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Home: Flint

The Desktop

Selecting Clips to Load Them into a Module
Selecting Clips to Apply a Desktop Command
commands apply image processes to clips on the desktop. When you
click a desktop command button, the cursor changes, indicating the
clip selection requirements for the command you want to apply.
apply a desktop command:
- Click
the desktop command button in, for example, the Processing menu.
The cursor becomes a red arrow.
- The
red arrow indicates that you should select:
- The
front clip, if the command performs a compositing process, such
as Quick Composite (see
Quick Compositing).
- The
first input clip, if the command is a mix operation, such as a Multiply
logical operation (see
Using Logical Operations).
To select the front or first input clip on the
desktop reels, click its upper-left corner.
- If
the cursor becomes a green arrow, select the back clip or second
input clip. Otherwise, continue with the next step.
- If
the cursor becomes a blue cursor, select the matte clip (the blue
cursor only appears with compositing commands and modules). Otherwise,
continue with the next step.
- Once
all the input clips for the command are selected, the cursor becomes
a white arrow. The white arrow indicates that you are ready to select
the destination desktop reel for the processed result clip. Click
any desktop reel.
The processed clip appears on the destination
reel that you selected, with a red outline. The most recently processed
clip on the desktop always has a red outline.