Opens the Import file browser. This window lets you browse for animation clip files to import. Import Clip imports the selected animation clip to the current, highlighted character. You can import animation clips that have one of the following file formats:
Import Animation Clip to Characters
Opens the Import file browser. This window lets you browse for the animation clip files you want to import to your loaded characters. Import Animation Clip to Character imports the selected animation clip to all the loaded characters in Trax. You can import animation clips that have one of the following file formats:
Set one of the following options:
Adds the animation clip you are importing to the Trax Editor and Visor.
Opens the Import file browser. This window lets you browse for audio files to import to your Soundtrack for the current scene. You can import audio files that have the following file formats:
For information on the Import Options window, see File > Import.
Opens the Import file browser. This window lets you browse for and select an existing geometry or nCloth cache file to attach to the current object. If the current object already has a geometry or nCloth cache, the cache file you browse to and select replaces the original cache but does delete it from disk. See Create or import geometry caches.
Opens the Export file browser. This window lets you browse for the location to which you want to export your animation clip. You can export your animation clips as the following file types:
Opens the Write file browser. This window lets you browse for the character set to which you want to export your character map. You can export character maps as the following file types:
Map Method
Sets the format of the character map you want to export. The Map Method option you choose depends on which map you expect will be the easiest to edit. Before you select a Map Method, you first need to know the attributes (and their order) of both character sets.
Creates a map using the current mapping for the selected character sets. This is useful if you have already exported a map to fix character mapping, then later need to add new attributes to the character set. If you use By Current Map, you will only be able to edit the attribute mappings you have added since the last time you corrected the mapping.
This option works only if you have already exported a character map and executed the resulting MEL script. See Mapping animation between characters.
Removes the selected animation clip from the Trax Editor and stores it in your system’s virtual clipboard. See Cut, copy, and paste clips.
Copies the selected animation clip in the Trax Editor and stores the copy in your system’s virtual clipboard.
Pastes the copied or cut animation clip from your system’s virtual clipboard to the highlighted Character in the Trax Editor.
Paste Method
Select a Paste Method if you want to paste the copied or cut animation clip to a different character.
Select this option only if you plan on exporting the target character’s character map. See Import or export animation data.
Start Frame
Specifies where the copied animation clip will be pasted.
When on, the copied clip will be pasted in the source clip’s track at the position of the Trax current time indicator. For example, if the Trax current time indicator is at frame 40, then when you paste the clip it will appear at frame 40.
If a clip already occupies the time specified by the current time indicator, then a new track is created and the copied clip is inserted there.
Splits the selected animation or geometry cache clip into two separate clips. See Split clips.
By default, the first new clip that is generated is named Start and the second new clip is named End. Also, if you split animation clips, the two new source clips are named clipnStartSource and clipnEndSource.
Source Clip
For animation clips only. Specifies the status of the selected clip’s source clip after it is split.
Split Time
When on, the selected clip will be split at the time you specify in the Split Time field.
Merges the selected animation cache clips. See Nonlinear Animation.
Clips can be merged within a track, or clips from separate tracks can be merged. The clip that begins first becomes the first section of the merged clip. When clips that overlap in time are merged, their animation is blended automatically.
To merge geometry cache clips, see Merge geometry cache clips.
For geometry or nCloth cache clips only.
When creating a geometry or nCloth cache, one sample of your object’s deformations is taken every frame and saved to your cache by default.
Evaluate every frame(s) specifies how often samples are taken during geometry or nCloth cache creation. For example, a value of 2 caches the deformations or simulation of the current object at every other frame of the Cache Time Range.
Save every evaluation(s) specifies which samples are saved during geometry or nCloth cache creation. For example, a value of 2 specifies that only every other sample specified by the Evaluate every frame(s) option is saved to your geometry or nCloth cache.
For more information, see Geometry cache creation.
Removes the segment of the selected animation or geometry cache clip that comes before the Trax current time indicator’s position.
Removes the segment of the selected animation or geometry cache clip that comes after the Trax current time indicator’s position.
When you duplicate an animation clip, a new track is generated and a copy of the clip is added to this track.
When on, creates a copy of the selected animation clip whose duplicate animation is independent of the original clip’s source animation. This means you can edit the animation on this new clip and it won’t affect the animation on your original clip—it will only affect the duplicate.
When off, creates a copy of the selected animation clip whose duplicate animation is dependent on the original clip’s source animation. This means any modifications made to the original clip’s animation are propagated to the duplicate clip.
Set one of the following options:
Places the duplicate clip in the Visor only.
Put Copy in Visor Only is available only when Duplicate Input Connections is on.
Lets you apply the current channel offset settings from one animation clip to another. This is useful when you want multiple clips to have the same offset settings.
Lets you select a Quick Select Set. When you select a Quick Select Set in Trax, the animation or geometry cache clips that are part of the set you select are quickly loaded and displayed in the track view area.
For information on creating a Quick Select Set of clips, see Quick Select Set.
Opens the Attribute Editor and displays the selected character’s, animation clip’s, object’s, or geometry cache clip’s nodes and attributes.
Turns on or off the selected animation clip’s animation curves or the selected geometry cache clips cache. See Enabled/disabled clips or Enable or disable geometry cache clips.
Turns Activate Keys on or off for the selected animation clip. The Activate Keys mode lets you key into a clip. See Active/inactive clips.
Creates an animation clip for the current character. See Animation clips and Animate > Create Clip.
The options in the Create Constraint Clip Options window are the same as those in the Create Clip Options window, with the exception that the Create Constraint Clip Options window does not contain the Time Range Animation Curve option. For information on the options in the Create Constraint Clip Options window, see Animate > Create Clip.
The options in the Create Expression Clip Options window are the same as those in the Create Clip Options window, with the exception that the Create Expression Clip Options window does not contain the Time Range Animation Curve option. For information on the options in the Create Expression Clip Options window, see Animate > Create Clip.
Creates a pose for the current character. See Poses.
For information on the Create Pose Options window, see Animate > Create Pose.
Blends the selected animation clips. You can only create a blend between two animation clips at a time. See Blends and Create and edit blends.
Initial Weight Curve
Sets how the blend is interpolated at the beginning, middle, and end of the animation clip.
Creates a character set for the current object. See Characters, groups, and subcharacters.
For more information
on the Create Character Set Options window,
Character > Create Character Set > .
Creates a time warp curve for the current animation clip. See Time warps and Create and edit time warps.
Creates a Quick Select Set for the current animation or geometry cache clips. Quick Select Set lets you create a selection set for multiple clips from various clips and characters. The selection sets you create with this option appear under Trax menu bar > Edit > Quick Select Sets.
You can edit the membership of an existing quick select set with the Relationship Editor. See Relationship Editor.
Creates a geometry cache clip for the current object. See Geometry Cache > Create New Cache and Create or import geometry caches.
When on, any objects or characters you select in either the scene view or the Time Slider’s Current Character drop-down list are automatically loaded into Trax. Also, when you cancel your selection in the scene view, all characters and objects are automatically removed from Trax.
Only available when Autoload Selected Characters is off.
Loads all selected characters or objects into Trax, replacing the currently loaded characters or objects. If you select Load Selected Characters, cancelling your selection in the scene view does not remove the characters and objects from Trax.
Only available when Autoload Selected Characters is off.
Loads the selected characters or objects into Trax. Use this menu item to add characters or objects to Trax when there is already a number of characters or objects loaded in Trax.