Set blend shape deformers

To create a blend shape deformer

  1. Select one or more deformable objects for target object shape(s), and then select one deformable object as the base object shape.
  2. Select Create Deformers > Blend Shape > .

    The Create Blend Shape Options window appears.

  3. Click the Basic and Advanced tabs and set the creation options.

    See Create Deformers > Blend Shape and Advanced deformer options.

    NoteThe default Front Of Chain option is only available for blend shape deformers.
  4. (Optional) As you set the creation options, you can also do the following:
    • Select Edit > Save Settings to save the creation options and keep the options window open.
    • Select Edit > Reset Settings to reset the options to their default and keep the options window open.
  5. Do one of the following:
    • Click Create to create a blend shape and close the options window.
    • Click Apply to create a blend shape and keep the options window open.
    • Click Close to close the Create Blend Shape Options window.

To create a new blend shape using the Blend Shape editor

  1. Select all targets, and then select the base.

    You must select the base last.

  2. Select Window > Animation Editors > Blend Shape.

    The Blend Shape Editor appears. See Blend Shape Editor.

  3. In the Blend Shape editor menu bar, select Edit > Create BlendShape.

    The new blend shape node and slider(s) appear in the Blend Shape editor.

To create blend shape deformation effects

  1. Edit the blend shape deformer channels and attributes.
  2. Use the Blend Shape editor ( Window > Animation Editors > Blend Shape) to control the influence of the target object shapes.

    For more information, see Edit blend shape deformers.