Outputting Clips in Assemble Mode

If you do not have time to black an entire tape, you can black a small portion of the tape and output clips to the tape in assemble mode. In this mode, the timecode on the tape is generated by the VTR as part of the recording process. Make sure that timecode regeneration is properly configured on the VTR. Autodesk recommends blacking one minute at the beginning of the tape.

When outputting a clip in assemble mode, you should extend the duration of the output to avoid problems if you need to recapture the segment. For example, this can be done by adding five to ten seconds of black at the beginning and at the end of the clip, before entering the output clip module.

To output a clip in assemble mode:

  1. On the VTR, set the TC generator switch to Internal and Regen to make the VTR generate the timecode. Refer to your VTR manual for instructions on setting the TC generator.
    TipIf you have just added black to your tape, the VTR should already have these settings.
  2. Set clip output options. See Outputting a Single Clip.
  3. With the clip you want to output in the Output Clip menu, set the clip output in and out points. See Setting Input and Output In and Out Points.
  4. If black was not added at the end of the clip, make sure the out point exceeds the duration of the clip by five to ten seconds.
  5. Ctrl-click Process to output the clip in assemble mode.