Clear the canvas

Clearing the canvas replaces the entire canvas with the default clear color. You can set this to be any color or change the color each time you clear.

To clear the canvas using the default clear color

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Select Canvas > Clear. The canvas clears to the default clear color.
    • Click the Clear Canvas icon on the toolbar.
      TipYou can define a hotkey to clear the canvas (in the Paint Effects category in the Hotkey editor, define ClearPaintEffectsView). For information on other Paint Effects hotkeys, see Use default Paint Effects hotkeys.

To set the default clear color of the canvas

  1. Select Canvas > Clear > . The Clear Color window opens.
  2. Click the color box to open the Color Chooser.
  3. Select the canvas color and click Clear. For information on using the Color Chooser, see the Basics guide.