Transforming Cameras


You can transform cameras interactively in the Player or set values in the transformation fields in the Cameras tab—see Transforming Objects.

  • The camera is initially positioned in Z according to the composition's format.
  • Interactive transformations are applied using the camera's local axis, but its position is recorded using global coordinates.

Dollying, Trucking, and Orbiting the Camera

You can dolly, truck, and orbit any camera to view your scene from different angles.

NoteCamera movements are not the same as zooming and panning the Player. For example, if you need to view the pixel output of Reaction up close, you should zoom in. But if you want to move the camera itself, you should dolly.

To dolly the camera:

  1. Hold down the E key and drag up to move the camera into the scene. Drag down to move the camera out of the scene.

To truck the camera:

  1. Hold down the W key and drag up, down, left, or right to position the camera.

To orbit the camera:

  1. Hold down the Q key and drag in any direction to position the camera.

To reset the camera to its default.

  1. In the Schematic view, select the Reaction node.
  2. Do one of the following:
    • Press Shift + Home to reset the camera in the current Player.
    • Right-click the Player and select Reset Camera.

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