Transcode Output Settings

Use the Output settings to set an output destination for your transcode job and to change how the timecode is used.

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For information on the Settings and Transcode options, see Transcode Format Settings.

Folders Structure option boxDefines how the transcoded media is organized on the storage.

Select: To:
Reel/Resolution Establish a <reel name>/<resolution> folder structure. This is the default option.
Reel/Shot/Resolution Establish a <reel name>/<file name>/<resolution> folder structure.

Timecode option boxSelect which RED media timecode to transcode. Note that when conforming an EDL, overiding the timecode data of the clips with a different timecode track will prevent relinking in the Autodesk Visual Effects and Finishing applications.

Select: To:
Primary Select either the Time of Day or Edgecode timecode. Only select this option if you know which timecode has been set as the primary.
Time of Day Establish a timecode field that is set by the internal clock from the RED camera.
Edgecode Establish a timecode field that is set by the camera operator.

Media Creation Order option boxDefines the high-resolution and proxy media transcoding order.

Select: To:
Proxy/Hires Transcode the proxy media for all the shots first, and then the high-resolution media is transcoded.
Hires/Proxy Transcode the high-resolution media for all the shots first, and then transcode the proxy media.
Hires only Transcode only the high-resolution media. This is the default and recommended media creation option. This allows you to work on the native proxy as the high resolution is transcoded.
Proxy only Transcode only the proxy media.

Image Format listSelect the type of file you want the RED footage to be transcoded to.

NoteCurrently, you can only transcode the RED footage into a DPX file or to a Stone FS.

Bit Depth option boxSelect the bit depth to transcode your RED media to.

Transcoded Media Home fieldEnter, or browse to, the location of the transcoded RED media directory. This directory must be an existing directory that is located on either a Wiretap server or a Wiretap Gateway. For Linux workstations, use the backward slash.

NoteThe Folders Structure, Media Creation Order, and Image Format options are not applied if you are transcoding to the Wiretap server.
Transcode to: Type:
Wiretap Server <server_name>@wt:/stonefs/Test_transcode/Transcode
Wiretap Gateway <server_name>@wtg:/mnt/md0/transcode