Exporting RGBA Image Files

You can export two clips (a Front clip and a Matte clip) as a single file with an embedded alpha channel. This exported file can then be used as a layer in other compositing or editing applications.

To export an RGBA file:

  1. Open the clip library containing the clip that you want to export.

    You can also do this from the desktop. See Exporting Image Files.

  2. Select the Front clip.
  3. While holding down the Ctrl key, select the Matte clip (this is to be exported as the alpha channel).
  4. Click Export Image.

    The Export Image menu appears.

  5. In the File Format box, select a file type that supports an alpha channel (such as Targa).
  6. Set the path and filename for the exported file.
    NoteTo avoid filename compatibility issues upon export, underscores will be substituted in your filename in place of any of the following characters: ` # ~ @ $ % ^ & * ( ) [ ] { } < > \ | / ! ? , ; : ' "
  7. Set any additional export options. See About the Export Image Menu Options.
  8. Click Export.

    An RGBA file is created from the front clip and the matte clip.