MatchMover generates an Ascii file of the type XSI that can be imported into SOFTIMAGE |3D using the following procedure.
Compositing in Softimage (Rotoscoping)
The images must be of the Softimage (PIC) format. To convert an AVI sequence or images into another format. See Conversion of AVI and other formats to Softimage PIC format.
Conversion of AVI and other formats to Softimage PIC format
The Softimage image format defines the image Pixel Ratio and this is taken into account for the image display in the viewports. It is crucial that you export the image with the correct pixel ratio, which by default is always 1. Amongst the executable files supplied by Softimage, tga2soft allows you to specify the Pixel Ratio with the option -p. One solution is to convert the AVI into PIC, then the PIC into TGA then the TGA into PIC.
For example, to convert an avi file composed of 25 images with PAL pixel aspect ratio (1.0666) into the Softimage PIC format, enter: avi2soft sequence.avi sequence -s 1 25 1, soft2tga sequence sequence -s 1 25 1, tga2soft sequence sequence -s 1 25 1 -p 1.0666.