Loading Clips to the Desktop

You can load entries from a clip library to the desktop. If a clip contains audio, you can load it with its audio tracks or as video only. You can load clips from clip libraries in the current project or in other local projects. If you have Wire, you can load clips from remote projects. See Copying Local and Remote Clip Libraries to Your Current Project.

To load entries from a clip library:

  1. In the Clip Library box on the desktop, select the clip library containing the entries you want to load.
  2. Click Load in the Library menu.
  3. Select a destination.
    TipA shorter method is to click the Load button of the reel you want to use as the destination.

    The current clip library appears. You can change the current clip library at any time using the Clip Library box.

  4. Select the entries you want to load to the desktop. See Selecting Entries.

    The type of entry you select determines where the entry is loaded.

    Select: To:
    Desktop Load each saved clip to the same desktop reel that it was on when the desktop was saved. The destination reel is ignored. Any clips that are on the desktop when you load a saved desktop are retained.
    Reel Load all clips associated with the reel on the destination reel.
    Clip Load the clip on the destination reel.
    TipYou can load entire library reels or selected source clips within soft edits. You may have to expand some parent entries to find the entries you are looking for. It is also possible to load desktops containing up to eight reels, even if the current desktop is set to fewer. The clips are loaded, but cannot be accessed unless the number of reels is increased in the Systems Preferences >Desktop Preferences menu. Load multiple entries by holding Ctrl and selecting the entries.
  5. To resize the clips before loading them to the Desktop, enable Resize and set resizing parameters. See Resizing on Import, Export, or in a Clip Library.
  6. If the clip contains audio tracks and you only want to load the video, disable Include Audio.
  7. Click Load.

    The desktop reappears with the selected entries loaded.

    NoteIf a clip has proxies that do not match the project resolution, you are prompted to regenerate them. If you confirm, proxies are generated and the clip is loaded. If you abort, only clips with proxies that match the project resolution are loaded.