Set VRML2 properties in Maya

VRML2 Plug-ins

The vrml2Tags command lets you attach tags to objects that have no effect in Maya as dynamic Attributes, but will be added to the VRML2 file.

The vrml2Tags command is a MEL script file vrml2Tags.mel which is found in the scripts/other directory.

To set VRML2 properties:

  1. Select the objects you want to create with VRML2 attributes.
  2. Type vrml2Tags in the Command Line to run the vrml2Tags command. The following window displays.

  3. Change the settings of the vrml2 tags in this window and click the Add button.

  4. These attributes are now available for further changes in the Extra Attributes section of the object’s Attribute Editor.

See the following for attribute descriptions and workflows.

Link Objects to Web Addresses with VRML2Link

The Link and Message attributes lets you create, verify, or remove hypertext links.

To link objects to web addresses

  1. Select the object or objects you want to link.
  2. Execute the vrml2Tags MEL command to display the current VRML2 tags information. Type vrml2Tags in the Command Line.
  3. Press the Add button at the bottom of the window.

    The attributes are now accessible from the selected object’s Attribute Editor’s Extra Attributes section.

  4. In the vrml2 Link box, enter a Universal Resource Locator (URL). For example: 

    You can also add a description of the destination using the form:


    Where URL is the destination, the * (asterisk) is a separator, and DESCRIPTION is a description that will be displayed in the VRML browser when you point at the link.

    For example:*Alias Web Page
  5. When you output the scene using File > Export All, the objects become active VRML links.

Create preset VRML viewpoints

Viewpoints are predefined camera positions and views in a VRML world. Viewpoints help viewers navigate your VRML worlds (for example, allowing them to return to an entrance point, or view close-ups of objects).

To create VRML viewpoints

  1. Create a new camera.
  2. Name the camera. Use a name that contains only valid VRML2 characters. This means do not use dashes or [] {}. For example, a valid VRML2 camera name would be EntranceView.
  3. On the URL in the vrml2 Link field, type the name of the viewpoint this object will trigger, preceded by #. For example:

vrml2TagsWin attribute descriptions

The following describes the attributes in the vrml2TagsWin. Whatever you set in the vrmlTags window displays and becomes editable in the Extra Attributes section of the object’s Attribute Editor.

vrml2 Billboard menu

The VRML2 billBoard options include the standard VRML2 options, None, X-Rotating, Y-Rotating, and Screen Aligned.

vrml2 primitive menu

The VRML2 primitive options include the standard VRML2 options, None, Box, Cone, Cylinder, Sphere, and Elevation Grid.

vrml2 Sensor menu

The VRML2 sensor options include the standard VRML2 options, None, Cylinder, Sphere, Plane, Proximity, Touch, and Visibility.

vrml2 Collision menu

The VRML2 collision options include the standard VRML2 options, None and Object.

Do All selected checkBox

This checkbox performs the Add/Update operation on the entire current selection list. If it is not turned on, the current item in the selection list as shown at the top of the vrml2TagsWin window is used.

This is only useful if multiple objects are currently selected.

Add and Update checkBox

This checkbox combines the add and update functions at the same time. When turned off, the Add operation creates the dynamic attributes on the objects and uses the default settings. When turned on, the currently displayed settings are used to assign to the attributes.

Add button

Click this button to create default dynamic attributes on the objects in the current selection list. See Do All selected checkBox and Add and Update checkBox options for details.

Delete button

Click this button to delete the VRML2 dynamic attributes on the objects in the current selection list. See Do All selected checkBox and Add and Update checkBox options for details.

Selection stepping controls

The four stepping control buttons let you select which item to use for the individual object of interest. This is only useful if multiple objects are currently selected.

The buttons from left to right are first object, previous object, next object, and last object.

The current object of interest is listed in the first line of the vrml2Tags window.

Close button

Click this button to close the VRML2 tags window.