cMuscleSplineDeformer node

This is a deformer node that provides a more powerful muscle deformation than the cMuscleStretch deformer, including custom muscle shaping. This node is partially driven from a cMuscleSpline node.

Below are descriptions of the attributes in the cMuscleSplineDeformer node. For descriptions of the spline control object attributes, see Spline control object attributes.

NoteMany of these settings can be changed in the Muscle Parameters tab.
Cur Len

The current length of the curve of the cMuscleSpline.

Pct Squash

The current amount the spline curve is squashed. This value ranges from 0 to 1 as the spline gets shorter.

Pct Stretch

The current amount the spline curve is stretched. This value ranges from 0 to 1 as the spline gets longer.

Enable Shaping

If on, custom muscle shaping is active and any shapes set up by the artist are used as the spline changes length.

Shaping Blend

For custom muscle shaping, controls how the shapes blend together. A larger value causes the shapes to falloff over a bigger length range and blend more together at a time. Smaller values make the shapes turn on and off only when the spline length is closer to the length the shape was made for.

Squash XStart/Squash ZStart

Controls the amount of scaling on X or Z for the beginning section of the object when the spline is shorter than the default length.

Squash XMid/Squash ZMid

Controls the amount of scaling on X or Z for the middle section of the object when the spline is shorter than the default length.

Squash XEnd/Squash ZEnd

Controls the amount of scaling on X or Z for the end section of the object when the spline is shorter than the default length.

Stretch XStart/Stretch ZStart

Controls the amount of scaling on X or Z for the beginning section of the object when the spline is longer than the default length.

Stretch XMid/Stretch ZMid

Controls the amount of scaling on X or Z for the middle section of the object when the spline is longer than the default length.

Stretch XEnd/Stretch ZEnd

Controls the amount of scaling on X or Z for the end section of the object when the spline is longer than the default length.

Spline control object attributes

The following are the attributes for the spline Control Objects:


Each control has an overall translate/rotate that positions the location of the spline points. You can manually parent your controls to get more of an FK-type setup.

Tangent Length

Controls the length of the tangent at each point. As the value increases, the tangent gets longer.


Each control point has independent jiggle. This sets the strength of the jiggle at this location. Larger values mean bigger motion.

Jiggle X/Y/Z

Controls the amount of jiggle relative to the local space of the control.

Jiggle Impact

Sets the strength of the impact jiggle that occurs when the muscle starts or stops moving suddenly. The motion is applied in a radial fashion around the axis of the spline.

Jiggle Impact Start/Jiggle Impact Stop

Set how much force must be applied to trigger the jiggle impact motion. Larger values make the jiggle less likely to trigger, smaller values make it more likely.


Sets the number of frames it takes the control point to bounce. Smaller values have a faster, higher frequency bounce, larger values have a slower bounce.


Sets the number of frames it takes the Jiggle to come to rest after force on it stops. Smaller values make the Jiggle stop sooner, larger values make the Jiggle continue longer.

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