Publishing Options

Use the following publishing options to specify the attributes for the file that you publish.

Publish buttonClick to publish.

Media Type boxSelect the media types to publish. The Audio Only option is not available when Publish Type is set to Flatten.

File Type boxSelect the type of file that is exported.

Publish Type box Select the type of publishing. See Types of Publishing.

EDL button Enable to publish only an EDL file, or EDL and media. You can also choose to create only the EDL and omit media publishing. This allows you to regenerate the EDL file of a clip that has been published and later modified without re-publishing all the media. The EDL button is enabled only when Publish Type is set to Flatten.

Audio File Format boxClick to select a format for an audio file to be published. The Audio File Format box is enabled when Media Type is set to Video/Audio or Audio Only.

Audio Sample Width box Click to select an audio sample width. 32-bit float is not available when the AIFF format is selected. The Audio Sample Width box is enabled when Media Type is set to Video/Audio or Audio Only.

Add To Queue boxSelect a method to publish in the background. See Publishing in the Background.

Select: To:
Add to Queue Add the job to the queue.
Add to Queue & Execute Add the job to the queue and execute it automatically. If there are any jobs in progress, this job (and any others already added with the Add to Queue & Execute option) will be triggered upon the completion of its predecessor.

Destination Library box Select the library where the clips are published.

Destination field Enter the destination path of the file, which is usually the location of the shared storage. By default, the destination path is /usr/tmp.

Use Clip TC Names buttonEnable to sequentially number file names of frames based on the contents of the File Name Numbering field.

File Name Numbering fieldEnter the numbering scheme used to differentiate between the frames of a published clip in the destination directory when Use Clip TC Names is enabled. %04d appears as the default numbering scheme, where the 0 indicates that leading zeros will be appended to the file name for each frame, and the 4 indicates that four digits will be maintained. For example, if you have a 30-frame clip called summer.sgi, the published frames of the clip would be named summer_s<#>.0001.sgi to summer_s<#>.0030.sgi.

Handles buttonEnable to add head and tail frames to the published clip. The Handles button is enabled when Publish Type is set to Complex or Flatten.

Handles fieldEnter a value to determine the number of head and tail frames added to the published clip. The Handles field is active when the Handles button is enabled.

Link buttonEnable to link the published clips to the original file, located on the same filesystem. A link at the filesystem level is created to the media already located on the destination filesystem, which saves space because the media is not duplicated.

Link is not available when soft-importing a clip. The Link option is only relevant when using soft-imported clips in the Publish tool.

When you publish media from one filesystem to another, the media will be copied even if the Link option is enabled. In the case where you are publishing some media from the same filesystem and some from a different filesystem with the Link option enabled, any media that is on the same filesystem will be linked to the original media; any media that is on a different filesystem will be duplicated.

Create Sub Dir buttonEnable to create subdirectories that match the Autodesk Lustre format as follows: /basedir/clipname/tapename/resolution. The Create Sub Dir button is enabled when Publish Type is set to Complex or Flatten.