Creating User Defined Attributes Previous

Chapter 5, Getting Familiar with Your Workspace
Other Workspace Functions

There are additional functions available in the workspace, including hotkeys and zooming and panning a view.

Pen, Mouse, Keyboard Top

You can interact with the user interface using a pen and graphics tablet or a mouse, in concert with the keyboard. If you have a mouse wheel, you can use it to scroll through menus.

Note: To generate a right-click with a pen, press the context menu key in concert with the pen. If a keyboard includes a context menu key, it is typically located three keys to the right of the Spacebar.

Toxik Hotkeys Top

You can perform many operations using hotkeys--see Appendix A, Hotkeys for a complete list.

Zooming or Panning a View Top

You can zoom or pan in any Player, Schematic, or Curve Editor view.

To zoom in a view:
To pan in a view:
To navigate views:

Things to Remember
