used for animating the background color.
Control *c

Specifies which controller to set.
virtual SoundObj* GetSoundObject ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the current sound object. See the sample code in /MAXSDK/SAMPLES/UTILITIES/UTILTEST.CPP.

See also:
Class SoundObj, Class IWaveSound.
virtual void SetSoundObject ( SoundObj snd ) [pure virtual]
Sets the current sound object to the one specified. See Class SoundObj.
SoundObj *snd

The sound object to set as current.
virtual MtlBaseLib& GetMaterialLibrary ( ) [pure virtual]
This method provides access to the currently loaded material library.
See Class MtlBaseLib.
virtual BOOL IsNetServer ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if MAX is operating in network rendering mode and FALSE if operating in normal interactive mode. This method returns the same value as Interface::InSlaveMode().
virtual void SetNetServer ( ) [pure virtual]
This method is for internal use only. Calling this method will not (alone) set MAX in "Server" mode. Developers should not call this method.
virtual LogSys* Log ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer which may be used for calling methods to write information to the system log. See Class LogSys for details.
virtual DllDir& GetDllDir ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a reference to the central DLL directory. See Class DllDir.
virtual INT_PTR Execute ( int  cmd,
ULONG_PTR  arg1 = 0,
ULONG_PTR  arg2 = 0,
ULONG_PTR  arg3 = 0,
ULONG_PTR  arg4 = 0,
ULONG_PTR  arg5 = 0,
ULONG_PTR  arg6 = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This is a general purpose function that allows the API to be extended in the future. The MAX development team can assign new cmd numbers and continue to add functionality to this class without having to 'break' the API.

Note: In R4 the return value changed from int to INT_PTR

New in R5.1 An additional Command was added to allow the setting of certain directories such as Plugins. It looks like this:

Execute(I_EXEC_SET_DIR, (ULONG_PTR)(int) which, ULONG_PTR)(MCHAR )dir)

where 'which' designates the particular Max directory to be changed (like the corresponding argument of Interface::GetDir()), and 'dir' is the path as a string.
int cmd

The index of the command to execute. See Interface::Execute Command Options .

ULONG arg1=0

Optional argument 1. See the documentation where the cmd option is discussed for more details on these parameters.

ULONG arg2=0

Optional argument 2.

ULONG arg3=0

Optional argument 3.

ULONG arg4=0

Optional argument 4.

ULONG arg5=0

Optional argument 5.

ULONG arg6=0

Optional argument 6.
An INT_PTR return value. See the documentation where the cmd option is discussed for more details on the meaning of this value.
virtual void* GetInterface ( DWORD  id ) [pure virtual]
virtual BaseInterface* GetInterface ( Interface_ID  id ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the interface whose ID is specified.
Interface_ID id

The ID of the interface to return.
Default Implementation:
{ return NULL; }

Reimplemented from FPInterfaceDesc.

virtual ReferenceTarget* GetScenePointer ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer for direct access to the scene. This is primarily used for hanging AppData off the entire scene as opposed to a certain Animatable.
virtual ITrackViewNode* GetTrackViewRootNode ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns a pointer to the Track View Root Node. See Class ITrackViewNode.
virtual void FreeSceneBitmaps ( ) [pure virtual]
This method traverses the scene reference hierarchy, calling Animatable::FreeAllBitmaps() on every Animatable. This will free up all the memory used by bitmaps.
virtual DllDir* GetDllDirectory ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the central DLL directory. See Class DllDir.
virtual void EnumAuxFiles ( AssetEnumCallback assetEnum,
DWORD  flags 
) [pure virtual]
This method may be used to enumerate all the bitmap files in the scene. The flags allow control over which files are enumerated.
AssetEnumCallback& assetEnum

The callback, called once for each bitmap. See Class AssetEnumCallback.

DWORD flags

See Auxilliary File Enumeration Flags. Note: if the FILE_ENUM_CHECK_AWORK1 flag bit is not set when this call is made, and the FILE_ENUM_RENDER flag bit is set, the implementation of this method calls ClearAFlagInAllAnimatables(A_WORK1) and sets the FILE_ENUM_CHECK_AWORK1 flag bit.
virtual void RenderTexmap ( Texmap tex,
Bitmap bm,
float  scale3d = 1.0f,
BOOL  filter = FALSE,
BOOL  display = FALSE,
float  z = 0.0f,
TimeValue  t = GetCOREInterface()->GetTime() 
) [pure virtual]
This method renders a textmap (or an entire textmap tree) to the specified bitmap.
Texmap *tex

The Texmap to render to a bitmap.

