Camera Image Plane


Once imported into Composite, an FBX image plane loses part of its relationship with its camera. It is imported as a normal plane layer parented to the camera transformation, but it does not rescale itself automatically when its depth or the camera view frustum changes.

Group Attributes S E Comments
Image Plane Attributes Display Mode (RGB, RGBA, A, Luminance, etc.)      
  Color Gain      
  Color Offset      
  Alpha Gain      
  Attached to Camera vs. Fixed     Always attached to camera.
  Type     Always Image File (Texture not supported).
  Image Name X X In Image Import node feeding the Reaction source.
  Use Image Sequence X   Can be controlled through Image Import node mark in/out.
  Frame Offset X X In Image Import node feeding the Reaction source.
Placement Fit Mode     Always “To Size”.
  Size X   Recalculated into plane layer transformation according to Depth and camera Focal Length.
  Depth X   Recalculated into plane layer transformation.
  Rotate X    
  Squeeze Correction X   Recalculated into plane layer transformation (inverse of camera Lens Squeeze Ratio).
Placement Extras Coverage Width     Could be translated into a chain of Composite Crop and Resize nodes at the Reaction source.
  Coverage Height      
  Coverage Origin      
  Center     Irrelevant since Fixed camera image plane is not supported.