Interpreting Application and VIC Log File Messages

A log file is composed of separate entries. If the log file is an application or VIC log file, it contains a message level, time stamp, and a message. The following example, taken from an application log file, is used to illustrate the contents of a log file entry.

[notice] 2246 swClient.C:147 04/19/09:13:56:52.095 Using Stone+Wire API 2009.0.

Message levelIndicates the severity of the message, as described in the following table. In this example, [notice] is the message level.

Type of Message Relays Information About Example
User An operation that was successful. Setup loaded successfully
Error An operation that was unsuccessful. Cannot delete file '/tmp/image.jpg': Permission denied
Warning An operation that was successful but had accompanying errors. When you are loading a setup, you receive the following message: Cannot find clip: 'PAL BARS.'
Notice An operation that was successful but completed slightly differently than expected. Stone+Wire client connection successful on port 7002.

Time stampIndicates the time the application was launched. Time, including the date, is tracked by the hardware timer to the nearest one thousandth of a second. In this example, the time value is 06/19/04:13:56:52.095.

MessageIndicates the success or failure of operations performed by an application. In this example, the message is Using Stone+Wire API 3.0.