Bitmap *bm

A pointer to a bitmap to render to. This bitmap must be created at the resolution you wish to render to.

float scale3d=1.0f

This is a scale factor applied to 3D Texmaps. This is the scale of the surface in 3d space that is mapped to UV. This controls how much of the texture appears in the bitmap representation.


If TRUE the bitmap is filtered. It is quite a bit slower to rescale bitmaps with filtering on.

BOOL display=FALSE

If TRUE the resulting bitmap is displayed using the virtual frame buffer; otherwise it is not. TimeValue t

The time at which to render the texmap to the bitmap, defaults to the current frame.

CoreExport void DeActivateTexture ( MtlBase tx,
Mtl mtl,
int  subNum = -1 
The method deactivates the texture map in the viewports.

Note: In the MAX 2.0 SDK a bug prevents this function from being used -- it results in a link error. This is fixed in the 2.5 SDK.
MtlBase *tx

Points to the texmap to deactivate.

Mtl *mtl

The top level material containing the texture map.

int subNum=-1

If mtl above it a Multi-material, this specifies which sub-branch of the material contains tx.
CoreExport void ActivateTexture ( MtlBase tx,
Mtl mtl,
int  subNum = -1 
The method activates the texture map in the viewports.

Note: In the MAX 2.0 SDK a bug prevents this function from being used -- it results in a link error. This is fixed in the 2.5 SDK.
MtlBase *tx

Points to the texmap to activate.

Mtl *mtl

The top level material containing the texture map.

int subNum=-1

If mtl above is a Multi-material, this specifies which sub-branch of the material contains tx.
virtual void AssignNewName ( Mtl m ) [pure virtual]
Modifies the name of the material to make it unique. The name is of the form "<b>Material #1</b>" where the number is incremented as required to make ensure it's unique.
Mtl *m

The material whose name is modified.
virtual void AssignNewName ( Texmap m ) [pure virtual]
Modifies the name of the texture to make it unique. . The name is of the form "<b>Map #1</b>" where the number is incremented as required to make ensure it's unique.
Texmap *m

The texmap whose name is modified.
virtual void RescaleWorldUnits ( float  f,
BOOL  selected 
) [pure virtual]
This method is used to rescale the world units of the entire scene, or optionally the current selection set.
float f

The scale factor to apply to the scene.

BOOL selected

TRUE to scale selected objects only; otherwise the entire scene is scaled.
virtual int InitSnapInfo ( SnapInfo info ) [pure virtual]
Initialized the SnapInfo structure passed with the current snap settings.
SnapInfo *info

Points to the SnapInfo structure to initialize. See Structure SnapInfo.
Returns nonzero if snap is on; zero if off.
virtual BOOL GetKeyStepsSelOnly ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Selected Objects Only check box is on; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetKeyStepsSelOnly ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Selected Objects Only check box to on or off.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetKeyStepsUseTrans ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Use Current Transform check box is on; otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetKeyStepsUseTrans ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Use Current Transform check box to on or off.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetKeyStepsPos ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Position check box is on; otherwise FALSE. This value is only meaningful if Use Current Transform is off.
virtual void SetKeyStepsPos ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Position check box is to on or off.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetKeyStepsRot ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Rotation check box is on; otherwise FALSE. This value is only meaningful if Use Current Transform is off.
virtual void SetKeyStepsRot ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Rotation check box is to on or off.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetKeyStepsScale ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Scale check box is on; otherwise FALSE. This value is only meaningful if Use Current Transform is off.
virtual void SetKeyStepsScale ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the Time Configuration / Key Steps / Scale check box is to on or off.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetKeyStepsUseTrackBar ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the state of the Time Configuration dialog 'Key Steps / Use TrackBar' checkbox. TRUE if checked; FALSE if unchecked.
virtual void SetKeyStepsUseTrackBar ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the Time Configuration dialog 'Key Steps / Use TrackBar' checkbox.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL GetUseTransformGizmo ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the state of the Transform Tools / Gizmo toggle.
TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetUseTransformGizmo ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
This method enables or disables the use of Transform Gizmos.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual void SetTransformGizmoRestoreAxis ( BOOL  bOnOff ) [pure virtual]
This method sets whether the TransformGizmo should restore the axis constraint when released, or if the axis constraint is permanently changed. The value is saved in the 3DSMAX.INI file for later sessions.

