Accessing Cameras and Camera Views


You can see your scene through different cameras and from different points of view. To see different views, you can use the predefined orthographic views or the perspective view. You can also dolly, truck, or zoom those views without affecting of the contents in the scene, including the render camera.

Note When you use any camera other than the render camera, zooming and panning in the Player is the same as to dollying and trucking the camera.

The View From menu lets you access each camera and camera view, and is available from both the hardware and software renderer.

To access the camera(s):

  1. Right-click the Player and select View From > Camera (Shift + 1). If there is more than one camera, each one is listed. To cycle through each camera, press Shift + 1.

To access the camera views:

  1. Right-click the Player, select View From and one of the following: Perspective (Shift + 2), Front (Shift + 3), Back, Left (Shift + 4), Right, Top (Shift + 5), or Bottom.

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