Setting the Target


The target for the Player view is what it displays. You set the target for an individual view in the Player options. The target can be the output node of the dependency graph, the input or output of a tool node, a specific rendered output of the composition, or a context point (the output of a specific tool node)—see Setting the Target for the Player.

You can specify the channels of the target you want the Player view to display (RGBA, RGB, A, or any other combination of channels)—see Setting the Channels for the Target.

You can set the resolution you want a Player view to use for its target (full, half, quarter, or proxy). You can use this to improve playback performance when full resolution playback is not necessary—see Setting the Resolution for a Player and Playback Performance.

You can set the aspect ratio of the pixels the Player uses for the target, to either square or non-square pixels—see Setting the Pixel Aspect Ratio of the Player.