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Chapter 5, Monitor Calibration
Calibrating a Monitor

In Lustre, you can calibrate your monitor automatically or manually. Automatic monitor calibration is much more accurate than manual monitor calibration methods because manual methods hinge on perception, and your perception of the monitor can vary depending on the surrounding environment.

Access the Calibration tools in the Calibrate menu.

To access the Calibrate menu:
Calibrating the Monitor Automatically Top

Use a colourimeter (an external monitor measurement device) to scan your monitor's output and automatically correct the display.

You should automatically calibrate the monitor at the beginning of each project. If the project is long, you may want to recalibrate the monitor from time to time. Every 200 working hours is a good guideline.

To work with film, using a colourimeter is strongly recommended to get the best results.

Gamma Calibration

You can calculate a gamma correction LUT using one measure. This creates a simple gamma curve.

To automatically calibrate the monitor based on a gamma measure:
  1. In the Calibrate menu, click Off to disable existing monitor calibration settings.

    Show full-size image

  2. Set the calibration type to Gamma.

    Show full-size image

  3. Attach the colourimeter to the centre of the screen.

  4. Enable Start.

    A series of grey patches appears on the screen. After a few moments, a monitor calibration LUT is generated based on the readings and saved to the monitor.calib file.

  5. Click Measured to apply the monitor calibration settings.

    Show full-size image

Curves Calibration

You can calculate the gamma correction LUT using a series of colours, which appears on the screen.

Note: You can set the colour steps in the init.config file. See the Autodesk Lustre Software Installation Guide.

To automatically calibrate the monitor based on a curves measure:
  1. In the Calibrate menu, click Off to disable existing monitor calibration settings.

    Show full-size image

  2. Set the calibration type to Curves.

    Show full-size image

  3. Attach the colourimeter to the centre of the screen.

  4. Enable Start.

    A series of colour patches appears on the screen. After a few moments, a monitor calibration LUT is generated based on the readings and saved to the monitor.calib file.

  5. Click Measured to apply the monitor calibration settings.

    Show full-size image

Reverting to a Previous Calibration Settings

If you are not satisfied with the results from the automatic calibration, you can revert to the previous automatic calibration.

To revert to the previous calibration settings:
Calibrating the Monitor Manually Top

If you do not have access to a colourimeter, you can adjust the monitor gamma level manually.

To calibrate the monitor manually:
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