Changing the View Mode

You can view clip libraries in either Single, or Dual View mode. The libraries' contents can be viewed in Proxies, Titles, or List View mode. Switch modes by selecting a view from the View Mode box or by pressing P (Proxies), T (Titles), or L (List View).

Viewing Clips in Titles Mode

Use Titles mode to view all the entries in a clip library by name.

To view titles:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the View Mode box, select Titles.
    • Press T.

In Titles mode, entries are presented as a series of horizontal bars.

Show small imageShow large image

(a) Collapse arrow  (b) Name Sort arrow  (c) Date Sort arrow  (d) Soft-import indicator  (e) Name  (f) Description  (g) Creation Date field  

The bars consist of the following arrow buttons and fields.

Expand or Collapse arrowClick the Expand or Collapse arrow to expand or collapse entries. See Expanding and Collapsing Entries in Titles and Proxies Mode.

The colour of the box surrounding the arrow indicates the type of entry. The colour of the arrow indicates whether contained entries are selected. See Entry Colours.

Name fieldContains the entry's name. If a name is not specified when an entry is saved, this field is labelled <untitled>. See Renaming Entries.

Name Sort arrowClick to alphabetically sort entries by name. See Sorting Entries in Titles and Proxies Mode.

Description fieldContains a brief description of the entry. For example, a Source Area entry is described as “Source Area - n Clips” where n is the number of clips in the Source Area entry.

Creation Date fieldProvides the date and time the entry was created.

Date Sort arrowClick to sort entries by creation date. See Sorting Entries in Titles and Proxies Mode.

Viewing Proxies

Use Proxies mode to view the clips in a clip library as proxy images. Clips only appear in Proxies mode if the entry that contains them is expanded. All other entries are listed as titles.

To view proxies:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the View Mode box, select Proxies.
    • Press P.

    The Proxy Size box and Information box appear.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Proxy Size box  (b) Information box  

  2. From the Proxy Size box, set the size of the proxies to large, medium, or small.
  3. From the Information box, select one of the following options.
    Select: To:
    No Display Disable the display of information on clips.
    TC + Res Display current timecode, duration, clip dimensions, bit depth, and aspect ratio.
    Frame + Res Display current frame number, duration, clip dimensions, bit depth, and aspect ratio.
    Timecode Display current timecode and duration.
    Frame Display current frame number and duration.
    NoteKeycode is displayed for all options except No Display. See Displaying Timecode and Keycode.

    Selected information is displayed on the proxy.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Current timecode; keycode is also displayed if present  (b) Number of video and audio tracks  (c) Clip duration  (d) Name bar  (e) Soft-import indicator (for a clip that is not a hybrid)  (f) Clip History indicator  (g) Soft Edits indicator  (h) Soft-import indicator (for a hybrid clip)  (i) Deliverable indicator (j) Play button 

    Left image courtesy of Technicolor (formerly Toybox)

Clip History indicatorClips that have clip history have an indicator. See About Clip History.

Deliverable indicatorClips that have real-time settings have an indicator. See Managing Deliverables.

Soft-import indicatorClips that are soft-imported have an indicator. The type of indicator depends on whether the clip is a hybrid clip or a completely soft-imported clip. See Recognizing Soft-Imported Clips.

NoteIf you do not have read- and write-access to the clip, the resulting soft-imported clip will be black with a grey bar.

Soft Edits indicatorProxies for clips with soft edits (such as uncommitted cuts, dissolves, or splices) have a “][” symbol.

Proxies for source clips are identified by a dark grey border (proxies for regular clips have a light grey border).

NoteIf a portion of a soft clip resides in another project, a black proxy appears with the text “Not Transferred”. You must load the clip to the local project to view it in the library.

In the Preferences menu, when the Show Selected Item option is selected in the Broadcast Monitor box, a monitor symbol appears on the clip.

Show small imageShow large image

(a) Monitor indicator (active) 

Monitor indicatorClick the monitor indicator to send the clip to the broadcast monitor (the currently selected clip in the broadcast monitor displays a blue indicator).

To jog a proxy:

  1. Click the proxy in the jogging area and drag left or right.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Jogging area  (b) Position indicator (c) Play button 

    Image courtesy of Technicolor (formerly Toybox)

    A yellow position indicator under the image shows the approximate position of the frame being shown.

To play a proxy:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click the Play button on the proxy name bar.
    • Place the cursor over a proxy and press the play forward (V) or backward (C) hot key.

    The cursor changes to a green arrow and the clip plays from the current frame to the end.

To navigate to in and out points:

  1. Select the clip. See Selecting Entries.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Shift+A to go to the in point.
    • Press Shift+S to go to the out point.

Viewing Clips in List View Mode

Use List View mode to view the clips in a clip library in a list.

List View provides most of the same functionality as Titles or Proxies mode—you can select, load, delete, and name entries. However, you cannot perform drag and drop operations, such as moving or copying entries, in List View.

To view List View mode:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • From the View Mode box, select List View.
    • Press L.

    See Listing Clip Information.