this node to set your options for your render pass.
Render Pass Options
- Renderable
Select this option to
set the render pass as renderable. When set as renderable, the render pass
(frame buffer) is defined in mental ray and written to disk upon
rendering completion.
- Type
Select the desired render
pass type from the drop-down list.
- Numbers of Channels
Set the number of channels
for your render pass output. Some render passes support all types
of channels, while some others only support a limited number of
- Frame Buffer Type
Select the framebuffer
type from the drop-down list.
- Color Profile
this option when you are using color management in your scene. See
Using color management in your scene for
more information regarding color management.
Select the color profile
that should be used when writing the render pass to disk.
There are two sections
available in the Color Profile drop-down box.
Under the first section, there is a list of built-in color profiles.
Under the second section, there is a list of any existing color
profile nodes that are currently in your scene.
Click the colorProfile
node icon
to create a colorProfile node
and connect it to your current renderPass node.
NoteIf you select the Use
Default Output Profile option under the list of built-in
color profiles, Maya will use the color profile setting that you
selected under the Default Output Profile option
in the Render Settings: Common tab.
TipIn order to use color
management in your scene, you must select the
Color Management option in the
Render Settings: Common tab.
- Filtering
Enable this option to
use the same filter settings as selected in the Render Settings
window. This option is used for anti-aliasing and should be enabled
in most cases.
- Pass Group Name
Use this attribute to
sort your render passes into logical file groups. The pass group
name that you enter in this field is appended to the image file
name when you include the <RenderPassFileGroup> render
token in your File name prefix attribute
in the File Output section in the
Render Settings: Common tab.
For example, group your
diffuse, specular and shadow passes into a pass group called Illumination.
When rendering with openEXR, add the <RenderPassFileGroup> render
token to your File name prefix attribute. All passes with Pass
Group Name set to Illumination are concatenated under
the Illumination exr file.
A render pass node may
also have several of the following attributes, depending on the
pass type:
NoteThe terms hidden and visible refer
to whether or not an object is associated with the pass through
one or more pass contribution maps.
- Use Transparency
- Holdout
Allows hidden objects
to occlude. This option is useful for some compositing workflows.
- Hidden Geometries Visible
in Reflections
Enable this option to
make hidden objects appear through visible reflective objects.
- Hidden Geometries Visible
in Refractions
Enable this option to
make hidden objects appear through visible refractive objects.
- Hidden Geometries Produce
Renders the reflections
of visible objects through hidden objects.
- Hidden Geometries Produce
Renders the refractions
of visible objects through hidden objects.
- Attenuate According
to Transparency
Framebuffer values are
modulated by material transparency. Only available for render pass types
where it is pertinent. For example, if you render a 50% transparent
surface and the object behind it is opaque, the diffuse for the
opaque object is dimmed by 50% and written as is, since the object
is being seen through a transparent surface.
- Min Reflection Level / Max
Reflection Level
The minimum and maximum
number of times a light ray can be reflected. The maximum value is
clamped by the Max Trace Depth value set in the Render
Settings window, Quality tab.
- Min Refraction Level / Max
Refraction Level
The minimum and maximum
number of times a light ray can be refracted. The maximum value is
clamped by the Max Trace Depth value set in the Render
Settings window, Quality tab.
- Shadows
Use this option to turn
shadows on or off for the selected pass.
- Hidden Geometries Cast
When this option is enabled,
objects that are not included by pass contribution maps will continue
to cast shadows even though they are not visible in the scene.
Normalized 2D Motion
Vector render pass attributes
The Normalized
2D Motion Vector pass node also includes these attributes:
- Automatic Max Pixel Disp. / Max
Pixel Disp.
If the Automatic
Max Pixel Disp. option is selected, Maya calculates the
maximum image resolution. For example, if the image resolution is
640x480, the biggest axis of the image, 640, is used.
Otherwise, if the Automatic
Max Pixel Disp. option is disabled, Maya uses the value
specified in Max Pixel Disp.
