Types of Log Files

There are four types of log files that are generated for Backdraft Conform.

ApplicationContains all types of messages associated with the current application. The application log file name has the following format: <application name>_<build type>_<host>_app.log[.<index>]. For example, Backdraft Conform2009_n32_detroit_app.log.1

ShellContains all messages that appear in the start-up shell where you launched the application.The shell log file name has the following format: <application name>_<host name>_<date application was launched (year:month:day)>_<time application was launched(00:00:00—hour:minute:second—24 hour clock)>_shell.log. For example, Backdraft Conform2009_detroit_20090329_170238.log.1

Volume Integrity Check (VIC) Contains the volume integrity check messages. See Volume Integrity Check. The log file name is vic.log.<number>.

Backdraft Conform errorContains all the error messages generated by Backdraft Conform. The log file name is ifffs.error.log.