Managing Deliverables

A Deliverable results when you create real-time settings for a clip, in the Deliverables menu. Deliverables are virtual clips associated with the original clip. You can:

NoteAny change to the framerate (timing) or resolution of the clip deletes all Deliverables attached to that clip.

The following illustrates how Deliverables can be used.

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In the illustration, the Deliverable for Clip A is saved as a Deliverable template. Think of this template as an independent, reusable instance of the real-time settings that were created for Clip A (like how a word-processing template stores styles and formats).

When the template is applied to Clip B, it becomes a new Deliverable for clip B. This new Deliverable has the same real-time settings as Clip A, until you start changing it. For this operation to work, Clip A and B must have the same resolution, framerate, and aspect ratio.