Miscellaneous Settings

Use these settings to define various Action properties.

Show small imageShow large image

Motion Update buttonEnable to update properties such as position, rotation, and colour in the scene. This button is enabled by default.

When disabled, animated objects do not move, but keep the position of their current value. Disable Motion Update when you want to copy keyframe values from one frame to another.

Play Lock buttonEnable to update the animation settings according to the frame or timebar position as you move through the clip while keeping it locked at the current frame.

When Play Lock is disabled and you use > or < to play the resulting clip, each frame is loaded and displayed in sequence in the image window.

Use Proxies buttonEnable to use proxies for media in Action. Using proxies increases interaction speed, especially when working with high-resolution images.

TipYou can also toggle proxies by pressing Ctrl+P.

Proxy Media option boxSelect which media proxies are used for. Press Shift+P to toggle the proxy media behaviour.

Select: To:
All Media Work in proxy resolution for all media loaded into Action.
Full Res Media Use the full resolution clips for the current media. This option is useful when accessing modules such as the Keyer or Colour Corrector from Action. When you go into a module with media selected, the full resolution clips for the selected media are loaded into the module.
NoteWhen you enter the Colour Corrector or Keyer from media in proxy mode for a 12-bit clip, a message warns you that there will be a precision loss if you have already worked on a media using the full-resolution 12-bit clip. You can confirm, or switch to Full Res Media before reentering the module.

When you are ready to process your final output, disable Use Proxies. If you process with Use Proxies enabled, the processed clip will be rendered using the proxies.

Undo Levels fieldDisplays the number of operations you can undo. The Undo and Redo buttons each have a list allowing you to select the most recent operations to undo or redo. You cannot undo a Delete operation for media.

Setting the undo levels to a large number uses more memory. The default is 10.

Edit Front Only buttonSwitch between displaying the front media or the front and matte media in the Media menu.

MK As Default buttonEnable to set the Modular Keyer as the default keyer when accessing the Keyer from the Media menu.

Auto Image option boxSelect an option for creating nodes in the schematic when new media is added.

Select: To add to the scene:
Auto Image An image node and axis.
Auto DVE A DVE Layer Object
Auto Image Off No nodes are automatically added to the scene.

Backup buttonEnable to back up your Action setup automatically. A backup copy of current Action settings is saved in the _action.bak file in the Action directory.

Backup fieldDisplays the number of minutes between backups.

NoteThe Action backup button is not available when accessing Action through Batch. If a backup is needed, you can use the Batch backup.