Input Clip Menu Options

The basic Clip Input controls are described as follows.

Device Name box Provides an option for each uncommented VTR keyword line in the software initialization configuration file. Select the option that corresponds to the VTR you want to input clips from.

Aspect Ratio box Determines the aspect ratio of the clip you want to capture.

Aspect Ratio field Enter a custom aspect ratio, if the ratio you want to use is not among the options in the Aspect Ratio box.

Bit Depth boxProvides the option of capturing clips at a frame depth of 8 or 10 bits per channel, depending on the project you are working with.

Scan Mode boxDetermines the scan mode metadata tags of the clips created on input. In most cases, select the option that matches the format you are capturing. All workstations provide Progressive, Field 1, and Field 2 options.

Engineering button Click to view the clip input and output Engineering menu. See Setting Video Input and Output Engineering Menu Controls.

Emulator buttonEnable to use a VTR emulator. See VTR Emulation.

Proxy Only buttonProvides the option of capturing proxies only.

Proxy Quality boxProxies generated during capture are always of draft quality. Using the Proxy Quality box, you can set the default quality for proxy generation after capture. Results vary depending on the type of clips involved, so it is a good idea to try different settings.

Select: To:
Draft Generate proxies in the least amount of processing time, at the expense of proxy quality. This setting is the default setting for proxy generation following video I/O.
Coarse Get better results than Draft, in more processing time.
Medium Get better results than Coarse, in more processing time.
Quality Get the best results, in more processing time than Medium.
Bicubic Often get good results, usually faster than Quality. Results are likely not as good as Quality, but acceptable.
Lanczos Usally get the best results, often with better performance than Bicubic.

The previous two controls appear only if the current project is configured, in the Project Setup menu, to store proxies. See Setting Proxy Management Options.

Process buttonClick to start clip input.

Grab buttonClick to grab the current frame. See Capturing Single Frames.

EDL Log buttonClick to log clip to EDL.

EDL buttonClick to view the EDL menu. See Capturing Clips Using an EDL.

Log On Out buttonEnable to log EDL events every time you enter an out point. See Outputting Multiple Clips.

Tape Name fieldEnter the name of the tape from which you are capturing. This step is important for EDL assembly and media recapture procedures.

Clip Name fieldEnter the name you want to use for the clip you are capturing.

Increment Name buttonEnable to append numerical increments to the clip name automatically. For example, enter “My_Clip” in the Clip Name field and then enable Increment Name. The first clip you capture is named “My_Clip-1”, the second is named “My_Clip-2”, and so on. You can change the initial numerical increment by entering a number in the field that appears when you enable Increment Name.

Start Mode boxDetermines the start mode for clip input.

Select: To:
Start On Pen Capture starting from the currently displayed frame on the tape. Click Process to activate the start-on-pen trigger.
Start On Timecode Capture starting from the timecode you enter in the In field. Click Process to start the clip input process.

Stop Mode boxDetermines the stop mode for clip input.

Select: To capture until:
Stop On Pen You click anywhere on the screen.
Stop After Frames A specific number of frames have been captured. When you select this option, a field appears in which you enter the number of frames you want to capture.
Stop On Timecode A timecode on the tape has been reached (entered in the Out Timecode field).

Current Timecode fieldIndicates the current timecode of the tape in the VTR.

In Timecode fieldIndicates the timecode on the tape at which point the clip output process begins.

Out Timecode fieldIndicates the timecode on the tape at which point the clip output process ends.

Duration fieldIndicates the duration, in timecode, between the clip output in point and out point.

The following controls are found on the right side of the menu (not shown in preceding illustration).

Tape EE buttonA status button that, when lit, indicates that the VTR is in E-to-E mode (electronic to electronic). This means that the VTR output is showing its input signal. Clicking Tape EE toggles E-to-E on and off.

Standby buttonA status button that, when lit, indicates that the VTR is in standby mode. Click Standby to toggle between standby off and standby on.

In/Out Point controlsUse to enter, adjust, and cue to clip output in and out points. See Setting Input and Output In and Out Points.

VTR Status displayIndicates the current status of the VTR. See Controlling a VTR.