The following list outlines the current limitations for FBX import:
- Password protected FBX files cannot be imported in Composite.
- You cannot selectively import assets from the FBX file; Composite imports everything it recognizes.
- By default, the geometry import tool imports all meshes of the scene into a single layer. However, you can select which geometry
to import.
- The geometry tool imports the global transformation of the geometry in Composite; its bakes the transformation of its parent
hierarchy into the mesh.
- Composite doesn't support multiple UV coordinate on a vertex,; it only imports the first (index 0) diffuse set of coordinates.
- FBX animation curves are recalculated into a Composite animation with one keyframe at each frame.
- If the FBX scene contains more than one camera, the format of the resulting composition (and the Reaction node) is based on
the render settings of the default camera.
- The camera image plane distance, its size on aperture, the camera focal length and the horizontal scale are all animatable
values in FBX, but the transformation of the imported plane layer in Composite is not animated.
- The image plane offset values which controls how much the center of the image plane is offset from the centre of the viewing
frustum of the camera are not supported by the FBX import.
- The camera image plane layer cannot be created correctly if Composite doesn't have access or cannot import the asociated image
files, because it needs to know the image resolution to scale the plane layer in Reaction. Also, the Image Import tool cannot
store the path of an image sequence that doesn't exist.
- Parameters that control the amount of the source image that is used in the camera image plane are not supported.
- Target cameras are not supported.
- Once the Maya camera image plane is imported in Composite, it is no longer a “camera” image plane (one that automatically
rescales itself to fit the cam¬era view), just a simple image plane parented by the camera and properly scaled for the current
depth of the plane.