Items available from the Sculpt
Layers ( ) menu.
Imports a polygonal model from disk and applies it to a layer. For a description of options, see Import As Layer.
Reflects the sculpt detail on a selected layer of one side of an object to its opposite side. Mirroring requires that the model be topologically symmetrical, even though its shape may be asymmetrical. To set the topological axis, you must first select a face on the model and then select Mesh > Set Topological Axis.
Swaps the sculpt detail of a layer across the mesh's topological axis. Flipping detail on a layer requires that the model be topologically symmetrical, even though its shape may be asymmetrical. To set the topological axis, you must first select a face on the model and then select Mesh > Set Topological Axis.
Merge two or more sculpt layers
Combine all layers onto the base level
Mirror a sculpt layer on a symmetrical model