Inputting Clips From an HSDL Device

Input an HSDL stream of 2K frames as if you were inputting HD video. Use the tools in the Input Clip menu.

To input from an HSDL device:

  1. On the desktop, click Library (or press 1) to view the Clip Library menu.
  2. In the Clip Library menu, click Input Clip.

    Show small imageShow large image

    The Input Clip menu appears.

  3. From the Device Name box, select the HSDL device.

    Show small imageShow large image

    TipHSDL device options appear for each uncommented HSDL keyword in the software initialisation configuration file. See Configuring Software for HSDL Input and Output.
  4. Input footage using the controls in the Input Clip menu. Make sure the following settings are entered:

    Show small imageShow large image

    (a) Bit Depth box  (b) Aspect Ratio field  (c) Scan Mode box  

    Audio controls are disabled when using the Input Clip menu to input an HSDL stream. The image that appears is resized to fit the 1920x1080 preview area. This preview resizing does not affect the actual 2048x1556 size of the image being input.