Enable or disable the restoration of the axis constraint.
virtual BOOL GetTransformGizmoRestoreAxis ( ) [pure virtual]
Indicates if the TransformGizmo will restore the axis constraint when released. Returns TRUE if it will; FALSE if it won't.
virtual BOOL GetConstantAxisRestriction ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the state of the Transform Tools / Constant Axis toggle.
TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void SetConstantAxisRestriction ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the Transform Tools / Constant Axis toggle.
BOOL onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual int HitTestTransformGizmo ( IPoint2 p,
ViewExp vpt,
int  axisFlags 
) [pure virtual]
This method is used to hittest gizmos for sub-objects.
IPoint2 *p

Point to check in screen coordinates.

ViewExp *vpt

An interface pointer that may be used to call methods associated with the viewports.

int axisFlags

One or more of the following values:


This flag is passed in on a MOUSE_FREEMOVE message so that the axis is hit tested and it hightlights if it is hit, but it doesn't actually switch the transform mode.


In case of a MOUSE_POINT, this flag is used, and if the axis is hit, the 'hit' transform mode will be pushed on the transform mode stack.
Nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0.
virtual void DeactivateTransformGizmo ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual int ConfigureBitmapPaths ( ) [pure virtual]
This method puts up the dialog to let the user configure the bitmap loading paths.

Nonzero on user selecting OK, zero on Cancel.
virtual BOOL DoSpaceArrayDialog ( SpaceArrayCallback sacb = NULL ) [pure virtual]
Puts up the space array dialog. If the callback is NULL it just does the standard space array tool.

SpaceArrayCallback *sacb=NULL

The callback. See Class SpaceArrayCallback.
Returns TRUE if the user OKs the dialog, otherwise FALSE.
virtual int AddClass ( ClassDesc cd ) [pure virtual]
This method is used to dynamically add a plug-in class. This method will update the control panel in the Create or Modify branches dynamically.
ClassDesc *cd

Points to the Class Descriptor to add. See Class ClassDesc.
Returns -1 if the superclass was unknown, 0 if the class already exists, or 1 if the class was added successfully.
virtual int DeleteClass ( ClassDesc cd ) [pure virtual]
This method is used to dynamically delete a plug-in class. This method will update the control panel in the Create or Modify branches dynamically.
ClassDesc *cd

Points to the Class Descriptor to add. See Class ClassDesc.
Returns -1 if the superclass was unknown, 0 if the class does not exist, or 1 if the class was deleted successfully.
virtual int GetCommandStackSize ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the number of command modes in the command mode stack.
virtual CommandMode* GetCommandStackEntry ( int  entry ) [pure virtual]
Returns a pointer to the command mode at the specified position in the command mode stack. A developer may use this to determine if their command mode is in the stack.
int entry

The index into the command mode stack of the entry to get. Pass 0 to get the current command mode.
virtual void AddSFXRollupPage ( ULONG  flags = 0 ) [pure virtual]
This method should be called in an light's BeginEditParams() method, after adding rollups to the modify panel: it puts up a rollup containing a list of all Atmospherics and Effects that use the current selected node as a "gizmo".
ULONG flags=0

These are reserved for future use.
virtual void DeleteSFXRollupPage ( ) [pure virtual]
This is called in a light's EndEditParams() when removing rollups.
virtual void RefreshSFXRollupPage ( ) [pure virtual]
An Atmospheric or Rendering Effect calls this when it adds or removes a "gizmo" reference. This is called to refresh the Special Effects rollup. The Atmospherics and Rendering Effects may also use the REFMSG_SFX_CHANGE message, though calling this method would have the same effect.
virtual int GetNumProperties ( int  PropertySet ) [pure virtual]
Returns the number of properties of the specified property set. See the note at the start of this group of methods above for info on property sets.
int PropertySet

