Accessing the Colour Corrector

To access the Colour Corrector, you must load clips of the same resolution. If the clips you want to load have different resolutions, resize them so that they have the same resolution.

You can load a front clip, a front and back clip, or a front, back, and matte clip for colour correction. Changes in colour are applied to the front clip.

The Colour Corrector can be accessed from the following locations:

To access the Colour Corrector from the EditDesk:

  1. Select and enable Effects from the Menu Priority box.
  2. Click CC in the EditDesk menu.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) CC button  (b) Input Mode box  

  3. Select an option from the Input Mode box.
    Select: To:
    Front Colour correct a single clip.
    Front/Back Match and colour correct the colours of the front clip using the back clip as a reference. Only the front clip is processed.
    Front/Back/Matte Colour correct the region of the front clip defined by the opaque area of the matte. The front, back, and matte clips are composited together when processed.
  4. Select the source clips. The source clips must have the same resolution.
    NoteIf you want to use clips of different resolution, resize them according to the common destination resolution. See Resize.
  5. Select the destination for the processed clip.

    The Colour Corrector menu appears.

    TipClick the Colour box to display the Colour Warper menu. See Colour Warper. The Colour Warper is not available if you are working with a 16-bit floating point image.