Converting Audio between Different Video Standards

When you convert your material between different video standards, your audio falls out of sync due to the change in the video frame rate. To avoid this, use the Preset option to timestretch the audio based on the difference in frame rates of the source and destination video standards.

To convert audio between different video standards:

  1. From the Menu Priority box, select Effects.
  2. From the Audio/Visual Tools box, select and enable Audio.
  3. From the Audio Effects menu, click Timewarp.
  4. Select the clip with audio that you want to timestretch.
  5. Enable Preset.

    The Timewarp Preset options appear.

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    (a) Source Frame Rate box  (b) Destination Frame Rate box  

    The Source Frame Rate box shows the current frame rate of the selected clip.

  6. From the Destination Frame Rate box, select the required value.

    The conversion value appears in the Time Ratio field.

  7. Select a destination.

    A new clip containing the timestretched audio is added.