- Min. Disp. Range / Max. Disp.
Specify how the motion
vector should be remapped. For example, the default is 0 for the minimum
and 1 for the maximum, with a maximum displacement of 256. Therefore,
any value less than 0 is remapped to 0. Any value greater than 256
is remapped to 1, and a displacement of 128 is remapped to 0.5.
- Extract Magnitude
If enabled, the length
of the 2D vector is placed in the z-component. The length is also normalized;
so, if the length is 256, the value written in blue channel would
be 1 (assuming that the displacement value is 256).
Camera Depth render
pass attributes
The Camera
Depth pass node also includes these attributes: Near
clipping plane / Far clipping plane,
and Minimum buffer value and Maximum
buffer value.
Use the attributes to
normalize the camera depth value. For example, using the default
values, any value less than 0 is normalized to 0 and any value greater
than 1000 is normalized to 1. Alternatively, you can also use these attributes
to clip objects out of the scene. You must enable the Remap
Depth Values option in order for the near and far clipping
planes and minimum and maximum buffer values to take effect.
Ambient Occlusion render
pass attributes
- Use Local AO Settings
this option to use the values set in the Ambient Occlusion pass
attribute editor. This option is off by default.
- Rays
Number of ambient occlusion
rays used for the computation of each ambient occlusion value. A higher
value gives a smoother image.
If you set this attribute
to 0 or to a negative value, Maya will use the global Rays setting
in the Ambient Occlusion section of Render Settings: Indirect
Lighting tab.
- Bright Color
The color used when no
occluding objects are found. Default color is white.
- Dark Color
The color used when total
occlusion occurs. Default color is black.
- Spread
Defines how large an
area of the hemisphere above the point is sampled. The value defines the
cosine of the angle of a cone around the sampling direction which
is narrower for small values and wider for large values. Values
range from 1.0, for a cone that is a single direction, to 0.0 for
a cone that covers the entire hemisphere.
- Maximum Distance
The range within which
occlusion is calculated. Setting this value to 0 samples the entire
scene. For non-zero values, only objects within the Maximum
Distance are considered. Objects outside of this distance
do not occlude at all and objects that are closer occlude more strongly
as the distance approaches zero.
- Reflective
This option is disabled
by default. When disabled, sampling is performed in a cone area based
around the surface normal. If enabled, sampling is instead distributed
around the reflection direction, which generates reflective occlusion.
This can enhance the realism of reflection mapping.
- Cache Points
Sets the number of points
to be used for interpolation if Caching is
enabled via the Ambient Occlusion section in
the Render Settings: Indirect
Lighting tab. If you set this value to negative, Maya
uses the global Rays setting in the Render
Settings. If you set this value to 0, Maya ignores the
cache if present.
- Occlusion in Alpha
Enable this option so
that the scalar occlusion value is put in the returned color's alpha component,
regardless of the Output Mode. The other color
components remain as before. This option is particularly useful
for the Bent Normals Output
Output Mode
Defines the return color
for the Ambient Occlusion pass node.
Select from one of the following options.
- Occlusion
Standard occlusion behavior.
No bending of normals.
- Sampled Environment
Enables environment sampling.
The color returned is a result of the following: average of colors
sampled from the environment map * bright color + dark color.
- Bent Normals (world)
Bent normals are enabled
and calculated in world space and returned as RGB values where red=x,
green=y, and blue=z. Note that in this mode, the normals stored
on the surface are not bent. Instead, the bent normals are the output
of this node.
- Bent Normals (camera)
Bent normals are enabled
and calculated in camera space and returned as RGB values where red=x,
green=y, and blue=z. Note that in this mode, the normals stored
on the surface are not bent. Instead, the bent normals are the output
of this node.
- Bent Normals (object)
Bent normals are enabled
and calculated in object space and returned as RGB values where red=x,
green=y, and blue=z. Note that in this mode, the normals stored
on the surface are not bent. Instead, the bent normals are the output
of this node.