Resizing Settings

The following settings are displayed for resizing in the Resize menu.

Show small imageShow large image

(a) Fit Method box  (b) Field Format box  (c) Padding colour pot  (d) Filter box  (e) Precision field (f) Crisp/Soft field

The following settings are displayed for Resizing in Real-Time Deliverables.

Show small imageShow large image

(a) Filter box  (b) Field Format box  (c)  Fit Method box  (d) Precision field (e) Crisp/Soft field (f) Adaptive field

Fit Method box Select a fit method to be applied to the selected clip.

Select: To fit:
Centre/Crop The source image, centred, over the destination resolution frame. If the source is larger than the destination, it is cropped. If the source is smaller than the destination, it is surrounded by a black border.
Crop Edges One edge of the source into the destination resolution frame without stretching or squashing the frame. Excess parts of the source frame after resizing are cropped.

If the source—after the one edge is resized—is wider than the destination, its overhanging left and right edges are cropped. If the source is taller than the destination, the upper and lower edges are cropped.

Fill The source, width, and height, into the destination resolution frame. This process, if the source and destination resolutions do not have the same aspect ratio, can distort the image.
Letterbox The source to the destination resolution frame without squashing or stretching it, and without cropping the source.

If the source is wider than the destination, black bars fill the top and bottom of the destination frame. If the source is narrower than the destination, black bars fill the right and left sides of the frame. In all cases, the entire source frame is fit into the destination frame.

Filter boxProvides eight resizing filters. This box does not appear if you selected the Centre/Crop Fit method.

Select: To get:
Impulse Quick, low-quality results.
Triangle Moderate results with little processing overhead.
Mitchell Best results when resizing a clip to a higher resolution.
Bicubic Very good results for resizing soft-looking images. Use to sharpen the image.
Quadratic Good results for resizing simple images with straight edges. Similar to Gaussian but with more blurring. Use to soften the image.
Gaussian Excellent results when resizing a clip with no patterns and a lot of straight edges to a lower resolution. Useful for softening some detail.
Shannon Excellent results when resizing a clip to a lower resolution. Very similar to Lanczos, but results are a little softer.
Lanczos Best results when resizing a clip containing a variety of patterns and elements to a lower resolution. It is the most complex with the longest processing time.
NoteDefining a filter method in a Resize menu will override the default setting specified in the Preferences menu.

Keep Aspect button Enable to maintain non-square pixel formats. This button only appears if you selected the Crop Edges or Letterbox methods.

Padding colour pot Select a colour to use for padding out the frame when centre-cropping, cropping edges, or letterboxing. The default padding colour is black.

Adaptive button Enable to use adaptive de-interlacing to minimize the creation of artifacts associated with resizing interlaced material.

Adaptive field Displays the Adaptive de-interlacing setting.