Framing Channels

You can frame selected channels in the Animation Curve window or the Track Editor so that they completely appear in the channel view, from the first keyframe to the last keyframe. When framing a channel with an expression applied to it, the channel is framed from the minimum to the maximum frames in the sequence.

In the Animation Curve window, framing channels brings the full shape of the animation curves into view, including all curve peaks and troughs. In this channel view, you can also frame smaller regions of animation curves by first selecting individual keyframes.

In the Track Editor, framing channels brings the total duration of the tracks in view.

You can also automatically frame particular channels according to criteria you set in the Filter menu. For example, you can set all animated channels to be automatically framed.

Framing controls are available from the Animation menu, and from the channel hierarchy.

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To frame channels:

  1. From the Animation Controls box, select Filter.
  2. From the Auto Frame box, select None.

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  3. Do one of the following:
    Click: To frame:
    Frame Selected channels.
    Frame All Animation curves for all expanded channels.
    Select: To frame:
    Frame Chn Selected channels.
    Frame All Animation curves for all expanded channels.
    NoteThe Frame Chn and Frame All buttons are only available when None is selected in the Auto Frame box. Press the forward slash key (/) to toggle Auto Frame between None and the last selected option (All, Animated, or Selected).
  4. Press Ctrl and click Frame Chn in the Animation menu or Frame on the channel hierarchy to frame the selected channel and scroll the corresponding folder to the top of the channel hierarchy.
    TipYou can press Shift+Tab to simultaneously frame the selected channels as well as expand them in the channel hierarchy.

To frame regions of channels:

  1. From the Animation Controls box, select Filter or Keyframe.
  2. From the Auto Frame box, select None.
  3. Using the Animation Curve window, select keyframes from one or more channels.
  4. Click Frame Chn in the Animation menu or Frame on the channel hierarchy.

    Regions of the animation curves from which you selected keyframes are framed in the Animation Curve window.

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    (a) Selected keyframes from different channels  (b) Framed regions of channels based on selection  

    TipYou can press Shift+Tab to simultaneously frame the selected keyframes as well as expand the channels they belong to in the channel hierarchy.

To have channels automatically framed:

  1. From the Animation Controls box, select Filter.
  2. Select one of the following options from the Auto Frame box.

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    Select: To frame:
    All All channels.
    Animated All animated channels.
    Selected All selected channels.
    None No channels. This option enables the Frame Chn and Frame All buttons in the Animation controls.

    The corresponding channels are automatically framed.

    TipPress the forward slash key (/) to toggle Autoframe between None and the last selected option (All, Animated, or Selected).