Defining Luma Ranges

Use the histogram in the Ranges menu to modify the shadow, midtone, or highlight ranges. Click the Ranges button in the Colour Corrector menu to display the curves for the three luma ranges. The X-axis is luma and the Y-axis is weight. The shadow curve is labelled “S”, the highlight curve is labelled “H”, and the midtone curve is not labelled.

To reset any changes to the Ranges chart, click Reset Range. To reset all the changes in the Colour Corrector, click Reset All.

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(a) Shadows  (b) Midtones  (c) Highlights  

To see the effect of adjusting these curves:

  1. Display the Colour Balance menu. Adjust the colour balance for each of the Shadows, Midtones, and Highlights channels. Note the effect that this setup has on the image.
  2. Display the Ranges menu. Adjust the curves using the tangent handles.

    You should see that the resulting image is different from that in step 1. The difference is the result of the changes you made to the luma curves for the shadows, midtones, and highlights.