Outputting Multiple Clips

You can output more than one clip to a VTR in a single pass. When you load multiple clips into the Output Clip menu, you must define in and out points (and any other output clip options) for each clip before starting the clip output process.

When multiple clips in the same session are selected for output, the application performs a validation check to determine if certain parameters match the project settings and whether or not the video device is capable of outputting these clips. The following outcomes are possible:

If some of the clips have overlapping timecodes, their timecodes are highlighted in red in the clip list. To fix overlapping timecodes, edit the timecodes in the clip list, or use the timecode fields in the Output tab. For additional information on setting timecodes, see About the Change TC/KC/Rate Tools.

To output multiple clips with the large Output Clip menu:

  1. Load multiple clips into the Output Clip menu. See Accessing the Output Clip Menu.
  2. If the clips have conflicting timings, you are prompted to select the timing you want to use. Clips that do not match this timing are discarded.
  3. To ouput a clip, its status field must have the selected indicator. Click the Status field to alternate between the selected indicator and an empty field.
  4. Set output options for each clip. See Outputting a Single Clip.
  5. Optional: Click the column headers to sort the list. This changes the order of the output sequence.
  6. To output the clip to the VTR, select Insert from the Output box.

    The clips with Status selected are output to tape. During output, the Status column is updated to reflect the status of each clip:

  7. After the transfer is complete, verify that it was successful by playing the transferred clips: cue to the in timecodes and click the Play button in the VTR Transport controls. Clips that have been output are highlighted in the clip list of the large Output Clip menu.
  8. When finished, click EXIT Output Clip.

When outputting multiple clips with the small Output Clip menu, note the following differences: