Working with Nodes

This section describes how to perform basic operations to set up your pipeline, such as adding nodes to the pipeline and moving them.

For information on individual nodes and where on the pipeline they can be used, see Using Nodes and Nodes Placement Table.

Selecting Nodes on the Pipeline

You can select individual nodes, branches, all nodes in the pipeline, or all nodes in the schematic. You can also use the Ctrl key to select a combination of nodes.

To select nodes in the schematic:

  1. Select Move from the Edit Mode box.

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Edit Mode box  (b) Selection box  

  2. Select the node(s) as follows.
    To select: Do this:
    One node Select Selected from the Selection box and click the node.
    A branch Select Branch from the Selection box and click anywhere on the branch.
    All nodes on pipeline Select Graph from the Selection box and click anywhere on the pipeline.
    All nodes in schematic Select All from the Selection box and click any node.
    A combination of nodes Press Ctrl and drag a rectangle around the nodes. The current option in the Selection box does not affect this type of selection.

    Selected nodes have a white border.

    NoteA yellow border indicates both that a node is selected and that its menu is the active menu.

Adding Nodes to the Pipeline

You can add nodes to the pipeline to use while building your key. For example, you can place several garbage mask nodes on the pipeline.

Most nodes can be placed anywhere on the pipeline. There are a few exceptions when it comes to the pipes of blend nodes. Certain nodes do not function on some pipes because of the way the pipes operate. See Blend Nodes.

The method for adding nodes to blend node pipes differs from the method for adding them to branches:

To add a node to the CBlend and MBlend pipes:

  1. Scroll the node bar to display the node type you want by clicking on any node type and dragging to the left or right.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Drag a node type to the schematic and release it in the approximate location you want it to appear.
    • Double-click a node type. The new node appears to the right of the most recently selected node, or group of nodes, in the pipeline. If no node was previously selected, the new node appears in the center of the schematic.
  3. To use the node, it must be connected to the pipeline. Drag the node over one of the blend pipes and release the cursor.
    To place the node: Do this:
    Between two nodes. Position it between the two nodes such that it is touching both nodes.
    At the beginning of a pipe Overlap it with the first node and move it back a bit.
    At the end of a pipe Overlap it with the last node, move it ahead a bit, and release the cursor.

    The node is added to the pipeline.

    NoteIf the node is not added to the pipeline when you release the cursor, it is possible that the node cannot be added at that location. For example, you cannot add a Colour Curves node to the lower CBlend pipe. To learn more about the types of nodes you can add to the CBlend and MBlend pipes, see Blend Nodes, and Nodes Placement Table.

To add a node to branches:

  1. Scroll the node bar to display the node you want by clicking on any node and dragging to the left or right.
  2. Click the node and drag the cursor to the schematic.

    The cursor changes to an arrow-headed cross.

  3. Release the cursor.

    The node appears in the schematic.

  4. Drag the node closer to the location on the branch where you want to add it.
  5. Select Parent from the Edit Mode box.
  6. Drag the cursor across the branch where you want to add the node.

    The portion of the branch between the previous and next items disappears.

  7. Drag the cursor from the front of the previous clip or node (or its Result tab) to the back of the new node.

    If the node has source tabs, attach the branch to the front, back, or matte tab, depending on the type of node. See Using Nodes.

    NoteYou can also use the output (result image) of any node on the pipeline as an input source for the new node. This includes the output of nodes along the pipes of blend nodes.

    The branch is connected to the new node.

  8. Drag the cursor from the result tab of the new node to the back of the next node (or to the appropriate source tab—see note, above).

Moving Nodes

You can move a node from one part of the pipeline to another. For example, you can move a garbage mask to the beginning of a branch on the pipeline.