See PropertySet Options.
virtual int FindProperty ( int  PropertySet,
const PROPSPEC *  propspec 
) [pure virtual]
Return the index of the specified property or -1 if it is not found. See the note at the start of this group of methods above for info on property sets.
int PropertySet

See PropertySet Options.

const PROPSPEC* propspec

Points to a PROPSPEC structure of the property to find. The Windows API PROPSPEC structure is used by many of the methods of IPropertyStorage to specify a property either by its property identifier or the associated string name. See the Windows API for details on this structure.
The zero based index of the specified property or -1 if not found.
virtual const PROPVARIANT* GetPropertyVariant ( int  PropertySet,
int  idx 
) [pure virtual]
Return the value of the property at this index, in PROPVARIANT form. See the note at the start of this group of methods above for info on property sets.
int PropertySet

See PropertySet Options.

int idx

The zero based index of the property variant to get.
Points to a PROPVARIANT structure. This Windows API structure is used in most of the methods of IPropertyStorage to define the type tag and the value of a property in a property set. See the Windows API for details on this structure.
virtual const PROPSPEC* GetPropertySpec ( int  PropertySet,
int  idx 
) [pure virtual]
Return the name of the property at this index, in PROPSPEC form. See the note at the start of this group of methods above for info on property sets.
int PropertySet

See PropertySet Options.

int idx

The zero based index of the property name to get.
Points to a PROPSPEC structure. The Windows API PROPSPEC structure is used by many of the methods of IPropertyStorage to specify a property either by its property identifier or the associated string name. See the Windows API for details on this structure.
virtual void AddProperty ( int  PropertySet,
const PROPSPEC *  propspec,
const PROPVARIANT *  propvar 
) [pure virtual]
This method adds a property to the specified property set. See the sample code in /MAXSDK/SAMPLES/UTILITIES/PROPERTYTEST/PROPERTYTEST.CPP.

See the note at the start of this group of methods above for info on property sets.
int PropertySet

See PropertySet Options.

const PROPSPEC* propspec

Points to a PROPSPEC structure.

const PROPVARIANT* propvar

Points to a PROPVARIANT structure.
virtual void DeleteProperty ( int  PropertySet,
const PROPSPEC *  propspec 
) [pure virtual]
Deletes the specified property. The property will be removed and the memory freed. See the note at the start of this group of methods above for info on property sets.
int PropertySet

See PropertySet Options.

const PROPSPEC* propspec

Points to a PROPSPEC structure to delete.
virtual BOOL RegisterViewWindow ( ViewWindow vw ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to register a window that can appear in a viewport.
ViewWindow *vw

The pointer to the view window to register.
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL UnRegisterViewWindow ( ViewWindow vw ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to unregister a window that can appear in a viewport.
ViewWindow *vw

The pointer to the view window to unregister.
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual ShadowType* GetGlobalShadowGenerator ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual void SetGlobalShadowGenerator ( ShadowType st ) [pure virtual]
virtual BOOL GetImportZoomExtents ( ) [pure virtual]
This returns the state of the system zoom extents flag. Note that individual SceneImport plug-ins can override this in their ZoomExtents() method. See Class SceneImport.
TRUE indicates that zoom extents will occur after imports, FALSE indicates that no zoom extents.
virtual void SetImportZoomExtents ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets the state of the system zoom extents flag.
BOOL onOff

TRUE indicates that zoom extents will occur after imports, FALSE indicates that no zoom extents.
virtual BOOL CheckForSave ( ) [pure virtual]
This method can be used to write out a .MAX file if needed. First it ends animation if it's in progress. Next it determines whether a save operation is required (change marked in scene, or undo operations present).
If the save is not required, it returns TRUE; otherwise, it puts up a dialog box asking if the user wants to save. If the user picks No, it returns TRUE. If the user picks Cancel it returns FALSE. If the user picks Yes then the method proceeds as for FileSave() above.
virtual ITrackBar* GetTrackBar ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns an instance of the ITrackBar class. This class may be used to manipulate the track bar. See Class ITrackBar.
virtual void SetIncludeXRefsInHierarchy ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
This method allows a plug-in to specify whether scene XRef objects are hidden from the hierarchy when it is traversed. Normally this parameter is set to FALSE except during rendering. If a plug-in wants access to XRef scene objects then it should set this to TRUE and traverse the scene and then set it back to FALSE when it's done.

