Specifies how the Color
Material Channel blends color-per-vertex (CPV) values
with the assigned shading material.
- Overwrite
Replaces the assigned
shading material values with the CPV values.
- Add
Adds the CPV values to
the assigned material shading values depending on the Color
Material Channel setting.
- Subtract
Blends the CPV values
by subtracting the CPV values from the assigned material shading values,
depending on the Color Material Channel setting.
- Multiply
Blends the CPV values
by multiplying the CPV values and the assigned shading values together.
- Divide
Blends the CPV values
by dividing the assigned shading values by the CPV values.
- Average
Blends the CPV values
by first averaging the CPV values and the assigned shading values.
- Modulate2X
Blends the CPV values
by multiplying the CPV values and the assigned shading values together and
then multiplies the product by 2. This is used with some gaming