To move a node:

  1. Select Move from the Edit Mode box.
  2. Detach the node from the pipeline:
    • If it is on a blend node pipe, Ctrl+Alt-click the node. It is detached from the pipe, and is selected (shown by its yellow border).
    • If it is on a branch, select Parent from the Edit Mode box and drag the cursor across the branches that connect it to the pipeline. Reconnect the branch without the node, then return to Move mode.
  3. Drag the node over the pipeline where you want to add it and release the cursor. See Adding Nodes to the Pipeline.

Copying Nodes

You can copy one or more nodes and place the copies elsewhere on the schematic. All the settings of a copied node are included in the copy.

To copy one or more nodes:

  1. Select the nodes. See Selecting Nodes on the Pipeline.
  2. Click Copy.

    Show small imageShow large image

    Copies of the nodes appear on the schematic. The copies are selected (shown by the yellow border).

  3. Drag the copies over the pipeline where you want to add them and release the cursor. See Adding Nodes to the Pipeline.

Deleting Nodes

When you delete a node from the pipeline, all the associated information, including any unsaved work, is also deleted. There are several methods you can use to delete nodes:

To select and delete one or more nodes:

  1. Select the nodes. See Selecting Nodes on the Pipeline.
  2. Click Delete.

    Show small imageShow large image

  3. Click Confirm to delete the nodes, or click elsewhere to cancel.

To use Delete mode:

  1. Select Delete from the Edit Mode box.
  2. Click the node you want to delete.
  3. Click Confirm to delete the node, or click elsewhere to cancel.
    TipTo override Confirm, press Alt as you click the node.
  4. Repeat steps 2-3 for any other nodes you want to delete.
  5. Return to Move mode.

To delete by dragging:

  1. From the Edit Mode box, select Move.
  2. From the Selection box, select Current, Branch, Graph, or All.
  3. In the schematic, click a node and drag either to the top or the bottom of the desktop.

    The cursor changes to a green recycling icon.

  4. Click Confirm to delete the nodes, or click elsewhere to cancel.

Updating Nodes

All the nodes in the pipeline are not updated or processed when a change is made to the pipeline. This is to save time if processing is not needed. For example, when you make a change in one node, that node and all previous nodes in the branch are updated immediately, but not the subsequent nodes.

In the pipeline, the status of a node is indicated differently depending on the type of node.

Node Type Unprocessed Processed
Single Input The arrowhead at the right side of the node is red. The arrowhead at the right side of the node is green.
Multiple Input The label under the node is black. The label under the node is white.
Blend The arrowhead is red and the label is black. The arrowhead is green and the label is white.

You can opt to have nodes updated on an “as needed” basis, or update them manually:

To set the update mode:

  1. Display the Setup menu.
  2. Use the Auto Update button to set the update mode.
    For: Do this:
    Automatic update Enable the Auto Update button.
    Manual update Disable the Auto Update button.
    NoteAuto Update only affects the schematic (it does not affect processing while you are working within nodes).

To update a node automatically:

  1. Select Move from the Edit Mode box.
  2. Click the node.
    NoteIf the node does not get updated, make sure that all multiple input nodes in branches leading to the node have the required source inputs.

To update a node manually:

  1. Select the node. See Selecting Nodes on the Pipeline.
  2. Click Update.

    Show small imageShow large image

    The selected node and all previous nodes are updated.

    NoteIf the node does not get updated, make sure that all multiple input nodes in branches leading to the node have the required source inputs.

Renaming Nodes and Clips

Nodes are given a default name composed of the node name and a number appended to it, for example, gmask1, gmask2. When you select a node or clip, its name is displayed in the Name field.

Show small imageShow large image

(a) Name field  

Names are also displayed in the schematic, below the clip or node (with the exception of the nodes on blend pipes). Rename nodes and clips to help keep track of them as the pipeline grows.

NoteYou cannot rename clips that are brought into the schematic using the Add Clip button.

To rename a node or clip:

  1. Select the node or clip.
  2. Click the Name field.

    The on-screen keyboard appears.

  3. Click Esc to delete the previous name and type a new name.
  4. Click Enter to save the new name or click EXIT Keyboard to cancel.