Accessing the Colour Warper

Use the Colour Warper to modify the colour content in your clips. You can manipulate colour content with intuitive controls that provide precise colour correction, and view histograms that help you visualize your image's colours. You can also output a matte corresponding to selected colours.

You can access the Colour Warper as a node that you drag and drop into the Batch process tree or the Modular Keyer's processing pipeline. Access the Colour Warper from the Modular Keyer to remove colour spill, or access it from Batch to modify the colour content of your clips.

You can also access the Colour Warper from the Colour Corrector module. When you access the Colour Warper from the Colour Corrector, they work in parallel—you can colour correct clips with the Colour Corrector and Colour Warper, and then compare the results. Each setup is saved separately.

You should be familiar with using the Batch schematic and the Modular Keyer processing pipelines before using the Colour Warper if you access it from either of these places. See Batch Processing and Modular Keyer.

To add a Colour Warper node in Batch:

  1. In the Main menu, click Processing.
  2. In the Processing menu, click Batch, and then select a destination reel.
  3. Drag the Colour Warper node from the node bar and add it to the schematic.
  4. Input a front clip, a matte clip, or both into the Colour Warper node.
    TipUse a matte clip when you want to colour correct part of the front clip. Only the part of the front clip that is defined by the white part of the matte clip will be affected.
  5. If you use both a front and matte clip, make sure they are the same resolution. If they are not, resize them. See Resizing in Batch.
  6. Click the Colour Warper node to display the Colour Warper menu.

To add a Colour Warper node in the Modular Keyer:

  1. Do one of the following:
  2. Select a front, back, and key-in clip. Make sure they are all the same resolution. If they are not, resize them. See Resizing in Batch or Resizing in the Resize Module.
  3. Select a destination reel.
  4. Drag the Colour Warper node from the node bar and add it to the schematic.
  5. Click the Colour Warper node.

To access the Colour Warper from the Colour Corrector:

  1. Access the Colour Corrector. See Accessing the Colour Corrector.
  2. Select CW in the Colour box.

    Show small imageShow large image

    The Colour Warper menu appears.

    NoteWhen you want to use the Colour Warper in Batch or the Modular Keyer, use the Colour Warper node. You cannot access the Colour Warper through the Colour Corrector when you access it in Batch or the Modular Keyer.

You can access the following menus from the Colour Warper menu.

Basics menuColour correct your clips. You can adjust shadows, midtones, and highlights, and control black and white levels, hue, and saturation. You can also perform colour warping, colour suppression, and colour saturation on a limited range of colour as well as adjust gamma and luminance curves.

Selective menu(part of Basics menu) Define colour ranges using softness and tolerance to create a matte and apply colour correction to a selected region.

Subsetups menuStore, compare, and share Colour Warper subsetups.

Setup menuCustomize your work environment by adjusting vectorscope and hue cube settings, updating colour information, cropping the area you want to colour correct, and inverting a matte.

NoteIf you are accessing the Colour Warper from Batch or the Modular Keyer, you use the Setup menu for the node to adjust vectorscope and hue cube settings, as well as update colour information. You cannot use the Setup menu for the node to crop the colour correction area or invert a matte.