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Chapter 27, Utilities
Comparison Tool

The Comparison tool is a viewer tool for comparing two images.

You can place the Comparison tool in either of two locations by dragging and dropping the tool from the Tools tab. Like any other tool, you can place the Comparison tool anywhere in the current composition by dropping the tool in the Schematic, Player, etc.

The Display Tools is the desired location for the Comparison tool. The Display Tools contains two place holders; one for the Comparison tool and one for the Display Modifier. By default these place holders contain the Comparison and the Display Pass Through tools.

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The Comparison tool can be placed either before or after the display modifier. This placement is controlled by the Display Tools Order setting in the User Preferences (Creative tab), which has a default value of Comparison before the display modifier.

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Access to the Display Tools Comparison tool is through the Player options menu in the south gate. By dropping a Comparison tool on the appropriate tab in the Player options, it will replace the current Comparison tool. This is similar to creating a display modifier.

Enabling the Comparison tool Top

By default the Comparison tool will already exist in the Player (Display Tools) but will be muted.

To enable the Comparison tool:
To delete the Comparison tool from the Display Tools:
Selecting the Primary and Reference Inputs Top

The comparison tool primary input is connected to the output that the viewer would be showing without the comparison tool. The reference input is set to current composition and has all of the display options available in the normal player. They are tool input/output, composition, published result and context points 1 - 4. These options can be changed by using the context menu Reference sub menu in the player. The display options in this menu refer to those of the reference input.

Hotkeys to switch the display options (1-8) will affect either the primary or reference input depending on which side of the manipulator the hotkey event takes place. The player information will indicate what sources are being shown for the primary and reference inputs--see Cycling through Inputs and Outputs.

Comparison Tool Controls Top

The Comparison tool has the following parameters:

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The comparison tool contains a list of manipulators; a split bar and a region, which can be selected to change the behavior of what areas are being compared.

The split bar is the default manipulator. Through direct manipulation, the bar can be moved, rotated, and can have its pivot point changed. By default the split bar separates the viewer horizontally in two with the reference input on the bottom side.

There is a pivot point (indicated by a small box) around which the split bar can be rotated, or from which the split bar can be moved. The letter R next to the pivot box indicates the side of the bar where the reference input is displayed.

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Reference processed with Gray tool.

To rotate the split bar around its pivot point:
To move the split bar:

The region rectangle is created and modified through direct manipulation. By default the region will be centered in the viewers. There are pivot points (indicated by small boxes) on each corner and side to change the width and height of the region. The letter R next to the left pivot point indicates whether the reference input is displayed in the interior or exterior of the region.

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Reference processed with Color Space tool.

To move the region:
To resize the region:
To show or hide a particular manipulator:
To change which area of the manipulator the reference input occupies:
Use: To:
Offset Set a time offset--see Linking Compositions. This parameter applies only to the reference image.
Repeat Set the repeat mode --see Linking Compositions. This parameter applies only to the reference image.
Mark In/Mark Out Set in and out points--see Linking Compositions. These parameters apply only to the reference image.
Opacity Vary the opacity of the reference input to reveal the underlying primary image. The transparency will only affect the primary input side of the manipulator. The reference side will always remain 100% opaque. Use Shift + O to toggle the opacity.
Zoom/Translate X/Translate Y Translate and scale the entire viewer using the pan and zoom hotkeys currently implemented. To translate and zoom the reference image, use the controls in the Comparison tool UI. To translate and zoom the primary image, swap the images and use the controls in the Comparison tool UI.

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