Most of the time the XRef trees (whose root node is a child of the client scene's root node) are skipped when traversing the hierarchy. When this option is turned on, all root nodes will include child XRef scene root nodes in any traversal related functions such as NumberOfChildren() and GetChildNode(i).

This option is turned on automatically before rendering and turned off after so that scene XRefs appear in the production renderer. Note: This option should not be left on if it is turned on since it would cause scene XRef objects to be accessible to the user in the client scene.

Note that plug-ins can also access XRef objects using the Class INode XRef methods.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to include XRefs in the hierarchy; FALSE to not include them.
virtual BOOL GetIncludeXRefsInHierarchy ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if XRefs are included in the traversal of the scene hierarchy; otherwise FALSE. See the method above for details.
virtual BOOL IsXRefAutoUpdateSuspended ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the automatic updating of XRefs is suspended; otherwise FALSE. When an XRef file is changed and that causes an XRef object to update, the old XRef object gets deleted from memory which can cause problems for some plug-ins. For example, the Dynamics system would have a problem if an update occured while a solution was solving. This method is used to disable the automatic updating to prevent the problem.
virtual void SetXRefAutoUpdateSuspended ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]
Sets if the automatic updating of XRefs is suspended or not. See the note in IsXRefAutoUpdateSuspended() for details.
BOOL onOff

TRUE to suspend; FALSE to restore automatic updating.
virtual MacroRecorder* GetMacroRecorder ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual void UpdateMtlEditorBrackets ( ) [pure virtual]
This method makes sure the Materials Editor slots correctly reflect which materials are used in the scene, which are used by selected objects, etc. This is used internally for the drag-and-drop of materials to nodes -- there is no reason why a plug-in developer should need to call it.
virtual bool IsTrialLicense ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the application is running under a trial license, as opposed to a full, authorized license; otherwise FALSE.
virtual bool IsNetworkLicense ( ) [pure virtual]

Returns true if the application is running under a network license.

virtual void SetMAXFileOpenDlg ( MAXFileOpenDialog dlg ) [pure virtual]
This method allows a custom file open dialog to be registered.
MAXFileOpenDialog* dlg

Points to the file open dialog object to use. See Class MAXFileOpenDialog.
virtual void SetMAXFileSaveDlg ( MAXFileSaveDialog dlg ) [pure virtual]
This method allows a custom file save dialog to be registered.
MAXFileSaveDialog* dlg

Points to the file save dialog object to use. See Class MAXFileSaveDialog.
virtual void RAMPlayer ( HWND  hWndParent,
MCHAR *  szChanA = NULL,
MCHAR *  szChanB = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
Brings up the RAMPlayer dialog and optionally loads one, or both channels with the supplied files.

HWND hWndParent

The parent window handle.


The file to load for channel A (for example, _M("movie.avi")). If NULL is passed no file is loaded into the channel.


The file to load for channel B. If NULL is passed no file is loaded into the channel.
virtual void FlushUndoBuffer ( ) [pure virtual]
This function will flush the undo buffer. See the Advanced Topics section Undo / Redo.
virtual bool DeferredPluginLoadingEnabled ( ) [pure virtual]
In the Preferences dialog / General Tab / Plug-In Loading section there is a Checkbox labelled 'Load Plug-Ins when Used'. This method returns the state of this toggle.. See the Advanced Topics section Deferred Loading of Plug-Ins.
TRUE if on; FALSE if off.
virtual void EnableDeferredPluginLoading ( bool  onOff ) [pure virtual]
In the Preferences dialog / General Tab / Plug-In Loading section there is a Checkbox labelled 'Load Plug-Ins when Used'. This method sets the state of this toggle. See the Advanced Topics section Deferred Loading of Plug-Ins.
bool onOff

