Hot Key Catalogue

A catalogue of hot keys is maintained for every user. If the user profile was created in the default home directory, the catalogue is found in /usr/discreet/user/effects/<username>/hotkey. If the user profile was created elsewhere, the catalogue is found in <user home directory>/hotkey. The hot keys in the hot key catalogue are stored in the following formats:

Where: Means:
<component> The module containing the hot key.
default The keystroke that is currently in use.
factory The Autodesk factory default.
butt A button hot key.
func A non-button function hot key.

User-modified hot keys are stored in a separate file: default.<component>.butt.hotkey.user. This file is loaded after the system hot key file, default.<component>.butt.hotkey. Entries in the user-modified hot key file replace the system hot key entries, with the exception of cloned hot keys, which are duplicated.

TipYou can use user-modified hot key files to keep your customized hot keys when working on other machines. In a shell, manually copy the default.<component>.butt.hotkey.user file to the hot key directory on the new system.