TRUE for on; FALSE for off.
virtual BOOL IsSceneXRefNode ( INode node ) [pure virtual]
Returns TRUE if the specified node is part of a scene XRef or FALSE if the node is a regular modifiable node in the current scene.
INode *node

The node to check.
virtual bool CanImportFile ( const MCHAR *  filename ) [pure virtual]
This method will check is the specified file can be imported.
const MCHAR* filename

The file name to check.
TRUE if the specified file can be imported by one of the import plug-ins; otherwise FALSE.
virtual bool IsMaxFile ( const MCHAR *  filename ) [pure virtual]
Returns true if the specified file is a valid MAX file; otherwise false.
const MCHAR* filename

The name of the file to check.
virtual bool IsInternetCachedFile ( const MCHAR *  filename ) [pure virtual]
Returns true if the specified file is an internet cached file; otherwise false.
const MCHAR* filename

The name of the file to check.
virtual bool CanImportBitmap ( const MCHAR *  filename ) [pure virtual]
This method will check if the system can import the specified bitmap file.
const MCHAR* filename

The file name to check.
TRUE if the specified file is a bitmap file of a format that is supported by one of the bitmap reader plug-ins; otherwise FALSE.

virtual bool CaptureSubObjectRegistration ( bool  OnOff,
Class_ID  cid 
) [pure virtual]
This method is used to lock and unlock subobject mode registrations and is primarily used by the FileLink wrapper classes acting as proxies to other classes in 3D Studio VIZ. When a class calls this method with OnOff set to TRUE, then other classes are prevented from registering new subobject modes. This continues until the original class "releases" by calling CaptureSubObjectModes(FALSE, myClassID). The second argument insures that only the class which does the capture can do the release. Note that this is used only by certain VIZ plugins.
bool OnOff

TRUE to prevent other classes from registering new subobject modes.

Class_ID cid

The class ID.
TRUE is successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual bool DownloadUrl ( HWND  hwnd,
const MCHAR *  url,
const MCHAR *  filename,
DWORD  flags = 0 
) [pure virtual]
This method simplifies downloading files from any given URL and displays a floating progress dialog.
HWND hwnd

The window handle for owner window (required for the progress floating dialog).

const MCHAR* url

The string for the resource/file to download.

const MCHAR* filename

The target location and filename for the downloaded file.

DWORD flags = 0

Additional controls to the download behavior. Currently only one flag is supported, DOWNLOADDLG_NOPLACE, which hides an option in the progress dialog that allows the user to place (move) a dropped object immediately after being dropped.
TRUE if successful, otherwise FALSE.
virtual INode* GetImportCtxNode ( void  ) [pure virtual]
On drag-and-drop, if the drop type is a file, the drop handler searches for an importer plugin that can handle the file (based on its extension). Some drop operations, such as bitmaps and material XML files, can or must be dropped on to an object in the scene.
The node that the operation is performed on, if one is "hit" at the drop location. It returns NULL if no nodes were found at the drop location.
virtual ITreeView* CreateTreeViewChild ( ReferenceTarget root,
HWND  hParent,
DWORD  style = 0,
ULONG  id = 0,
int  open = OPENTV_SPECIAL 
) [pure virtual]
This method will creates a plain treeview window (no title,borders,etc.) as a child window of the given window. To destroy the window, delete the ITreeView pointer.
ReferenceTarget* root

Points to the root node of the hierarchy to display in the Track View.

HWND hParent

The window handle of the parent for the dialog.

DWORD style=0

The style flags;


Provide a maximize button.


Display in the viewport.


The treeview is namable.


Used in the motion panel.

ULONG id=0

The ID of the treeview window.


One of the following values:


Open a new treeview.


Open a special treeview.


Open the last treeview.
virtual void ConvertMtl ( TimeValue  t,
Material gm,
Mtl mtl,
BOOL  doTex,
int  subNum,
float  vis,
BOOL &  needDecal,
INode node,
BitArray needTex,
GraphicsWindow gw 
) [pure virtual]
This function converts a material (class Mtl) to a viewport material (class Material).
TimeValue t

The time to convert the material.

Material &gm

The viewport material (output). See Class Material.

Mtl *mtl

The material to convert (input). See Class Mtl.

BOOL doTex

Determines whether or not to include textures. TRUE for yes; FALSE for no.

int subNum

If the input material mtl is a sub-material then pass its subnum; otherwise pass 0.

float vis

The visibility value in the range of 0.0 (completely transparent) to 1.0 (fully opaque) for the viewport representation.

BOOL &needDecal

Pass TRUE if the texture needs decal mapping; otherwise FALSE.

INode *node

Points to the node that the material is assigned to. See Class INode.

BitArray *needTex

A BitArray that returns which map channels are needed. The BitArray is enlarged if needed. See Class BitArray.

GraphicsWindow *gw

The GraphicsWindow to do the conversion for. See Class GraphicsWindow.
virtual int GetProductVersion ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns the product version which is one of the following values:

PRODUCT_VERSION_DEVEL-- A debug build, or licensed in-house.

PRODUCT_VERSION_TRIAL -- A trial license.

PRODUCT_VERSION_ORDINARY -- A commercial license.

PRODUCT_VERSION_NFR -- Not for resale.

PRODUCT_VERSION_EDU -- Educational or student license.
virtual int GetLicenseBehavior ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns one of the following values which indicates the liscence behaviour:

LICENSE_BEHAVIOR_PERMANENT -- A permanent license, or hardware lock.

LICENSE_BEHAVIOR_EXTENDABLE -- A term license which can be extended.

LICENSE_BEHAVIOR_NONEXTENDABLE -- A term license which cannot be extended.
virtual bool IsFeatureLicensed ( int  subNum ) [pure virtual]
This method is not currently supported and always returns false. In the future it will be used for returning true or false as the license subgroup designated by the argument is or is not enabled.
TRUE if licensed; FALSE if not licensed.
virtual int GetLicenseDaysLeft ( ) [pure virtual]
Returns an integer indicating the number of full days left in the term of the license. A value of 0 means that today is the last day of validity. For permanent licenses, a fixed value is returned indicating greater than 10 years are left.
virtual bool CloneNodes ( INodeTab nodes,
Point3 offset,
bool  expandHierarchies = true,
CloneType  cloneType = NODE_COPY,
INodeTab resultSource = NULL,
INodeTab resultTarget = NULL 
) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to clone nodes and node hierarchies.
INodeTab& nodes

The node table containing the nodes you wish to clone.

Point3& offset

The position offset you wish to apply to the cloned nodes.

bool expandHierarchies = true

This determines if children will be cloned in hierarchies.

CloneType cloneType = NODE_COPY

The type of cloning you wish to do, which is one of the following; NODE_COPY, NODE_INSTANCE or NODE_REFERENCE.

INodeTab* resultSource = NULL

This node table will be filled in with the original nodes to be cloned. The reason for this is that there can be dependencies between nodes that cause other nodes to be added to the list. For example light/camera targets, nodes part of systems, belonging to groups or expanded hierarchies etc.

INodeTab* resultTarget = NULL

This node table will be filled in with the new cloned nodes. There is a one to one relationship between the nodes in the resultSource and the resultTraget.
TRUE if the nodes were cloned successfully, otherwise FALSE. Note that with R4.0 the return value will always be TRUE since no actual error checking is undertaken.
virtual void CollapseNode ( INode node,
BOOL  noWarning = FALSE 
) [pure virtual]
virtual BOOL CollapseNodeTo ( INode node,
int  modIndex,
BOOL  noWarning = FALSE 
) [pure virtual]
virtual BOOL ConvertNode ( INode node,
Class_ID cid 
) [pure virtual]
virtual IRenderPresetsManager* GetRenderPresetsManager ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual DefaultActionSys* DefaultActions ( ) [pure virtual]
virtual BOOL SetQuietMode ( BOOL  onOff ) [pure virtual]

Sets internal flag, returns old value.

onOff - Set to TRUE to indicate that no dialogs should be displayed to user.
the previous quiet mode state
virtual BOOL GetQuietMode ( BOOL  checkNetSlave = TRUE ) [pure virtual]

The return value from this method should be called before displaying any dialogs.

Returns internal flag set by SetQuietMode.

checkNetSlave - if TRUE, returns internal flag OR-ed with whether max is running in network rendering server mode.
the current quiet mode state

Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface
Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface Interface